Accept the ultimate, final truth of the universe.
Accept the ultimate, final truth of the universe
>not joining the Flat Justice League
Sounds gay.
>Supergirl getting mogged by Power Girl
it just keeps happening
I find this to be hot
I enjoy a good mogging as much as the next guy, but isn't Supergirl more powerful than Peej? Aren't Earth-2 Kryptonians less powerful in general?
What's tge difference?
You can train a dog.
For me, it's "daily life with huge tits."
>tall skinny lanklet supergirl
I actually like this idea
Cute tummies are the guarantee of strong heirs in the future, however.
Then where's my wealth of PG comics, you son of a bitch?
Written decades ago. You know big tits are now verboten.
I fucking hate this timeline
At least the japs are holding out but who knows for how long
I mean titty monster are becoming more common and even huger. Ilulu is proof of that. The japs will be fine.
>Justice League
Right here. These are perfect.
the one you find most attractive reveals the type of person you are
Too much overlap to choose
I mean besides the child
Flat is criminal
All these flavors, and I choose vanilla.
Is there one with extra big breasts?
You want the Mighty Endowed convention.
the way a superhero/villain acts around cosplayers reveals the type of person they are
Nah if there's a flat child there should be an extra-big PG there
I don't like Mighty Endowed's character design, I don't care how big her breasts are
You make me sad.
What's the point of big boobs if seeing them blinds you? Terrible "power".
Those mouths...
Fuck you for pointing this out, now I'll never unsee it.
sometimes there is such a thing as too big
Some breeds of dogs are more intelligent.
Perhaps I will use this next time I DM.
there was also a 2d6 version
Perhaps one day we will witness one of those times.
both are lame
>want a strong lean busty Powergirl
>all pictured are various levels of fat
Maybe I'll stick with She-Hulk
wonder if todd nauck can do a commission and finally give us mighty endowed's full uncensored pic.
shut your whore mouth. there never, never such a thing as 'omg that's too big'.
Didn't she get banned though?
>adventurer's charisma is so high she can't fit into that kickass piece of armor she just got
Honestly not the worst idea for a character gimmick I've heard.
This reminds me of the shit Tayuri used to draw, except this looks a little better than what he /she drew
gonna need the artist on this op
Why would she get banned? She is dressed normally.
Huge tits. I think she was streaming way before the e-thot shit really took off when Twitch was super anti any of that.
none of them are larkin love
SauceNAO is your friend.
Her tongue is unreal
There should be other factors besides just charisma and dexterity. Maybe some NPC's prefer flat, so CHA scores are reversed for those characters. Maybe other female NPC's get a negative modifier to social interactions equal to the size difference between you and them, due to jealousy. Its also possible that being too endowed attracts too much attention, which may be bad for stealth characters or for situations where you want to lie low. The isolation imposed by other females due to jealousy and the increased visibility and attention pose their own sets of challenges to well endowed characters, which keeps them from being uninteresting and broken.