I've never really watched this series, but I read most episodes are stand alone stories. I suppose that it is full of wild non cannon stories which sounds fun. So can any user let me know if this series is worth picking up. The complete 104 episdoes in a steel case from BB
Sonic Boom
It's funny, comfy, and all worth watching. Some will say that only season 2 is worth it but even some of the jokes that are always posted on here are from the first season. You'll enjoy the characters and the villagers get more fleshed out as the show goes. The only real downside is how formulaic the action is. Don't expect each fight to be any different from the last.
Just curious, but does the show do meta jokes like the comic did?
That's where the comics got it from. The show is mostly meta jokes. It comes from how casual everyone is so there's more time to point out weird things and tropes and even memes. There's a Chrischan episode mixed with Misery and it goes places. The words "Sonamy" and "fanfic" are used for god's sake.
do you think the boom characters will ever be canon?
last thread ended with a schizo meltdown, lets try to get something just as wacky again
you're looking at it baby
also link to last thread?
It seems this thread has already began with one.
if i was hiro and i saw this thread i would ban sonic from Yea Forums on the spot
Aw sweet, a schizo thread
Well, you're not hiro.
It's honestly weird how Sonic wasn't always like that, it's art style is based on Felix the Cat after all.
I like how there's a lot of variations of Sonic. So there's one for everyone. The only problem is that a lot of them aren't around anymore.
Change your diapers.
alright, I gotta know, what the fuck happened last thread
and does anyone have a link to it or did it get nuked
I'm glad /sthg/ kicks out fags like you. You are fucking awful. Do you ever have self-awareness?
Thanks, Fartchie user. Needed a good laugh.
Stopping shitting hard in your diapers, Richmunk.
but /sthg/ literally made fun of you and your discord autism
Let it go, diaper furfag.
Dingers! Dingers!
I just got finished transcoding my blu-ray rips today, my new PC lets me do x265 encodes way faster than my old PC could've.
Skimming through each of the episodes to verify them and you can stop at pretty much any points and stumble into something funny or surprising on some level.
I'm glad freeshit furniggers are GONE DEAD and BURIED.
God, every day I cherish my life more and more, ever since Archieshit was canned.
Why are Archiefags like this?
Never happened, Richmunk.
>no more eggman just hanging out and being a nuisance at most
>no more eggman sharing hobbies with amy, providing amusement for sonic, or dating advice for tails
You smell pretty bad. You reek off poop.
I'm confused by these responses, what exactly happened/ is happening?
Grow up.
It's just one user spamming. Their first batch of spam got deleted so now they're replying multiple times to the same post.
Archieniggers shitting the board with their shitty uncanon comics no one cares about.
No one likes you.
Sally will never be canon.
SEGA will never ever revive your shitty favorite OCs.
>ywn pat tails on the head
>what exactly happened/ is happening?
As always severe, unmedicated schizophrenia
Christ, could you make a worse post than that?
Imo the live action movies are much better, but it's probably the best Sonic cartoon out there. It's very self-aware and they reference internet humor and other media but not in a way that's annoying. Give it a watch if you have some free time
The movies are really funny too and heartwarming in a way that's difficult to describe, definitely recommend them even if you're not really into Sonic
Go back.
Depends. Either he's compensating or it's the source of his confidence. Probably average.
well, i can see THAT.
Agreed that Sonic needs to be banned from Yea Forums because it is the actual first MLP FiM with the annoying fantards spamming their trash. Tired of these shitty threads especially Sonic Boom which is the worst of Sonic shit.
That seems unreasonable though.
Pony stuff was suffocating Yea Forums prior to /mlp/ and global rule 15.
Steven Universe was getting way too many threads at one time too.
Sonic Yea Forumsntent is typically the comic storytime stuff (that's moved onto fan-comics) and maybe the odd extra thread for the cartoons that aren't made in Japan, or maybe stuff like Tails Gets Trolled or Tamers12345.
That's the shitposter you're replying to.
It's surprising how important this ended up being in season 2.