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Did he decline? Was he considered?

You don't get it user. He can actually come back now that Jim is out of the picture.

And get killed like a bitch? No

He was probably considered, but Krasinski was more popular with normies.

Too based to be murked by Wanda.

>Jim is out of the picture.

You don't actually believe that, do you?

The John Kransinski cameo was the replacement to Tom Cruise's Iron Man, 100% sure of that, both serve the same purpose of being meta fanservice

We'll see. Either they'll announce him as being in the F4 in the coming weeks, or they won't. I wouldn't mind a movie with an older Reed.

Live action shit is right there.
>bu...but it's from a comi...
No, fuck off. Rapeywood shit is on

It really should've

There was never a Tom Cruise Iron Man cameo.

They are saving him to become The Maker. Or maybe it will be Teller. What's he doing these days?

There was going to be but didn't end up happening, it was their original plan

I thought for sure if Jim was actually cast as MCU Reed we'd have a full FF cast and director announced by the end of the weekend

not it wasn't

It never was.

We had a director until last week.

Having him die in 5 minutes would have been a waste of good casting and you know it

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No. It's not. Live actions adaptions are Yea Forums related have been since the start. I don't like it either, but that's how it is.

Him leaving was another reason I thought we’d get a full cast and director. Damage control

They'll do a Council of Reeds story, with Kransinski, Gruffuld, Teller and Hyde-White.

Secret Wars

Teller will be the Maker.

there were too many leaks MONTHS into shooting for it not to be true. then they had reshoots down til the last possible second

there's an extra illuminati chair. in the titan scene, there is an extra spot where a character would've been standing, it's framed weird, and not "raimi weird" just off

the wanda confrontation has empty space as well

it probably happened and either a) feige liked it so much and they're going to save it for later or b) they edited down the 838 scene and because of that cruise didn't get a lot of time and it wasn't worth it for him/marvel paying him

i don't think krasinski was a replacement though like the other user, i think cruise was just cut

they shot it in london, cruise and hayley were in london shooting MI7, so obviously she made it

>there were too many leaks MONTHS into shooting for it not to be true.

None of the actually reliable leaks ever mentioned Iron Cruise, only the bullshit fake ones.

>Did he decline?
He said he wanted to play a villain in the MCU a couple of years ago
>Was he considered?
I don't think so but who knows

I'm glad. Now he can come back with a proper AU Reed role, as the Maker or Luthor Reed or Nazi Reed or whatever, and not just go out in 5 minutes.

If they do a Council of Reeds, everyone will think they ripped of Rick and Morty.

Look deep in your heart, you know this to be true.

I'm glad it wasn't. I wasn't a fan of those movies but the entire Illuminati slaughter made me uncomfortable and would rather not see Griffud brought back just to be killed off like that. It's the exact kind of thing I can't stand about stuff like Marvel Zombies.

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My theory is Cruise didn’t want to get killed

Killed and presented as a villain. The leaks always made him out to be a Superior Iron Man style nutjob.

Why does everyone keep acting like Reed is dead? Don't these people know anything about comics. Unless Wanda torched Reed's corpse and turned it to ash, Reed ain't close to dead.

Bruh she unraveled him into nothing and exploded his brain like a firecracker.

Reed's brain isn't localized in his head. His entire body is made of a living rubber and therefore spread througout his entire body. Reed is notoriously one of the harder supes to kill for that very reason.

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I wonder how many people would be pissed if Krasinski isn't Mr. Fantastic in the F4 movie? Cause we all know if Professor X is brought back, it will be a new actor.

I hope he is brought in as the Maker.

Wasn't the extra chair Mordo's?

They can just get McAvoy

I always took the Superior stuff as just he had the white armor and not the actual plot of Superior but it’s all irrelevant now

In the comics user. We're not dealing with the same multiverse or rules here, and Movies always tend to nerf powers like that significantly anyway.

I'm still cautiously optimistic. And I really don't think it would be that much of a stretch (HA) to have the same powers in the MCU. After all, they're the FANTASTIC four. Super science and adventure. I feel like Marvel is almost required to go that far with that team of characters.

Whatever the case in, it's more/less confirmed that we're going to get Krasinski for Watt's upcoming Fantastic Four movie and I'm definitely on board.

They should have killed Miles Teller's Reed Richards. That would have been vindicating on a number of levels.

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I feel it will be a couple weeks. Though given that the cameo is an unavoidable spoiler and already well known at this point, maybe sooner.

I feel like Krasinski was fan service. Most definitely a part of the late reshoots. Though, who knows? He mentioned he had kids so maybe we'll get a lived in/older F4.

If they go that route, I'm mostly certain the F4 movie will be akin to a Lost in Space type adventure that ends with them finding themselves into present day MCU.

The early leaks indicated that Krasinski is a one off thing and Watts was casting his own Fantastic Four for the "616" film. But Watts has left the project now so who knows what's going on anymore.

Not them, but yeah, I think it was. My other thought was that it was Illuminati Strange's. (though both could be true).

It's a rotating chair for whatever extraneous multiverse person they find.

what's funny is that now that they gave this one to reddit and twitter, they don't even care about it

>His entire body is made of a living rubber and therefore spread througout his entire body. Reed is notoriously one of the harder supes to kill for that very reason.
wouldn't it be even easier to cause him brain damage?

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>He mentioned he had kids so maybe we'll get a lived in/older F4.
If he lost a little bit of weight, I think he could alternate between a younger Reed and older Reed relatively easy. He hasn't really changed too much over the past decade and it's shocking what you can accomplish with just a few light touches and a change of clothing/hairstyle can do. Just shaving my beard completely drops five years. Also losing some weight can make the face look much much younger. He could do it.

Since Watts is now off The Fantastic Four (and it doesn't seem like Marvel is going to slow down production), which director would you like to see take on the title? If I had to take a guess, if Marvel is going to pull from directors they already have on hand then I think Peyton Reed would be their safest choice. That or Sam Raimi but I don't think we'd be that lucky.

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So is Krasinki coming back as Reed or what?

I thought he was very well acted with what little we got.

Not now that his brain also has the resilience of an elastic substance.

Oh he's too famous and marketable not to implement. ALso he has good comedic chops which will be essential for a MCU Reed.

I thought that only applies to the Maker?

I'm glad it wasn't, there's still room for him to be the mainline Reed

The MCU has on occassion pulled from the Ultimate Universe and given the nature of what we're talking (a modification of Mr. Fantastic's biology), it honestly wouldn't even be a big deal. It wouldn't affect anything prior as there hasn't been anyone like him before. They could set precedent. On the topic of 616 Reed, I cannot for the life of me remember if they ever tested this, but from what I can tell they haven't "not" tested it so it may still be viable. If they can handwave away unstable molecules as part of their suits it wouldn't be an asspull to have him come back. Again this is my talking out my ass so I could be way off.

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I think the likeliest possibility is that Krasinski will return as a Reed from a different universe

I always liked that bit in Ultimate F4, that none of them are really anything remotely human any more. Reed barely needs to eat or drink, Ben apparently shits rocks, and even Johnny goes into a torpor as his internal fire dies down and he ashes over, only to reignite later.

The one thing I hope they don't do is "rockless" Ben.

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>He said he wanted to play a villain in the MCU a couple of years ago

How mindblowing if he plays The Maker

I would be psyched if they went as far as to make The Maker the next Thanos. Having Reed start out as a good guy and have a tragic, twisted downfall would make for a new dimension of villain.

Shouldn't the illuminati have all had infinity stones? They apparently just killed Thanos straight-up, and they seemed arrogant enough to hang on to them instead of destroying them.

The infinity stones are useless outside their own universe/timeline.

So it would be that useful for a group that deals around the multiverse.

Underrated theme.

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