>3 days clean
>boredom makes me relapse
>devoting 100% of my time to my hobbies so that won’t happen
>need books that will prevent me from getting bored
>not even sure what i’m looking for just throw some ideas out
>this will help me a lot anons, thank you :)
3 days clean
Contrary Farmer
From heroin? How could be so stupid to do that shit
I'd recommend picking up a higher calling, it's an interesting read about a german pilot that guided a damaged American bomber back to safety instead of gunning him down back during WW2. Good luck staying sober OP you got this.
>starting every line with the meme arrow when it's totally unnecessary
>how could you be so stupid as to not be a perfect human being and make every correct decision
shut the fuck up, i’m not on heroin but what do you gain from shitting on someone trying to improve themselves no matter the substance. absolute objectivist cancer.
>He thinks he can replicate the dopamine high of substance abuse with the slow burning release of reading
It's a completely different mindset. You need years to retrain
Harder to give up masturbation and sex than it is to quit opiates.
whenever i get bored i relapse, i know it won’t be easy but i’d rather distract myself with something that will improve me as a person rather than tv.
Just watch anime
Go work on a farm or boat or something. Put yourself in a physical space where relapse is impossible and you don't have time to even think about drugs. Just try not to be an asshole about it to the people you're working with.
Also weed is a good alternative when you're bored. See if you can get some job planting trees or picking fruit, some seasonal manual shitty low pay crap like that, and just grind at it for 12 hours a day. Smoke a joint when you're done work and take a nice walk, maybe read or write a bit, then sleep and repeat it again the next day. That's the best way to get clean.
dont worry man you can fucking do it, you and me are in this shit together fucker. Read mother fucker read i dont care if you read 10-20mins a day i dont give a fuck read devote your time to hobbys i fucking love you user stay clean bitch
do you have a reason for wanting to go for literature when there's , music, movies, as well as videogames, diy and other interactive freetime activities? I'd think that you would want something that gives you that reliable dopamine kick of accomplishment. literature barely accomplishes that.
I guess Terry Pratchett is pretty good in terms of fun-levels while also being engaging on other levels.
same guy here, dident see you wanted book rec. was too riled up. I'll throw some rec from some stuff i've read recently:TCoL49(this one is weird but so worth it),AP(great shit just gotta get through the bs),Plato's Dialogues and Neuromancer(super trippy really confusing but the cyberspace scenes are great ).
Thats all gl man, you can do it btw. As soon as I stopped I managed to pick
my shit up in uni and now the prof. has noticed my change has told me hes sincerely impressed. The goal is a PhD in Philo. for me...what the fuck is your goal cunt, whatever it is you want you can do it
It literally says "Pills" you fucking mongoloid.
The levels of weakness and poor character necessary to become a junkie in the first place is almost incomprehensible.
People like you should be executed.
His constant use of the word “fucker” makes it hard for me to disagree
>Pills=my prescription lithium
Hence why it has cost me 0$ in the labels. Your self hatred is apparent sleep well tonight friend
I am clean over 5 years from heroin. You need to get rid of that midset and entirely retrain how you think. Positive coping mechanisms rather than resorting to opioids because you are bored is what you need. A book may be that positive coping mechanism, but it also may not be.
I unironically advocate AA. Surround yourself with folks who have the same goal. Don't go to NA. Go to AA. You still might relapse and die either way as many people do but I hope you are willing to subscribe to the mindset that you will do whatever it takes to live a better life.
Imagine being upset at other people trying to attempt good change. gb2 to the anti-natalist thread, doomer trash.
It probably takes more strength to quit doing drugs once you're hooked than it does to not get hooked in the first place.
Remove relapse triggers from your life (e.g. people, places, things). Engage in positively reinforcing behaviors (that is, enjoyable things that grow increasingly enjoyable while also expanding one's mind and health) such as exercise, social interaction, or the strenuous joy of building up one's abilities in a difficulty hobby or passtime such as reading or art. Find alternative coping skills to utilize when exposed to feelings that would typically lead one to use: when stressed, find an adaptive stress release; when bored, find an adaptive excitement. Make this alternative a mainstay. Eventually, that habitual response will strengthen just as much as your addictive habit will atrophy. On that note, it is also important that you begin to build your patience. It is unreasonable to expect to be entertained or enraptured all of the time, and you need to be capable of being bored without doing anything stupid. Boredom can be pleasant, even. It is your choice to pathologize boredom, to make it out to be an evil thing. On that note, I suggest Walden.
I'm so proud of you. I suggest you look up a local NA or aa meeting in your area and attend! You aren't alone in your addiction. Try picking up a productive hobby (writing, studying a game, etc) instead of a consumptive hobby like reading.
>consumptive hobby
Infinite Jest has a good endnote joking about how literally every activity can be construed as addictive to the point that truly following AA or NA, in its total demonization of addictive habits and hobbies generally speaking, would necessitate sitting inertly in a chair doing nothing and then suddenly vanishing into a puff of existentially detached smoke, Buddha-like. The word "addiction" is just "habit" derogatively put; we must be addicted to be alive, if only addicted to living itself, but it is up to us to pick out wiser addictions, relatively sustainable addictions, such as wholesome addiction to love or beauty or the welfare of others.
>everything is an addiction
If you want to get technical I guess. Some habits serve to grow your soul, and others consume it. We are all weak to some things, others can help us play the tape forward and remind us why it's a good idea to resist certain temptations. AA is a much better habit than heading down to the circle K and picking up your daily bottle.
So, you agree with me! Why even respond at such length?
I process ideas externally. I confirm comprehension via rephrasing and seeking validation. Now I know we agree, and learned a new way of describing something I already knew. I could have asked you the same question instead of replying the first time ;)
What are your thoughts on studies which suggest that the success rate of AA is roughly equivalent to rates of spontaneous recovery? I say this as somebody working at a detox.
That recovery is a choice one needs to make for themselves and that many members are coerced into participating. AA is a tool, not a solution. The court won't order you to detox of your own free will. That the numbers are equal seems like confirmation to me of the value of the program, that even when you throw in a bunch of people who don't want to get better the total success rate is roughly the same.
What app is that?
i relapsed after 2 weeks of not drinking. now another 5 days sober. i drink to combat boredom and self hatred but when i don't drink i'm disinterested in everything and only see bullshit everywhere i look. i feel very stuck. i read every day but most of the time i can't focus for very long or get sad about the fact that i'm alone and can't spend time with people that i enjoy because i don't have real friends
You've been sober for the 18 out of the last 19 days. Props to you!
Crime and Punishment.
A well-measured response, accounting for the same confounding factoids that the researchers (to my memory) account for, but at the same time, your response is disingenuous; you do not even momentarily consider that your faith in AA is mistaken. But if you feel that it works, and you are sober, what's the difference?
read ; also, be willing to suffer, and embrace a fuller sense of frolic than alcohol allows, and a fuller sense of humor at the vicissitudes of living. Read Walden, and then Tristram Shandy.
lmao this nigga can't stop abusing benedryl
There are no niggers on the internet.
Hey man, congrats on 3 days. just got to 9 months myself. Best advice I can give you is to keep moving and find sober friends.
Please go back to -Reddit.
Ah-hem. Did you not get the memo, buddy?
Pick a long novel with short chapters. I recommend The Brothers Karamazov, but some others are Don Quixote, Anna Karenina, and Moby-Dick.
Good luck user
The advice may sound a little /fitlit/-ty, but you should consider going to the gym if you are not already. Smoking is not as bad as pills, but the gym helped me quit.
>enjoyable things that grow increasingly enjoyable while also expanding one's mind and health
As this user : it starts out awkward, but I guarantee you, there is no better feeling than to realize that you are lifting a weight that is three times heavier than the one you started with.
The gym can and should be accompanied by Plato and Marcus Aurelius. If these bore you, I don't know, le Carré never fails to entertain me during long journeys by train.
*as this user put it
fear and loathing in las vegas
i also want to know
It's fucking amazing how these retards became world power.
According to Americans, they've dedicated the past 100 years to manifesting the physical Antichrist and bring about the end of the world. Might have something to do with that.
Damn, dude. The worst addiction I've had (to overcome) was video games, and that felt like a struggle, though doesn't even compare. I don't know if reading is a good pastime since it's so easy to put the book down and shoot up, instead.