How should I write a letter to an ex? (It's part apology part trying to get her to reconsider). Will short direct sentences like Hemingway's work to create an intimate, assuring but also soul baring confessional effect? Should I keep it short?
Also recommend me some writers' letters to study
How should I write a letter to an ex? (It's part apology part trying to get her to reconsider)...
Cut off your hand and mail it to her mom
Don't do that dude seriously you'll feel like an idiot when she rejects you
Not to crush all of your hopes and dreams, but a letter is probebly not gonna do the trick. I would suggest going over to /fit and ask for some advice on how to get ripped.
Really depends on the reason why you broke up with her in the first place and her personality
Jesus don't do that have some dignity
I'm basically her oneitis.
I thought I wanted to fuck other girls and she was suffocating me with her caring and sweet personality. Cheated on her & behaved badly. Funny things is, I didn't fuck others after the break up while she did a short-term 180 degree slut phase to cope. I know she still cares about me
I used to be in the same situation as you but I've watched Neon Genesis Evangelion and got better.
Focus on being sincere. Recognizing your wrongs but not overdoing the apology or basking in self-hate or self-pity. Also don't try to play charming trick on her that will sound obvious. Like 'anonita, I sorry I hurt you, I did it for X ans Y reason, but I was wrong."
Really something simple and heartfelt. It would be better face to face so try to convey your own voice in your writing, as if you were actually talking to her but with just the proper level of editing to not sound retarded on paper.
I strongly advise at least a good hour of self-examination about why you did what you did and why you want her back (and whether you really do) before writing a single line.
Then it should come pretty easily, though you'll probably hit roadblocks here and there.
Don't stress it out and don't be afraid to redo 3-4 times, but after 4 times you should be rather close to what you want to say. If you aren't then you haven't examined enough.
TL;DR: Now what you want with her, be sincere without being a bitch, remind her of why you were fine together and why you're not gonna cuck her again.
Dearest Edna, I must leave you. Why, I cannot say. Where, you cannot know. How I will get there, I haven't decided yet. But one thing I can tell you, any time I hear the wind blow it will whisper the name Edna. And so let us part with a love that will echo through the ages. ---user.
Move on. Ditch women. Use them as fuckholes. Only way.
hi, it's me, you from the future
you really shouldn't
don't write her a letter
don't message her, don't phone her, don't do any fucking cringy shit
it sounds like a great idea but later you will be crippled with shame and even more heartbreak and will rue this day, please believe me
In that case probably try to focus on how good it was for both of you while you were together without pushing it too hard but still paying this fact more attention than if you were just casually noticing it, also write as sincerely as you can without sounding like an overly sentimental faggot, i.e. expose your thoughts strictly and wholeheartedly but choose more stylistically neutral words for that with occasional exceptions, considering she will appreciate contender more than the wrap. Also, you seem to be a really matching couple of retards so I bet it'll work out for you anyway my man
Hey, don't believe the other poster. I'm you, from the future. Write that letter, you will not regret it. You know what? Fuck that letter. Go to the pub, get wasted and call her. She loved that.
If she'd still be alive, she would be writing this with me. Do not have children, specially for do not have Paul.
With love, you. Be strong.
Start with,
Christ dude, don't do it. You're just going to cause her pain, but by the looks of it you such a scumbag that that probably doesn't matter to you. If you have it in you, have some respect.
Tell her the truth, that's all you can do.
Just don't
>9 October 1929
>Terrible Baby:
>I like your letters, which are sweet, and I like you, because you're sweet too. And you're candy, and you're a wasp, and you're honey, which comes from bees and not wasps, and everything's just fine, and Baby should always write me, even when I don't, which is always, and I'm sad, and I'm crazy, and no one likes me, and why should they, and that's exactly right, and everything goes back to the beginning, and I think I'll call you today, and I'd like to kiss you precisely and voraciously on the lips, and to eat your lips and whatever little kisses you're hiding there, and to lean on your shoulder and slide into the softness of your little doves, and to beg your pardon, and the pardon to be make-believe, and to do it over and over and period until I start again, and why do you like a scoundrel and a troll and a fat slob with a face like a gas meter and the expression of someone who's not there but in the toilet next door, and indeed, and finally, and I'm going to stop because I'm insane and I always have been, it's from birth, which is to say ever since I was born, and I wish Baby were my doll so I could do like a child, taking off her clothes, and I've reached the end of the page, and this doesn't seem like it could be written by a human being but it was written by me.
>slut phase
No turning back from this, so won't give you any other advice than the fact that you must look elsewhere.
You're definitely not her oneitis if she fucked other guys.
Hey babe wanna smash?
This pretty much.
You fucked up hard. If it was something of a mutual thing then you could potentially write a letter and reconcile, but this letter will basically just be your ego rather than any sense of right.
What's wrong with declaring your will?
Leave the poor girl alone and live with your mistakes. Be a man, not some pining crybaby. You fucked up, get over it and move on.
He already has, that is his regret
It will sound insicere and cynical. She might get even madder and expose his letter to everyone, making OP look like a retard who fucked up while she is exalted as doing the right thing. Basically a lose-lose situation
Lmao you were a piece of garbage and turned her into garbage as a result
I thought owning up to the wrongdoing and pleading for forgiveness is supposed to be virtuous
Yes but I was very young and psychologically fucked up.
Ive been in your position before and genuinely thought I was writing her a letter of apology. What I was actually doing was reinserting myself into her life so I could have sex with her for a bit and then abandon her again. Even making a big show of blaming it all on yourself is actually just making you look new and reformed and mature, while reminding her of the implicit power imbalance. The impulse for either of us to even write about this on here is that we enjoy the feeling of power we had over these girls, it validates our narcissism. This charade about remorse is just a cover story to gloat, even if you do feel some small amount of regret, probably more about your loss of her trust than actually hurting her.
t. other worthless human being
>You're definitely not her oneitis if she fucked other guys
This. True love waits.
>You fucked up
this. been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt.
Brutal and beautiful
Before you set yourself for the possibility absolute rejection, ask yourself, "is she worth it?" And be honest.
Precisely. And if the other woman has remained committed to you for years then you win :3
>I'm basically her oneitis.
I remember when a buddy of mine made a cringy video and sent it to his ex so she might "reconsider". It was him playing a keyboard and singing a pathetic song while on the verge on tears. Needless to say it backfired and didn't work. We should know when to call it quits.
>can’t conceive of other women being in love
What’s it like being 20 years old? :3
Excuses. Fucking kill yourself you weak willed dumpster fire of a human before you touch more people with your diseased soul.
Don't be rude to OP. He made a mistake, who cares. No reason to kill oneself over pussy.
Bro, you don’t say stuff like that. It’s so obvious you carry around that idea like a badge it’s pathetic. He obviously doesn’t give a fuck about her, he cares about himself with her, he wants to save himself in the gaze of this girl. This girl is literally non existent. Welcome to Hell
That's pretty pessimistic. You assume that people can't change and that shitty behavior is a result of fundamental character flaws.
I don't even want sex. If I wanted I would try to get with other women
Absolutist teenagers
>Absolutist teenagers
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes
And found myself alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved and drowned her deep inside of me
>getting life lessons from pop sogs
yea, confirmed underage
>obviously doesn’t give a fuck about her,
>he cares about himself
Have you ever been dumped by a girl user? You seem quick to condemn so I wonder if it's your experience you are describing here
Welcome to hell? Haha. It seems I’ve struck a chord.
My friend, don’t project onto others. It doesn’t look great for you :3
Shes gonna share it on snap chat and say how weird her ex is to all her friends
>“I liked your hand-walking act; that got me hotter than hell…. everything you do gets me hotter than hell…. throwing clay against the ceiling… you bitch, you red hot shrew, you lovely lovely woman…. you have put new poems and new hope and new joy and new tricks into an old dog, I love you, your pussy hairs I felt with my fingers, the inside of your pussy, wet, hot, I felt with my fingers; you, up against the refrigerator, you have such a wonderful refrigerator, your hair dangling down, wild, you there, the wild bird of you the wild thing of you, hot, lewd, miraculous…. twisting after your head, trying to grab your tongue with my mouth, with my tongue…. we were in Burbank and I was in love, ultramarine love, my good god damned godess, my goad, my bitch, my my my my beating breathing hair-lined cunt of Paradise, I love you… and your refrigerator, and as we grabbed and wrestled, that sculpted head watching us with his little lyrical cynical love-smile, burning…
I want you,
I want you,
I want YOU
Yea me, ur parents, and ur parents parents
>I'm basically her oneitis.
Oh really? So ur telling me you fucked other people while there was one chick who actually worshipped you? You are a very special kind of stupid
Currently projecting the shadow of your mother sucking my cock on your father’s horrified face, it’s a great look for him :O
Absolute shit
You sound like a teenage incel. Blind puppy devotion isn't always proof of great love. The girl that you liked probably sensed this
Homie if you don’t find the unconditional love and devotion of a girl who worships you a sign of great love you are either (a) an idiot (b) maxing out on insecurity or (c) inexperienced
There’s nothing like “I’m a slave for you” fucking, and to have that on tap- nigga I wouldn’t just be with her I’d be cuffing that shit
Y’all are dumb af
He deserves it. He's a trash person and needs to know how much of a garbage pile he is. Probably a flaming one too since, by default, he is OP.
I thought r*ddit was the defacto b&w moral condemnation site. The word 'cheating' sends everyone into rage there.
Like this
Amazing insight into the human mind.
OP you're trash, but so is literally everybody else, so don't fret too much about it and leave the attention-greedy slut alone.
>hurr durr u mad
Nice refutation of your garbage can status faggot.
Don't. If it ended poorly once it'll end poorly again. I'm sure you love her, she may even still love you back, but love isn't even close to enough on it's own.
>How should I write a letter to an ex? (It's part apology part trying to get her to reconsider)
Take it from the master here.
There's literally a small chance you can talk a woman into coming back when she's left. None.
Tell me more so I can help you, this is my forte.
>she did a short-term 180 degree slut phase to cope.
Oof damaged goods
>Cheated on her & behaved badly
You don't deserve her dude.
But if this is the case, this is how I would do it. Not through a lettter if possible, doing it in person is MUCH better.
"I'm sorry I hurt you, I really want us to work out. Give me a call if you change your mind."
Then Walk away, never look back. Go full no-contact and move on with your life. The no-contact phase is more for you than it is for her. You need to start fixing the shit within you that caused your infidelity. It's on her now once you send this.
I stress this, do not check in, check up on her once you send the letter. Give her space, nothing more makes the heart grow fonder.
8/10 bait
You're not actually contrite if you're trying to get her to "reconsider" you as a partner.
The only honorable thing for you to do now is leave her the fuck alone and pray that without you in her life she will one day recover from what you did to her. If you ignore our advice and try to worm your way back into her life like the parasite you are, she will be justified in whatever revenge she chooses to inflict on you.
Even as a 23yo kissless handholdless incel virgin I can reconise that this is very well said and true
>Will short direct sentences like Hemingway's work to create an intimate, assuring but also soul baring confessional effect?
lol "how can I torque my writing style to manipulate someone I betrayed into liking me again" yeah I'm sure the apology is very genuine and heartfelt, I hope SO much that you succeed
Tfw too weak to move on from the one relationship I had with the perfect girl that I'm ready to throw life away because I'll never see her again
What a narrow life experience. There are so many variables in any behavior it is almost impossible to make value judgments
Tell her about how much you've changed. The burning love you had for her almost destroyed you, but now it's your time to show her the phoenix rising from the ashes. Sure, you've made some mistakes. You didn't mean to hurt her but you can't help it because you're such a big strong man. You want to grab her by the arm and show her how much of a big strong man you are. Listen bitch, this big dick god is hungry for another meal and you're looking ripe as hell in the yard. If you don't fuck me right there'll be hell to pay.
>How should I write a letter to an ex?
You shouldn't.
>(It's part apology part trying to get her to reconsider).
She won't. Explanations don't make anyone reconsider anything. Nobody is ever reasoned into having positive emotions for someone. If you do it you'll regret it and then you'll think back on when you read what I've said here.
>Nobody is ever reasoned into having positive emotions for someone.
That's very true but what if I am emotive rather than reasonable with explanations etc?
>what if I try to manipulate her by being emotional instead of using reason
You should read Notes from the Underground
Pretty much this. If you truly cared you wouldn't have cheated.
Luckily for me my gf is a cuck and gets off to the idea of me having a harem (with her as the most important member).
I haven't actually fucked anyone else and won't as I think it would lead down a dark path.
just learn from this and take it on board for the next one, you dick. don't put her through any more than you already have. you had your time and you fucked it. move on.
This guy knows where it's at. Once you waste 10 years dating damaged goods in your twenties you want a girl that isn't damaged goods to have all for yourself. And the rest of you fucks better be ready to share your wife with at least 1 other dude since you're so fucking dumb
don't, OP
SPOILER: they’re all damaged
Id take a honest kinky babe to a conniving virgin bitch any day
Holy shit you’re retarded.
You should not do this.
Begging for a woman back is the most beta move you can make and she will resent you more for it.
Do what you love and you’ll have no regrets in life
Follow your heart
I’d rather be rejected and move on then stalk an anonymous imageboard
Based subjective experience Nazi
>part trying to get her to reconsider
Don't, you fucking cuck. Show some dignity and stop being a doormat. Women have a pathologic need to either be dominated or to make others miserable and blame them for their internal struggles.
>Women have a pathologic need to either be dominated or to make others miserable
I hate you but I agree.
My gf showed my a letter some guy wrote to her. It was the funniest thing I've ever read. I'm black too and the guy is white.
Ignore all these assholes who tell you to stay away from her. They are cuckolds and are yet to face the reality of this dog world: there is absolutely no reason not to persuade her back into intimacy, fuck and dump her again. This world is corrupting and acting anything differently from corrupt is a mere decoy. If she fails to learn the lesson about the darkness in the soul of the human with you, she'll learn with someone worse who will damage her for good.
Your apology letter must be convincing. Lie, lie and lie. Never say you've cheated, say "you've been seduced". Never say you miss her, say "you need her more than you've ever needed something in your life", and that this need is "physical, spiritual, and intense", governing "every aspect of your life". Never state that you've sinned, claim instead that a mistake has been made for you are just a human, and all humans commit mistakes. Tell her to remember "the positive" and promisse her emptiness.
She'll drop the ice cream and head right back into your arms. That's when you'll use her without mercy: you must get everything you want from her, exciting her senses until she can barely tell two and two anymore. Pleasure is the sugar of lies.
Then you must dump her once you're done. She's an STD-ridden slag who'll never forget to bring up your betrayals of the past. Your relationship is a poisoned well.
At least you managed to satisfy with your instincts with her holes and teach the girl a thing or two about the world.
I have this poem this girl wrote to me once. I dunno what to do with it. I cry everytime I read it
write a book about how you did your shenanigans and expect to win her back on the virtue of absurd and then die of a lung infection
You can do neither...?
Melancholy keeps me here
same. better to say and do nothing.
OP if a woman wants you, you will know. throwing all your cards on the table in an attempt to get her to like you is a recipe for humiliation. it screams pathetic beta.
Yea, especially after you humiliated her first. She’s bound to tell you to fuck off out of spite, even if she’ll cry about it the rest of her life
Isn't revealing weakness brave? This notion that one must be composed and in control is childish. That's the archetypical cool mysterious hero that doesn't work irl
clever pic
OP is indeed, a manipulative faggot
You don’t.
Eventually, she writes you a 4 page typed letter front and back and you reply with one paragraph calling her out on her lies. Then she cries over it and calls you an asshole, even though she knows what she was saying was 100% bullshit and she was trying to pull one over on you.
Cheaters are the worst, there is nothing you can do that is worse
That might be the case, but believe me when I say there's a huge difference between someone who was a junkie and got beaten up by her ex and someone who just has vanilla daddy issues.
Don't be as dumb as I was and settle in a long-term relationship with the first, it's gonna backfire. PS, batshit doesn't mean the sex is gonna be any better, oftentimes it's the opposite.
Begin it like this:
I want to fuck you. I always have. But now that our fucking has stopped I feel like I have a hole within me. A hole that can only be filled with another hole. Not host anyone's hole, your hole.
>exciting her senses until she can barely tell two and two anymore.
how do you do that?
>say "you need her more than you've ever needed something in your life", and that this need is "physical, spiritual, and intense", governing "every aspect of your life". Never state that you've sinned, claim instead that a mistake has been made for you are just a human, and all humans commit mistakes. Tell her to remember "the positive" and promisse her emptiness.
Would this actually work? I might do it for fun.
it will make you look pathetic
I believe you
>” I think disconnection is important, especially when feelings are blocked up, for the sake of avoiding bad communication. Right now is that time. In my mind is just- “what a stupid spoiled fucking bitch”- “why does she have to make a tragedy over every little thing” - “she wants me to pamper her into adulthood”, etc. I know none of that true, I know deep down inside we are both trying our best to love each other the best we can. I know we are trying to make contact and be happy together again. It feels like emotions are blocked on both sides and we just need some space until we can come together with the words and actions of peace, patience and understanding. I’m gonna go back in to work now. Love you”
and then smack her ass