South Park: Comfy Forever?

How much of a future does South Park really have? How long will South Park continue as one of the classic long running cartoons?
Disregard whether or not you like the show in its current state. It still seems to do pretty well with most people. And frankly, ill take just about any content because i just like the little bit of the og spirit the show has left, but maybe I'm just a whore.
I reckon it'll finally end whenever Trey (and Matt, i guess) decides to retire. I can't imagine them wanting the show to go on without them as creative leads. I know there must be plenty of contracts and shit keeping it going, but when those contracts run out.. Yeah I think itll be retirement time

Bonus question I was thinking about earlier; Would you let your kids watch SP? If so, at what age would you allow it? As much as I love the show I would probably still wait till like 12ish maybe. But I dont have kids atm so meh. Also in this daynage they would easily be able to access it from the internet early on if they wanted to anyway, so why bother.

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I know we love Jimmy but please put a question in the OP if you're gonna make a thread, cripplefren
That goes to you too, lianefag

My kids will watch it whenever they watch it, if it even is still relevant by then. I started watching it when I was 14 and I was fine, although being a dumb teenager I sometimes took the wrong thing from certain episodes, but rewatching them when I was older allowed me to have a better perspective. I feel with kids having more access to the internet its gonna be harder for parents to teach their kids how they should consume media, meaning they'll mostly be left to fend for themselves. Will the new generation who watch South Park in over a decade from now look back at Tegridy farms and find it shit, or will they like it? Will Tegridy farms even still be a thing, if South Park is still airing then?

I feel like its probably gonna end at season 30. If thats the case i wish they'd put more episodes in the new seasons

what did she mean by this

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It would be a nice even number, i feel like it might be around a little bit longer than that. Not much though.
I certainly do hope it goes out with a bang. Quality and quantity.

I can't help reading the "I" in sweetie as a "Z".

Sweetze! Sounds like the german version of Sweetie.

>How much of a future does South Park really have? How long will South Park continue as one of the classic long running cartoons?
For a very long ass time because it's on Comedy Central and not CN. Even Nick treats its shows like Spongebob and Fairly OddParents than CN.
I don't know what it is with CN but they're allergic to shows running for more than 4 seasons and they're allergic to making toys for them.

However I still do not like the anime direction 20th Century Fox/Comedy Central goes with where they just keep the same creator on it for 10 years who refuses to improve, he might even get replaced by somebody far inferior to him and then you get stuck with that inferior person or the show gets cancelled.

I very much prefer the Transformers and Megaman way of doing things. Reboot it every couple of seasons into a new show with a different setting and gimmick. Way better than Naruto, Pokemon, DBZ, The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park where you are stuck with the same dumbass for 30 years.
Comedy Central and most Japanese fags would probably have a fucking fit over it because they cannot understand not allowing that 1 gay creator on his own show for 100 years, just like George Lucas with Star Wars despite Lucas proving time and time again he sucks at his own IP.

Of course I do not want the other extreme: for it to go the Alien and FIM way where they hire nothing but imbeciles and wait 7-10 years each before rebooting it again before cancelling it, waiting 10 years and then rebooting it again. Horse Comics was full of mediocre Alien comics that had crappy artwork that looked nothing like the cover. Ironically the Horse Comics had better executed stories than Alien 3 & 4 , but they did not exude any of the atmosphere of Alien 1 & 2. You could have read a Starship Troopers comic and it would give you the same feels.

Imagine having to have the sex talk with your 3rd grade son, after he discovers fetish Vore cartoons on youtube.

imo i dont even think theres real harm in kids watching modern sp aside from developing shite taste in comedy
new sp is only "adult" because they swear and talk about sex and drugs n shit
old sp was adult because it constantly taught blatant antimorals and said/showed things that were downright harmful to the developing mind, that a mature person would understand is nothing but comedy, but modern sp is scared and thinks its own viewers are idiots who needs to be clearly and blatantly moralized to... and yknow, it may be right, because the newer gens really seem to have forgotten what fiction or comedy are

Wait, gen-Z(ombies) really are that mentally retarded that they think kid Cartman was in the right here over adult Cartman? or they genuinely think that not eating meat makes you grow pussies on your skin? What kind of fucked up parents do these kids have?

well, they probably dont LITERALLY believe impossible hyperboles like "eating meat will make u grow vaginas", but they will most likely accept that the show is literally trying to TELL THEM that thats the case... that it wants to teach them that not eating meat is wrong or that smoking is good.... that the old show is promoting certain notions or political ideals when its just trying to be absurdist and controversial... and best case scenerio theyll just think thats what the creators actually believed themselves, worst case scenerio theyll believe it too
kids are often like this, this is what makes a show adult other than saying piss shit and fuck, its the things that kids shouldnt be seeing or learning, and might misunderstand
but kids and even adults today are growing out of that phase later and later, and in some cases never, hell some adults who grew up in the 90s went Back to that phase

Well matt and trey are the richest cartoonists in the world, they both make more than matt groening and seth, so I think they're safe.

I personally as a kid ignored ALL life lessons like they're some old grandpa who won't shut up. Just like anti-bullying episodes. The best anti-bullying episodes are simply those where your parents beat the living shit out of the bullies because it's 100% accurate to reality. I laughed in Fillmore's face when he went with moralfaggotry.
Before I watched South Park I thought I was in for either; Seinfeld or Fairly Odd Parents which I disliked both as a kid. Luckily I was pleasantly surprised by a working combination of both. South Park is more high-energy than Dilbert, but is still far dumber than Dilbert imo.

To be fair once season 6 ends and the show starts going really liberal... even as an adult you start judging the writer at face value for what he says through his characters.
>Would you let your kids watch SP? If so, at what age would you allow it?
>A gay and jew, both hicks, later turned LA rich douchebags, who find vid related to be the peak of comedy, trying to teach my children anything about morals, life lessons and the state of the world.

Yeah no. I think you can only fully appreciate South Park's irony if you've already watched all those crappy 90s shows to begin with and don't take Trey&Matt seriously to begin with and already understand where they're coming from,
but even as an adult the "boomers sold us" episode left me wondering WTF are they talking about because I'm not American. I also instead took the episode as "Oh look at the incompetent millennial people blaming their parents for not using their nepotism powers to land them a good job and now they're homeless" I took the episode the same way people take Cartman blaming his mom for everything.

but ... sadly for Trey I also watched Dilbert, The Critic, Futurama, Simpsons as a kid which were superior to South Park, especially Room 402. If you want South Park without the political shit and random moralfagging then watch Room 402, an user outright complained that the show is too negative and that's exactly what I loved about it. Same for Dan Vs(made in the 2010s) and Ed Edd Eddy. There's plenty of family and comedy shows which don't moralfag you.

There are A LOT of cartoons which don't moralfag you, but sadly they're either in the minority or never leave as much of an impact as the moralfagging ones because you find them perfectly normal to your day to day life . You never have the "See? this cartoon is NORMAL IN THE HEAD" reaction because in the show's context it's perfectly normal, there's no contrast making you want to yell "stop the hypocritical moralfagging already"
I think if shows like Ed Edd Eddy had a more preachy atmosphere while making the "bad guy" clearly in the right instead of "haha don't be like him, kids, you're meant to laugh at him. Be like goodie two shoes McBob instead" then Dan Vs, Slappy Squirrel, Ed Edd Eddy would live rent free in my head just like religion lives rent free in christcuck's heads across the planet.

what autistic bullshit is this

Even shows like Mao Mao which try to add contrast simply come off as "Yeah I get it, YES I GET IT, why can't these self-appointed idiots get it too?" I think if the goodie two shoes was shown from his perspective and the writer told you THE IDIOTS ARE IN THE RIGHT then I would actually find the life lesson more surprising, shocking and satisfying instead of having a "No shit, Sherlock" reaction to it. But as it is, I am watching it from Mao Mao's perspective who not only I agree with to begin with but is shown by the writer to be in the right despite everybody in-show shitting on him.

My main problem with cartoon shows and South Park since day 1 was in fact that Trey is too much of a moralfag teaching positive morality instead of cutthroat "kill Baby Stalin" morality. I'm thinking of the time when Kyle wrote that essay about "we just need to kill poor people and our problems are solved" only for Kyle's dad to backpedal and go " I've been too harsh to poor people, we should feel sorry for them, not berate them" .
It reminds me a lot of the Aquabats Christmas episode with a "Reality" sorta villain. Only for Santa to go "Well Krampus is knocked out so presents to everyone even the bad guys."

Most cartoons I've watched since I was a kid have a "feel good about yourself" atmosphere and "learn to cope and see the half-full side of the glass" lesson. And the life lesson is always "ignore the grouches/no fun-allowed commies because grouches do bad things for the sake of bad things, they're often "wrong" sadists." which while is a good lesson against characters like Fred Flinstone if told from the perspective of actual responsible productive people, only works 50% of the time because they do not apply to Married with Children and South Park where everyone is a charming asshole. In fact a lot of 90s life lessons are less about reality and more about "charm" and "don't be an overly sensitive grouch and learn to appreciate life".
However for stuff like Mao Mao teaching you reality they absolutely do not apply.

Trey's "life lessons" come off to me as badly as most of those non-comedy moralfagging children's shows who don't understand jackshit about what they're talking about or underestimate it. I don't know why but comedy shows like Mao Mao understand life lessons a billion times better than an actual show that sets out to teach you something about life, morality, the real world.

Take the info-opinion of this video and then look at reality; porn artists making more than college students. Programmers without colleges who can't code worth a shit making 72k/a year.
Digital jobs pretty much allowing you to go live somewhere else much cheaper in America , you don't necessarily have to move out to a third world shithole to live like a king. There's plenty of poor places in America too.

Of course he also said in a bad worded manner "Don't quit your job yet. Don't focus on this yet" and as an adult I start replacing "school" with "job". I of course do not expect an ironic parody comedy show of all things to teach me jackshit, but whenever Trey moralfags I FEEL THE NEED to contradict him.

This is a certified Max moment

so thats what the "comfy" in /comfy/ threads means

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I often forget and ignore the fact Trey is a hundreth millionaire and him of all people telling you "Don't quit school/your job" is very hypocritical of him. Yet I'm not bothered by that immediately because he never brings it up. He kinda did some episodes of him transitioning from a hick to a rich douchebag surrounded by rich douchebags with the Randy, SJWs and Soda Soda episodes.

You know what did get stuck in my brain from parents and other idiots? being constantly told "stay in school" being told "Get a college degree (in a good field like programming) if you want to live a good life" "focus on your studies". which sadly to me translated to "don't ever attempt to make money as a kid, do not look at any opportunities but the stablest thing possible." because that is often people's reality.
"Oh go borrow money for college. Oh you owe the college money now." and of course the 50/50 "Nobody hires you if you don't have a degree/somebody with a degree can replace you" and "You're starving with the degree in your hand, good job retard."

The "just wait" opinion is what got stuck in my head because it's such a blatant lie that sabotages your life. Oh so I shouldn't learn programming as a 8 year old, I shouldn't bother trying to find jobs in programming without a degree? I shouldn't bother with anything at all but the approved TM society, companies, (you) tell me when I constantly see pajeets being hired for garbage copy-pasta code with salaries that make them live like kings despite the fact Microsoft lying about their salaries and degrees.

>I wrote too much now and got too invested in my rant even if I went off the rails with, might as well shit all the way down the queen's mouth.
autistic bullshit.
Call me Rick or Jerry. Honestly this is more of a Rick moment or a seething Jerry moment. These sorta rants are dime a dozen if you look on Reddit or /pol/.

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I hate people that just have to compare every kind of media to other existing shit

guys....this isnt comfy at all
it's kinda un comfy

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Hey don't be scared. The floor is yours.

The whale and butters pretending to be a girl are still the funniest episodes to me together with Kenny doing challenges for money.

12 seems appropriate... or well when you can understand most words and can type and write for yourself. You guys ever watched South Park as a 7 year old and had to ask your parents "what is a period?"

>I often forget and ignore the fact Trey is a hundreth millionaire and him of all people telling you "Don't quit school/your job" is very hypocritical of him

Survivor bias. I can win the lottery and yet it would still be rational for me to tell others not to try making a fuckton of money through the lottery.

i still think most best episode of sp are in single digit seasons,nothing past that compares
hellen keller is probably my favorite

>Timmy canonically has a pet turkey
ITT facts the show has completely forgotten about

Gobbles is dead alongside Sparky

no! he cant be! be quiet!

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Holy shit that ass!

>That goes to you too, lianefag
Isn't "What do you think it must be like to have mommy Cartman smother you with her tits and blow air into your ear" a question technically speaking?

>"haha don't be like him, kids, you're meant to laugh at him. Be like goodie two shoes McBob instead"
Replace that with
>haha don't be like Cartman, kids, you're meant to laugh at him. Be like goodie two shoes Kyle instead. In fact, just to hammer in the point, we're gonna make every kid a goodie-two shoes just to highlight Cartman's assholery, completely going against the original premise of the show, which is that kids are cruel and tactless and not pure rainbow-loving little angels impression that most grown-ups have of them.
I get it, Cartman is an asshole and should not be admired. Stop shoving that down my throat every episode you ushanka wearing Jew!

see? this is something a childrens show would do, whereas an adult cartoon can afford to embrace the antimorals and ambiguity
modern south park is just a kids show with swearing

God shut the fuck up already Max.

>modern south park
Modern? It has been this since season 10.

yes, and yet
1. we refer to everything past double digits as 'modern' as a shorthand
2. its nontheless the case in modern day, so its modern

Good morning to my cute fat wife trey parker, creator and executive producer of the hit comedy series South Park.

good morning to you and your wife, treyanon, whos currently busy doing fuck all except being fondled by you every day

and good afternoon to my lovely little boyhusband who is cutest when hes acting smug and insulting me, even tho i know hes only doing it because hes easily embarrassed

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Good afternoon to you and your adorable tsundere cripple husbando nathanfag.

how have you been doing? you dont seem as energetic, i hope everything is ok

Yeah I'm good, just busy, but not too busy to tell my wife good morning of course.

Goddammit! I wish we could have just one thread dedicated to discussion without the fujos shitting it up with their autism.

Ignore it and keep discussing things then. What benefit does a post like that have?

I wish we could have one thread without this bitch whining about people posting and discussing their favorite characters and calling everyone who doesn't whack off to little girls a fujoshi.

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1. never ever
2. this isnt even fujos, this particular conversation takes place every day

it's called a greeting

here to remind you all that pete is canonically autistic

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>people posting and discussing their favorite characters
fuck off they post the same shit every day
and so do you, you're just as cancerous

those are treyfuckers and cripplefuckers

I'll let them watch when they reach high school, and even then I'd prefer to watch with them to make sure they don't take any of the intentionally bad messages seriously. I definitely don't want them to think that bullying is ever ok, which is also why I don't want them watching the new She-Ra.
I wonder if they'll ship bunny because of me? Nothing racy, just puppy love like stendy and creek

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>walks into comfy thread
>complains about the usual


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do timmy and stan bring their pets on playdates together? that'd be incredibly comfy

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I like to see it as character development in-show.
In reality it's probably a result of having kids themselves, that can really change you. Trey loves his daughter so much, he used to associate childhood with his asshole kid self but now he associates it with her, his little angel.

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The show is basically written by Michael Jackson now.

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Thats cute

>disguise ur tic as a hair flip to seem cooler

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What a sweetie.

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