Who is Azor Ahai?

Is it really Arya?

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It’s just not prevalent in the show. Note that Arya’s blade didn’t catch light or any of the prophesied stuff.

No GRRM book ever had it's prophecies being true

Then you can easily say that she isn’t Azor Ahai

There are plenty of fantasy authors who claim to be doing something different with the genre. Ironically, they often write the most predictable books of all etc. etc.

It's John Snow.
Melissandre asked R'lol the God of awesome to show her the azor ahai again and again and he only ever showed her John Snow.
Obviously in the series it'll be Daeneris because she's a strong fierce indipendent woman who doesn't need nobody. But It's obvious who was supposed to be in the books at the time they were relevant.

The whole series a shit btw

Who is John Galt?

No! the show runners are just woke retards. Its Jon Snow.

so is george

that's just not true, Maggy the Frog was obviously right, also the Magi's prophesy given to Dany

It's Ned

Would unironically be happy with this

watch a little more preston jacobs

It's me, Matt Jarbo

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Please stop making these threads please I'm begging you

I was one of the 1st 1000 subscribers back when he was regularly posting on r/asoiaf
His vids have gotten much much better and the show has gotten much much worse.

then you know prophecy is bs

not him but I am an og subscriber too going back before he even started doing show reviews, and I don't buy everything he says. he's by far the autistic expert on everything ASoIaF but he's been wrong in the past. besides, the reason he thinks the AA prophesy is bullshit is because he thinks there is another human like the three eyed raven who is posing as a God (Marwyn would be a good guess) who is manipulating people through infecting their dreams, ect. none of that plays into the show because they didn't even include glass candles.

The show has some really great examples of how dumb proles are. It's almost a test of prole stupidity. Because there's so much money, time, so many careers and public reputations etc., on the line, there is EVERY POSSIBLE incentive to at least be competent in writing the content. It's not like incompetence could even come from apathy, it's not a question of "Why didn't they want to do a good job for its own sake?" The point is, even if they didn't want to do good work for its own sake, they still have every single cynical motive (money, fame, career success) to try.

And still, they ruin everything. The failure of Game of Thrones' eighth season tells us a lot about proles and how stupid they are, how stupid the average American "professional" really is (we're talking 90ish IQ or so), at two different levels. The first level is what we might call "primary stupidity." That's the direct stupidity of people directly involved in planning and creating the episodes. For example, the producers have a lot of control and have to actively create storylines; if a storyline is horrid, their personal stupidity is a primary site of of that stupidity. Likewise for writers: a writer has direct control to shape the story and to veto other writers' stupid fucking ideas about how to shape the story, so they are primarily responsible not just for their own stupid ideas, but for not noticing how stupid the other writers' ideas are. Even though these people are all being paid and presumably want the prestige and career advancement that goes with creating a masterpiece, and even though creating a "masterpiece" in this context would mean doing the bare minimum to make technically competent GoT episodes, simply episodes free of major plot errors or horrifically bad storyboarding mistakes, even despite all this incentive to do a half-decent job, the writers can't even rise to that occasion. The verdict is definitive: the primary creators of Game of Thrones are all Total Retards. I mean actual, real retards. I'm not saying "those stupid fucks ruined my show!" The simplest plausible explanation for the incompetence of the primary creators of the show is that they are around 90IQ, and overly excitable and distractable. We're talking about real actual retards here.

But secondary stupidity is even worse. Secondary stupidity is when you have hundreds if not thousands of people who can, at any point, intervene in the stupid decisions of the primary creators. Any actor, sound director or fucking gaffer could go "Hey wait a minute, this scene doesn't really make sense. What about ____?" Any post-production person, any editor, any random CEO walking by to examine the set, any random friend of a staff member invited to watch the filming of an episode could go "Haha hey wait a minute this doesn't make sense to me, why would they put their cavalry all out front? Is there an in-episode explanation for this?" And in a world where the leading professional class doesn't hover around literally 90IQ, the higher-ups would say "Oh man! You're right! How did we miss that?" and fix it. In a normal world, there would be a subtle, multi-faceted dialectic between all the different levels of participation in the shooting of a Game of Thrones episode. Actors, staffers, producers, directors, and writers would all be trying their best to come up with good ideas; the baseline idea would be reasonably good; and any blind spots and and mistakes would be spotted by a dozen people before they even got to the final draft of the script, let alone to shooting.

Instead, despite the unimaginably gigantic network of people and institutions responsible for Game of Thrones, nominally all woven together in a massive rhizome of cybernetic organization with layers upon meta-layers of bureaucratic management and self-correction, with millions of people who would stand to gain materially (and in many other, more intangible ways) from any given Game of Thrones episode being competently storyboarded and shot, and well-received by the public, DESPITE ALL THIS, every episode of Season 8 of Game of Thrones has been crafted by ACTUAL retards. Their retarded, half-baked, obviously-self-undermining-to-anyone-with-eyes-to-see product has trickled down through a network of other retards, uninterested jobbers, and empty-headed actors who simply do what they're told, none of whom are equipped to notice a retarded product even when they're forced to scrutinize it and rehearse it ten times a day. And 99% of the audience loves it; the remaining 1% confusedly, dimly feels that something is retarded going on, but only enough to watch a rambling Youtube commentary video or two, then move on to something else. The TV show Game of Thrones is the ultimate litmus test that modern society is a cybernetically networked meta-retarded organism, a gigantic tumor run amok, constituted entirely of individual retards who can't even act in accordance with their own self-interest, not even semi-efficiently.

Why has someone photoshopped the womans face on the left to be so chubby!?

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have sex

The difference is that I literally dont even think DnD understand what makes (made) GoT good. I think they only liked it for "le anyone can die" and didnt actually care about things such as character arcs, theming, lore, foreshadowing, payoffs and so on.


Those aren't what makes GoT good though