Toonami General #3

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Attack on Titan Eyecatches

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Does the blond kid have Floch's VA?

what do girls feel like

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Are you Christian, /tg/? Alternatively, confess.

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>train autism ep

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Floch is a Chad in every universe

Attached: snk_floch_the_unmonged.jpg (1276x719, 340.14K)

What the hell is going on.

Butts > Boobs

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All aboard

bags of sand


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Don't forget to call your mother even if she's a bad person.

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What's with this Thomas the Tank Engine music?

What is up with Lupin and little girls?

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milky coins


breasts > ass
I haven't followed what's going on in this episode, besides the tits, after Irina revealed she's Christian.

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>Are you saying I'm not beautiful
Walked right into that one, asshole.

Oh dear, looks like I'm completely vulnerable and open to capture! Hope a strapping and brave inspector doesn't come along while I'm like this!

Attached: Lupin ready for capture.jpg (3264x2448, 408.82K)

Please say something nice about Lily.

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>Saying ting when you clink glasses
Come on.

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>double masks
the fuck
I love my station.

>Wore 2 mask

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Yo dawg, I heard you like masks

>I'd rather be on my knees for a beautiful woman

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>Zenigata didn't question how some randos perfectly imitated Jigen and Goemon's voices.
Some detective.

>not wearing 7 masks at all times just in case

Oh fuck, Goemon being sassy

Do Nips like trains?

>double masks
Every time it makes me laugh

Its masks all the way down.

what the FUCK was THAT maskception shit

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appreciateable when im drunk

also why didnt zenigata question the mask thing since lupin only has the tearawayones?

Can't Zenigata arrest Jigen and Goemon on sight? I know Lupin is his primary target, but surely he also wants his gang too.

Attached: Lupin and Jiegen on the Run.jpg (1024x576, 59.56K)

How the fuck they eat through that shit?

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I feel like this is the weakest Lupin episode I've seen on the block.

Man that one user who likened this shit to Scooby Doo was NOT kidding.

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>this nigga wearing a mustache on top of a mustache

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Yes actually they like them a lot

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>having two mustaches

Gee Bill, two mustaches?

Attached: lupin 3.png (698x809, 793.12K)

>Tits, ass, suiting, and trains

Attached: All Engines Go to Japan.png (1366x768, 804.12K)

I mean, didn't one of the series reveal that Lupin's been wearing a mask this whole time and we've never seen his face

How does this guy have two mustaches

Nice meido Fujiko.

Did I miss something?
Did this fucker always have a stache over his stache?

I just realized. Does... does this guy have a double mustache?

Alright I pegged this minister as Lupiin like 5 minutes ago.

Oh, I see where this is going.

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Was that guy wearing a fake mustache over his goatee?

They are literal criminals

I need images of maid Fujiko, someone get on it.

>He doesn't know about the anime where a bear talks and makes friends with a steam engine.

>Painting with a Keyhole is the real door
That's actually pretty clever


>Maid Fujiko

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Why did no one say there was going to be a maid Fujiko tonight?

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On it. Give me 5 minutes.

Ah so this is the picture that one Doujin was based off of.

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>The painting was the real safe
You didn't have to say that Fujiko. We all saw it.

was just thinking this

>AssClass promos
Better late than never

That's what I'm saying. Why go up and casually talk to Jigen and Goemon instead of, you know, arresting them?
I know he got tricked by the disguises, but it just seems weird.

Your maid.


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As a train autist, I'm really liking this episode.

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I been wanting to get a Fujiko outfit for this doll but she does not have an iconic outfit since she changes all the damn time

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But why?

Except IRL the keyhole mechanism would be incredibly obvious compared to the canvas material of the painting, and it would be altogether more effective to just put the keyhole in the wall behind a normal painting.

Does she do windows?
Can she do her duties while sitting on my face?

Nice thighs

I never found a webm of it.

Where'd my wallet go?

Have we ever gotten her cup size? In any supplementary material?

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>Five episodes left
Toonami will only be half an hour for most at that point.

I dont get trains, but then again all i own are lever action guns.

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>woman puts on more clothes
>becomes hotter

>no pics of that other cute and funny girl shown

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Best girl. Fujiko really should've tried the painting first.

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Part 5, although the idea originates from the manga.

Next week's episode is one of the best of the season, so don't miss it.

Her "Iconic" outfit would probably be the catsuit

He loves the chase

Not what I was asking user

Probably always been her retirement plan when she can't keep running. Disappear as someone's impossibly proficient maid.

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literally the most basic Lupin trick, it was in the first chapter of the manga

Trying to fuck with anyone that might have a window open, I'd wager.

>toonamis over after the next 15 minutes

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you masturbate way too much

Big. Every size is correct as long as that size is big.

I love clothed and half-clothed breasts. The appeal is very unique.

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>Catsuit under maid outfit

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Can she get rid of the three dudes hanging out in the back of my house?

Based, man. Great taste.

No but I study it a lot. My confession is i want fujicakes to sit on my face or smother me with her tits



Theiss Titillation Theory.

As your master, I request a Paizuri

That explains it

Finally, someone who understands.

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I don't understand train autism. Like, the concept of trains in general is neat mechanically, but are the differences between individual trains really that interesting?

hour and 15 minutes

Huge. That's her most common trait, huge tits. Everything else can vary. She can be blonde, brunette, redhead, have a chin that could carve stone, etc

Attached: Jigen about to cancel Conan.jpg (500x274, 32.44K)

>No one staying up to watch Real Folk Blues Part II tonight
Lame os.

>Fujiko eats a priceless artifact

That's what makes it autism. The derogatory term has completely confused people on what autism actually is.

>Make her spit it out!
Never thought I'd hear that in reference to Fujiko.

It's been over for 17 minutes


I see your a man of culture

more > less
ez math

>eats it

Attached: The internet in a nutshell....webm (1280x720, 451.45K)

>Fujiko didn't actually swallow it
What a pity, was wishing I was a ticket for a moment

>That Sonic commercial

Attached: file.png (744x1080, 716.82K)

Does she do dick washing?

The catsuit.


Attached: Fujiko Heavy Breathing.webm (1024x576, 1.15M)

And yet here you are.

Why is Fujiko flirting with a little girl?

Take her to ze rape dungeon.

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>cut off her head
>thinking things you swallow stay inside the neck

What's this from and what's the context?

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I was lucky to have a historicist priest.

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>lupin one piece one piece naruto naruto shenmue rerun
How the fuck can anyone make it.

fujiko turned that girl lesbian

i guess his train of thought has derailed

It's the afterparty

I'm here. Not missing the end for anything as long as I don't pass out

The only thing I like more than maids are nuns. My dick is fired up tonight.

>It only mean one thing.
The butler did it.

>"Oh! That was yucky!"
Shouldn't like that line reading as much as I did.

I'll do it if I don't drink too much, like I did the last 2 weeks.

Nice low speed chase.

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>tfw no gf in full plate armor

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Did the acting get worse in this series?
that was.. easier than i thought

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that kid just broke his back

even odder given the ratio of train autists on /k/. at least you're not a deerfag right?

Were they trained by Stormtroopers?

>Lupiin and Zenigata having this whole conversation while at a full sprint.

>Loli helping some guys get some tail
Great wing woman

Girl already learning to manipulate simps.

>Over there the pedomophiles

So how the fuck do you "identify" as Christian? I'm still hung up on this.

>Lupin explaining the situation to Zenigata mid-chase
Fucking hilarious.

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It's ok, lesbianism is a temporary condition.

>chasing Lupin on ponies

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