ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong

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Everytime I see this faggot or anything related to his cartoon I get the urge to punch someone. Cartoon about growth my ass.

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Why so rude user, Infinity Train was a good show

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Go fuck yourself.

but she did everything wrong

if the artstyle wasn't the generic calarts dogshit i might give it a shot.

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You realise that you can reject like 90% of modern cartoon with this approach

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Regardless of how you feel about him or decepticons, the Senate was a WORSE group of villains, and he freed the slaves from tyranny.

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He did everything wrong and deserved the bad end he got.

Legitimately the only cartoon villain i feel bad about

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His problem is that he LITERALLY doesn't do anything wrong: He can't be reused due to this.

His good appearances are basically him either trying to kill a worse villain or being convinced by a worse villain to work for them in exchange for helping his wife, until he eventually turns on them because he's not a bad guy. He even DIES saving batman from a worse villain.

When they tried to have him be a villain for the sake of being a villain nobody would accept it because he was so wildly out of character.

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Yeah all of those except the last one are bad?

Not really. IT makes no sense unless you turn off your brain completely and clap because the screechy brats "change as people" even though they fucking don't and the evil nazi guy who was perfectly fine before being taken in and the null detective who's just doing his job die for being "irredeemable" even though they fucking aren't. It's animation for people who were seething and malding because they didn't publicly execute anyone who did a bad thing in Steven Universe.

although i did enjoy ninja turtles

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In fact, he was the hero

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The point is none of them look the same and you don't know what calarts is

His entire ideology and worldview were justified not only by the revelations that the Butterfly family did a ton of shady shit to gain power and fuck over Monsters but also by the fact that decided to nuke magic at the end of the series.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Star do exactly the same thing he was planning to do? i.e. destory magic?

I'm not the guy who complained about calarts I'm just saying all of them but the last one look bad

It still amuses me that no one punished this bitch for her actions

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Simon was a demon. He deserved retribution. The only problem was that Grace deserved an even worse fate and didn't receive it.
Is it weird that whenever I talk about Grace, I always think her name is Amber (the name of the annoying black chick from Invincible) until I deliberately correct myself?

Simon was right that denizens are nothing more than machines as Book 4 prove that they can be reset, paused, modified and even brought back to life without issue.

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all these years and still nobody even gets close to that level of tragic
he didn't even come close to his goal despite winning the fight and dunking on attempts to stop him

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Even if he's a fraud he still was right about everything

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Yes. Star decided that magic was fucked up and destroyed it, leaving ambiguous questions of whether all the sentient magical creatures survived or were genocided into non-existence. The Magic High Commission was canonically killed because of it.

Another Amon should've risen up in the chaos post-Season 1 finale. The fact that a non-bender was president means almost next to nothing, especially since he was corrupt.

The only thing Amon was right about was the power of the bending gangs and them terrorizing the populace, but that's balanced by him creating a non-bending gang and using it to terrorize the populace.

Depends on how you look at the way the train assigns morality. He's correct in an objective sense, but it's an exceptionally poor emotional and psychological mindset.

No, he was just making his daddy issues into a political scapegoat that coincidentally resonated with the constant background angst that many non-benders feel in the Avatar world. The actual problems were political and economic disenfranchisement that ran much deeper than any sort of bender privilege.
For example, there's how the United Republic and Republic City was, in fact, literally not a republic but rather an oligarchy run by a council of foreign appointed officials. It's like if the entire state of New York and New York City itself was run by the UN. And that's not even getting into how fucking weird the council itself was with the largest nation on the planet, the Earth Kingdom, getting only a single vote, the Water Tribes getting two votes between them, and the Air Nation getting a vote despite (at the time) consisting of one family and a small host of LARPers living in ruins. But this isn't a bender privilege problem. This is a "Aang didn't actually know how governments work and the rest of the leaders of the world didn't give a shit" problem.

The Republic City governing body makes sense if you assume it was originally supposed to be a temporary solution to a political crisis. The comics showed that most people in the FN colonies considered themselves FN citizens, so it starts out with both the FN and EK having a say, but that would cause deadlocks so the WT is added but gets two votes because the NWT and SWT are two separate polities, but that means the EK and WTs can simply ignore the FN so an AN representative is added who is also the Avatar and can throw his big swinging dick around if shit gets out of hand. Unfortunately the enemy of perfect is good enough, and the system worked well enough to keep chugging along even after it stopped working well enough.

Where is this from?

Wakfu, watch the first season

I suppose then an accurate summary is that Aang mostly had the short-term political balance in mind when he made the system, rather than actual democratic ideals. Still, I do wonder where the moniker of Republic comes from in-setting. Realistically, it's probably just Bryke coming up with a name to fit their 20s style metropolis and then not thinking it through.

RC is a republic, it's just not a democratic republic. It's strictly speaking not an independent polity either but that's fairly muddled.

>nobody even gets close to that level of tragic
At least Noximilien got to experience some happiness with his family at one point in his life. Oropo's fate was way more tragic when you think about it, but he was handled so poorly in the show that nobody gave a shit at the end. I guess an interesting concept can't carry itself without proper execution. Hope his special does him justice.

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>RC is a republic, it's just not a democratic republic

Depends on how we're defining republic here. The UR is not a monarchy at least, which fulfills the least stringent definitions of a republic I suppose. Beyond that, it gets debatable. Rule by a committee of foreign appointees (explicitly from different nations) is just a really weird form of governance when you get down to it. It's like some bizarre sort of coalition colonialism. Are there any good real world equivalents?

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All he want to do is share the prosperity of his country to the other weak and poor neighboring countries. Roku knew the avatar would be useless if everyone in the world is happy.

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Calarts is the simplification we have witnessed in the last 8+ years to the point where cartoons look lazy, and cheap. Cheaper than most things in the last several decades. Kindly take your butthurt elsewhere.

Germany after WW2 maybe. But that doesn't really line up either. RC is directly descended from FN colonies, which means that technically they're still governed by their original government, but by the time of Korra RC seems to be its own thing politically. Tenzin is a natural born citizen of RC, but represents the AN.

Literal child soldier who was a product of her environment.

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This, I wish this episode had two parts so we can see more scenes about Sozin and how he came to this conclusion (also his fight with Roku was super underwhelming imo)

She killed millions

kys braindead retard

Maqesh Alaq Makaraqesh a.k.a. Ms. Ellen.

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So if we took every character here seriously as “doing nothing wrong”, what would the ideology required to believe it?

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She was a pedophile though

So only owl house is calarts got it


>villain just wants to be happy

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Worst twist villain in Disney (after that bitch from Incredibles 2)