I would
u guys hype
Me on the left.
No. Bring me beta ray bill
If women want to pretend they are like men, let 'em, I want to see the consequences if they delude themselves too much, it will be entertaining.
this is from Knight of Cups, right?
Nat's looking pretty good there
Womanlet as everyone expected, Feige and Waititi would never make Portman tall and muscular, bad news for those waiting for Angela and Brunilde
We've already seen the consequences in sports.
Power couple. I don't want Jane to die.
Nice, but she could be more buff!
I’m honestly more concerned about Thor’s new outfit. It’s ugly as fuck.
Very nice of portman to bulk up, for a woman shes doing good. Impressive to be honest, most women dont do that. She got good muscle size too for a broad.
Liking Thors costume being brighter. Finally, after years something doesnt suck.
>Lets see Jane Foster's hammer
yeah, I'm sure men are like thor and not spineless scrubs in 9 to 5 positions
Did she have some work done? Her nose and jawline look different.
have you guys seen old pics of her she is way bigger
Most men look like Thor, doofus.
Female Thor was always dumb.
>Hemsworth is more bogged than middle-aged Natalie
Based Tarantino.
didnt she say she do not like comic book movies and thats why she wasnt in thor 3?
When do we get a sequel to the professional with a little boy and a grown up Natalie?
No, Song to Song. Fucking Malick pleb.
Yes, in Song to Song it's Fassbinder who puts her foot in his mouth
Wow, she actually got /fit/ for the role?
She didn't like being a generic love interest with like 5 minutes of screentime
No this is men pretending to be women, but they only do it in sports that they know they will have the upper hand in. You don't see transwomen competing in gymnastics, ice skating, or dancing.
Where is she?
In my bed
She agreed to do Thor 2 on the condition she wasn't just a passive love interest that does nothing and needs to be rescued all the time, and the original script attached to Patty Jenkins did exactly that and gave her a lot more in the movie...
And then it got re-written and producered to shit, and she instead spends half the film in a coma, or being carried around as an inanimate infinity stone receptacle. Pretty much the exact opposite of what she signed up for, and she was pissed at them for years.
I just made a mess of my trousers.
>>Implying a girl would ever grow up to be like Leon.
Remember she had a little brother that died too, user.
She would never treat a boy like how Leon treated her.
Do the costumes have to look so fake and plastic
Men dominate those too so what's the point
I'd like to say it can't be worse than the original comics...but it's Tacucky Washitty. He can hit lows never thought possible.
Getting married to some neckbeard
aaayy bix nood bruv fr fr hype @ 100 fr no cap you stupid fucking nigger monkey
Why can't Marvel make good live action suits?
Which? Both?
The problem is the writers don't know how to write women without making them either window dressing or insufferable Mary Sue's. (And neither do the people who want to see strong female characters.) The real problem is everyone is trying to make female characters that act like male superheroes because what they really hate most about women is women being actual women. When is the last time you saw a woman in a movie or tv show know damn well she wouldn't win a fight against a large male?
The only reason men's figure skating has become so popular is because women's has become more of a jumping competition dominated by the Russians and their figure skating 'prodigies' factory...and fujos.
It looks like her head is shopped on someone elses body.
Please make Kat Spider-woman, Feige!!! PLEEZ!!!!!
Because your idea of a good live action suit is the reason you don't have a job at the most successful movie franchise in the world
Yep. Instead of getting someone like Adrianne Palicki they went with NP.
It's unfortunate user can't be a momey laundering retarded that cuts corners yes
Her's looks good. His is OK, I get the sort of Kirby-esque geometric pattern, but going with something more 'norse' looking would set Thor apart from the cosmic characters. I think the worst part of it is the colors, too much gold and the blue is too bright. I think they did a better job in the previous movies, like Thor 2 / Age of Ultron.
This is such a meme line of thinking when talking about comic book movies. If some random nigger with a bow can fight aliens and demigods then there's absolutely nothing wrong with women getting in on the action as well.
what looks bad
Instead he's a failure with retarded ideas. So much better
Why do you people constantly simp for these companies.
i prefer that than looking like plastered on cgi
Hey I don't know that user too well but what I do know is that his preference for quality is a good thing
I think the worse part is that they don't look worn in. Look at thors fingers. They look more worn out than his gauntlet
I dont think the problem is women having fight scenes or action scenes; but the 'mary sue'-esque always winning thing that removes the feeling of stakes. Like in Star Wars, Rey beating Kylo everytime they fight despite having less training and what not or in the Black Widow movie, both Nat and Yelena have not problem beating hoards of dudes twice their size but the only threats they face are other women (black widows and task mistress).
It's not a preference for quality though, Its a preference for nostalgia