Why are mcufags crying about?
Why are mcufags crying about?
It means the audience reception was mixed.
16 year old throwing hissy fits that the movie wasn't just 2 hours of cameos and references and was the first MCU film since Ant Man that actually tried to be something other than a MCU film.
Endgame and No Way Home spoiled these people.
>actually tried to be something other than a MCU film.
What movie did you watch?
Lots of people are saying that the pacing is a bit wonky, but most comlaints I'm seeing are
>the multiverse aspect is "convoluted and confusing" according to a lot of early critic and viewers, mainly because it's not 1:1 "Hey remember X movie" like No Way Home was
>some people are saying that it makes no sense if you haven't watched Wandavision - curiously, this is also contrasted by other people saying that it basically throws out Wanda's development from Wandavision
>Raimi's strange, eccentric sense of humor doesn't really do over well with people just wanting Joss Whedon quips
>the darker, horror-influenced overlay is generally polarizing with audiences; similar to how Scott Derrickon's original cut of the first movie was darker and very few, if any jokes - it was a trainwreck with test audiences
So basically I think audiences are generally disappointed it's a little different to the last few years of assembly line MCU films. By that same token, some people are disappointed Raimi really didn't get a chance to go off the rails and make it his own
People didn't like the direction they took Wanda's character.
The stale MCU taste was still there don't get me wrong, but Raimi at least made it stand out from the other films with the horror themes and gratuitous violence. It was different enough and more ambitious than usual.
You have no idea how much more popular Wanda is than Captain Marvel. Marvel Studios chose a bad horse to bet in this race.
Reed Jobber
Jobbes Xavier
Black Job
Well encompassed user. I did really like the flow change.
>tfw Sonic has a higher CinemaScore than Doctor Strange
Based Sonicchads, we can't stop winning.
I am an MCU fan but seeing Sonic BTFO the MCU is pure bliss to me.
Sonic feels like it's made with tender love every step of the way, you even chuckle at the bad pop culture jokes because you know they are trying to ease the mood with normie humor because when it counts they deliver.
>acting like a B+ is bad
this shit deserves less than that.
The cameos were all anyone cared about leading up to this. I said if Patrick Stewart was the best they had people would be disappointed and I was right
>Sonic feels like it's made with tender love every step of the way
Well everything but the wedding freak out. That was made for the sweet sweet Four Seasons cash
Also, Paramount's success with the MCU makes me ponder on a What If...? scenario if Disney never bought Marvel, while Marvel Studios just stayed independent.
Paramount would distribute the films with characters not owned by other studios, but there will be films that are distributed by Universal (the Hulk movies), Sony (the Spider-Man movies) and Fox (X-Men, The Fantastic Four).
If Disney never bought Fox, they wouldn't be the terrifying megacorporation that they are now and they would probably focus on making more good animated films, while Paramount wouldn't go on a Michael Bay-fuelled downward spiral only to be saved by Sonic of all franchises.
On the other hand, Ike Perlmutter probably would've never lost his power in the MCU if it weren't for Disney.
Still, I love how Sonic is the Paramount franchise that has probably been given the most love. Maybe even more than Bayformers and SpongeBob.
The only one that Paramount loved more than Sonic was probably The Godfather.
MCUcks have high standards
>>some people are saying that it makes no sense if you haven't watched Wandavision - curiously, this is also contrasted by other people saying that it basically throws out Wanda's development from Wandavision
This is the only issue with this movie.
You don't understand at all. A B+ on Cinemascore is cause for some worry for the studios, because it means the box office result has a chance of not going the way they want it. These got B+ Cinemascores:
Spider-Man 3
Amazing Spider-Man 2
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-Men First Class
Superman Returns
Justice League (theatrical version)
Wonder Woman 1984
Birds of Prey
Suicide Squad
The Suicide Squad
V For Vendetta
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers: The Last Knight
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Star Trek: Generations
Star Trek: Insurrection
>Also, Paramount's success with the MCU makes me ponder on a What If...? scenario if Disney never bought Marvel, while Marvel Studios just stayed independent.
This would depend on how things would work out because Marvel might want to be bought out by someone down the line. If they stay independent, maybe they might be okay, but if they get folded into Paramount they'd be as badly affected like the Star Trek franchise was, unless Feige can stave off that kind of thinking.
>while Paramount wouldn't go on a Michael Bay-fuelled downward spiral only to be saved by Sonic of all franchises.
That would have still happened regardless, they still haven't gotten rid of that producer that kept hiring Bay even after he said he was done with Transformers. Dude must have Paramount by the balls the same way Tom Cruise does.
Tom Cruise did make some recent non-Paramount movies.
Edge of Tomorrow was Warner Bros. while American Made and The Mummy reboot were co-productions between Universal and Toho.
That said, Paramount is pretty much his home.
Other movies that got a B+
Ghostbusters (2016)
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1
Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)
Kick-Ass 2
The Mask (1994)
Dick Tracy (1990)
Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage
Not all the films that got a B+ were bad, nor were all of them box office flops, (hell, there were some that were successes) but a lot of them didn't do as well as the studio wanted.
Strange will still make a billion. Though with all the hype I think they were hoping for more
>Call Earth-199999 616, instantly be worse
This happened to FFH and this. Every movie they misnumber Earth-199999, will be worse.
It likely will, but Age of Ultron got a Cinemascore of A, made 1.4 billion at the box office and was seen as enough of a disappointment to Disney that Feige used it as a reason to argue to Disney that he should control Marvel Studios and not Ike
Whenever an AU version of character job and die horribly, it just makes it seem like the "main" universe's version of that character is just the most competent one. It's sort of a common theme for some reason, like most AU versions have some massive flaw that the 616 version lacks so they always either die or turn evil or whatever. Like you constantly see this with Spider-Man and shit. It's like the 616 versions are the only ones who aren't shit, so despite only being #616 out of literally infinite worlds, it's more or less the one that sets the standard that everyone else fails to live up to.
That's just kinda funny to me. Like the entire reason that it's Earth 616 instead of Earth 1 is because, originally, they wanted to show that it was just one of many, it wasn't the biggest or best one by default. And yet it's 616 Strange who's the best Strange. It's 616 Spider-Man that's the pinnacle of all Spider-Men. 616 Hank hit Janet, but at least he wasn't as bad as Ultimate Hank. At least 616 Janet didn't literally fucking get eaten by the Blob. At least 616 Blob isn't a fucking cannibal.
Ultimate Iron Man is still better than regular Iron Man, though.
But his suit is lame.
Spider-Verse was a stupid event which ruined Morlun and other versions of Spider-Man
Anyone who only cares about cameos over a good story and filmmaking is a chud with two braincells.
It's just one part of an overarching trend. 616 is the pinnacle of the Marvel universe. It always was and always will be. It's the least shitty one by default. Even if another Earth SEEMS like paradise, it'll eventually be revealed to be a shithole. There's an Earth where Punisher killed every superhero on his planet. He'd never be able to do that in 616.
He had to be worse at one thing.
I know, I just wanted to shit on Spider-Verse again because it's just that shit.
Truth. Slott is a fucking manchild.
Seems like a mixed bag with actual casual moviegoers.
We’ll it should, it’s been hyped up like crazy. Also that said Cinemascore is not an indication of quality, but just how the people at the heater feel about it. Not gonna lie, this is not a great look, especially if it indicates bad legs.
It's a bigger issue than one would assume on the surface, as it means that no one is pleased.
Raimi sisters....
>Sonic feels like it's made with tender love every step of the way
It feels like every generic family and superhero film cliche put in a blender, wtf are you on about?
What I thought Sonic wasn't a generic animated movie script they had lying in storage and slapped a few Sonic references on top of before shipping out?
It’s probably a bigger issue that Wanda goes way too far at times and we see it an explicit manner. It’s less about her character development and more that, people are bringing their family out to see a big Marvel movie. Like I wanted her to die when she said those lines to Reed. It was just extremely cruel.
no Iron Cruise
Le Raimi style combined with digital cinematography and garbage CGI is just awful.
If we get down to brass tacks, the real issue is that it's an incredibly unsatisfying narrative for Wanda. Most people liked WandaVision and were interested in how she could atone herself or get her family back because those are really appealing narrative threads. The follow up being "she goes crazy evil, kills a bunch of people, then dies" isn't going to make anyone happy and they rode so hard on it there is no way to walk back without a massive asspull. Even for the people who want crazy evil Wanda it's unsatisfying because it happens so fast and ends so abruptly. It'd be like if Captain Marvel 2 had Bucky show up, revert to his Winter Soldier programming, shoots up a shopping mall, then get killed. Who is getting any sort of satisfaction or closure out of this? Certainly not the audience. It's almost as if the plot was written expressly to appeal to the minority of viewers who somehow have followed Wanda's storyline through 4 films and a tv show despite not liking the character. It's such a breakdown of basic storytelling that it's baffling the script go approved. It's not even an anticlimax. I am racking my brain trying to figure out why, and the best thing I can think of is that Wanda's role in the script was originally Mordo's; that doesn't really work well either, but at least has thematic continuity with DS1.
First movie is a strugle between the creative team trying to make it a Sonic movie and the execs pushing audience-tested elements. Some of these elements are charming though.
Second movie falls a lot more onto the creative team side.
I love how they referenced the very first movie trailer, only this time it was properly earned.
guess movies aren't for me anymore
Yet some MCUfags are crying about how it makes sense because The Darkhold got her!!
>Smartest man alive
>gets everyone killed
I dunno, Peter got a happier life in the MC2 universe and if you're bringing up Spider-Verse well Defalco already made it so it's not MC2 Peter and Mayday by writing a few subtle differences in his Spider-Verse story that indicated it wasn't the MC2 that other writers followed despite what Slott said
>the first MCU film since Ant Man that actually tried to be something other than a MCU film.
I don't remember Ant Man well enough to know if this is true
Sounds like a good movie to me. What is Yea Forums crying about?
People always get butthurt when females turn out evil. Feels like these people just want their cake and to eat it. Hmmm so goood She’s doing all this sketchy shit like enslaving people and walking away like it’s nothing. Yas! Oh what? She kept deteriorating and is now a murdering psycho? That’s not fair because she’s a woman!
Ant-Man was just your generic family movie.
Yea Forums seems to like it though.
I think most people are just retarded and can only think in clear good/bad definitions. Wanda gets mind whammied by an evil book and demons, right after having a psychological break, and suddenly everyone just thinks shes 100% or not without consequence. She's a walking tragedy if anything
It doesn't, those people are shills.
>People always get butthurt when females turn out evil.
Because it's the same damn story every single time. It's almost always "this female character can't control her godlike powers because lol women, welp time to put her down. Also babies might be involved". It's fucking boring, and insulting to the audiences' intelligence.
>Hmmm so goood She’s doing all this sketchy shit like enslaving people and walking away like it’s nothing.
That was shit as well, but at least she had a CHANCE to turn around from that and subvert the cliche.
Wanda killed two fathers (Reed, Black Bolt).
Killed a mother (Monica)
Tried to kill a teen (America)
Killed numerators students of magic.
Tried to kidnap another Wanda’s kids.
Caused the incursions that are going to eventually destroy the multiverse.
>16 year old throwing hissy fits that the movie wasn't just 2 hours of cameos and references
Uh user... Most of those are literal grown ass wagie normies. In case the chip and dale movie and ready player one hasn't clued you in yet. Normies go fucking crazy for cameo cross over bullshit. They'd eat the garbage up by the truck loads if they could.
there have been incursions already, like the one caused by Strange-838
>the movie wasn't just 2 hours of cameos and references
Are you retarded?
t. Disney Executive