Mfw all my friends hate me because i keep trying to convince them to read

>mfw all my friends hate me because i keep trying to convince them to read
>mfw i try to talk to them about philosophy and have good discussions
>they all are annoyed at me although they themselves think its cool but when I try to talk to them about it they think im being pretentious
>they give me half-assed yes when i ask them if they want to read a book together
>buy friend a copy
>mfw he doesent even open it
>I told him their all wasting their spare time watching netflix
>"user I just want to spend these times having fun, not reading"
>mfw they hardly hit me up ever except recently
>"hey user"
>"hey fren-non, whats up"
>"you should totally get this lol"
>*sends picture of psued tobacco pipe*(see bertrand russel)
>mfw i realize these people hardly ever text me first ever and its always me texting them, and after an incident I had its hard for me to go out at all
>mfw reading Leopardi and feel sad now :-(
Yea Forums how do u find people to talk to? my anxiety kills me so I can talk with people in class but otherwise I cant', professor likes me but i don't even go during office hours cause i too anxious

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Your friends should be used as cheap outlets for your social urges. Serious thinking should be done in private

I’ve been getting into some lit this past year. Hit me up on line user, looking for a penpal meself.

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>my friends

Sorry to be the one to tell you this user

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You’re "friends" with normal people, also known as "normiefags" drop them, and make new friends, they’re deadweight and also you have nothing to lose, it’s meaningless

They hate you because you're a pseud you dumb cuck. And this goes out to all the 4chinks that read this and sympathise with this loser. You show all the signs of being a pseud tier faggot
>Constantly brings up reading while other people are doing something unrelated
>Takes friendly public sphere type conversations about philosophy with absolute laymen wayy too seriously
>Probably says things like you should read Kant he talks about this in the critique of pure reason.
>Gets triggly wiggered when his friendsly jokingly hint to him that he's being a pseud.
Why can't you just read books because you like to? Why do you have to let everyone know that you read? You know why? Because you're a faggot insecure pseudo intellectual who is more interested in peoples reactions to your posturing than you are to seriously learning something about yourself or others or life.

Listen you faggots. People dont hate you because you're smart people dont like you because you're a pseudo intellectual waste of space to society who cant deliver on his posturing. Normies are better identifiers of pseuds than you can ever imagine.

This, Fucking Based, OP stop imposing on your reading material interests on others, you’re egotistically stoking yourself when you recommend these books to your peers, because internally you think you are better than those around you and you believe that’s how they should spend their time, Gaylord, continue reading and developing good reading habits to enhance your logic, but I think you should leave people the fuck alone, I read and I’m into what you’re into, but interactions with others are good, because I decided not to project and impose like a pretentious dickhead, relax and keep reading :) and always remember to leave people the fuck alone you fucking weirdo, happy sailing, love you OP

dude no, im not like that at all. It's just a really fond hobby of mine I try to bring them in, I don't bring up any philosophers or any of that stuff I just try to get them to question life in those 3am discord talks. And I never treat people as lesser, or think im "smarter" than them. Their all studying CS,Law and Mathematics which I always tell them is something im impressed by.

:/ sorry guys ill try to improve

In a less harsh way than above, people develop friendships because they like friends as they are. It sounds like you are trying to change them and take them away from their hobbies and enjoyment. Reverse the tables and imagine them trying to push you to watch a movie instead of reading. It would give you the sense that you as is is insufficient. Let people be and they will like you more.

Ive had those ''friends'' ,but after graduation i mostly dropped them they are called normies or rabble or any other derogatory term for a reason they like sports, parties, and video games things most anons on this board find shallow . they found they fit in or tried to until they did unlike myself. They didn't want more out of things while i couldn't live like that. find a new groups of friends its tough but try at least.

I’m not saying change, you’re fine, you have the right mindset, but imposing has narcissistic narcissism dosed entirely all over it, I just want you to relax, for your own sake, don’t end up like Nietzsche

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You are enlightened

It really depends on how much you badger about this. If you only mention reading on occasion and want them to join then you aren't really in the wrong, these just aren't your type of people. They probably find you annoying for talking about anything you are personally interested in if they are making fun of you. These types of people tend to be selfish and only think about what solely interests them and anything else is lesser. That isn't uncommon in STEM. That's fine but you got to let them go then. If you are asking them near every meat up to do this, then yeah you are being way too imposing.

You can have different groups of friends that you do different things with. I talk about literature with some of my friends, I talk about plays and movies with other friends, I talk about work and restaurants with still other friends.

If you really do like these people and none of you are toxic wastes of time, then you can try to find some other people that you can talk about literature with. Of course this is its own challenge because IME most people you meet in college who read at all only read YA :(

a tip for discussing philosophy with normies: DO NOT namedrop all over the place like you do on Yea Forums, they will automatically tune you out. If you're not a pseud you'll be able to discuss Nietzsche or Kant or whoever's concepts in an everyday manner that's relatable to your friends' situations. If they're really interested and seem to want to explore that stuff outside of barstool conversation - which will happen rarely - then and only then can you rec a book.

But when i have a genuinely good conversation, my mind starts exploding with ideas and linking existing ideas to logical concepts. I often say things i never even thought before that open up whole new areas. It also greatly helps me think to having to formulate my thoughts out.
What about this? Isn’t this better than lonely ruminations?

>he hasn't given up every real life acquaintance yet

>bringing up philosophy to friends even though they don't want to discuss it
dude. I may not be the best source on this, since I haven't had consistent friends for years now, but even I can tell that this is utterly retarded. stop it

guilt tripping and shaming them
>>I told him their all wasting their spare time watching netflix
is not an effective way to get people to share your interests

I know we are on Yea Forums and all but that's still harsh. When you spend more than 90% of your time reading books, obviously you have nothing but the contents of these books in your head. Whatever you say and do will always come off as pseudo intellectual as result.

My advice to you OP is to keep a clear line between what you read and do in reality.

They're not your friends.
To understand the true nature of friendship and what really constitutes a friend, read St. Augustine's confessions. These are just people you have fun with. Friends listen to one another. There is a difference.

This has been said a thousand times already ITT but anyway: get better friends user. I go to the debate club at my uni and they all like discussing philosophy and namedropping
>inbf pseud
bugmen like namedropping celebrities and superheroes, Yea Forumsizens like namedropping philosophers and writers, what's wrong with that?

Lmao this is not honest friendship.

You can't change people and it's rude to try.

If you want friends with certain interests, you need to go out and find people that already have those interests.

>mfw all my friends hate me because i keep trying to convince them to read
Reading is not for discussion, dunce, it is for the mind in itself.


Stop projecting what you think is important to others.
>have group of friends that like to play basketball
>i suggest we should try playing soccer
>friends are relunctant and display a lack of interest
>continue to shove it down their throats
>goes on Yea Forums, "how do i make ppl like what i like?"

i clearly said i stopped trying to shove it down their throats :/

Id be your friend user

Well you did, i was just describing what you basically did. Just be a bro and enjoy the things you do with them. Dont feel sorry for yourself and smile more, people can sense when you are down and will most likely be drawn away from you.

literally got second hand embarrassment reading this.

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>I just try to get them to question life in those 3am discord talks

Dude wtf if you don't even mind talking about that kinda shit just over the internet just get some exclusively online friends to talk with about intellectual stuff. Find a yter or something that subscribes to a similar philosophical/ideological school as yourself and lurk their discord til you have some friends you solely discuss your Yea Forums pseudery with, you'll be fine

Concentrate on finding a bookish GF who finds other women boring. Do it while you are young - when they get to over 25 they are usually alcoholics.

the fact that not only OP exists but also all the people saying he did nothing wrong actually sickens me


Who are all the people saying he did nothing wrong? Are you deaf to the overall tone of this thread?


you are a pederast

Unleashing your power level and acting like an authoritarian dick will turn people off, who knew.

Have you not had a good conversation before? You bounce off each other and explore topics

Have different friends for different subjects

why do you expect your friends to give a shit about the same stuff as you? have you considered asking them what they're into?

The entire way this post is worded is so so self-pitying and ego stroking. You sound like a deeply insecure person and you're probably not smart enough to warrant how pretentious you are; do better

look up thread for my previous answers to this, I don't know where you got that from my post but if thats what I initially gave off, just know their was no mal intent and I never(if you look up) do any ego stroking with my friends :/

There are no honest friendships retard

Never reveal your power level to normies you pathetic autist.


OP did nothing wrong. His "friends" need to be BTFO.


There is, but they're so hard to find that it could be said there aren't.
honest people are exploited.
no one ever shows their true self, everyone keeps others at distance, everyone trying to 1up each other.
I to have honest friends your best chances are people that you grew up with and interacted with a lot + some luck. otherwise trying to find good friends at a later age is hard.
also while we're at this subject of friends, why do so many people pretend they don't need friends when they do, and I'm not even talking on the internet

>mixing up their and they're
read a fucking textbook lmao nerd

Have fun with your nausea

Because they're trying to convince themselves of that fact.

hey, user. Yea Forums is full of really insecure people who like to project all their own insecurities onto others, if you haven't figured it out by now. you're alright, dude. probably just need to find new friends, or at least one friend, or girlfriend, that you can talk to this stuff about. then they might actually be capable of hashing out the actual things you are reading about with you and giving you their own thoughts and opinions, instead of attacking their conception of your character for feeling alienated by having interests that 85% of people never dip a toe into. rationally, it's a completely normal response. you will figure your way through it and onto the next phase, for better or worse. up to you.

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im sorry bro, must be sad not having a real good friend. I have like, 2 real ones and like, 30 people I like "know" and "joke around with". But I love these 2 dudes on a very intimate level. I'd give up my kidney type shit. :')

>read St. Augustine's confessions.
Thanks for the rec fren

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>Yea Forums is full of really insecure people who like to project all their own insecurities onto others
That happens everywhere
>you're alright, dude. probably just need to find new friends, or at least one friend, or girlfriend, that you can talk to this stuff about
Very correct suggestion. Aloneness is the root of all suffering. It's so hurtful that many retain friend groups and relationships that are unfit just to escape it - and then feel even more alone

You sound like a cunt.

The fact that this thread is still up after this complete fucking blowout shows that many can't just accept that they aren't the Galaxy brained sage everyone begs for wisdom or is shunned because his truth hurts too much.
I bet OJ scans the living rooms of his friends immediately upon entering to find a Harry Potter novel and shit out the full copy pasta.
If they even invite him in.
"Sorry user we didn't mention there was a party. We'd assumed you wouldn't want to come anyways ;)"

Buy me books OP i will read them

There are no hope for others, everything is internal including the process that either always existed or adapted to your newfound interest in reading, you can't help other people, everyone is in their own bubble, you can't even help someone about to kill themselves because their internal world and process is different from yours and it's only serendipitous that your words have a chance to speak to or connect to their own internal process, people believe they are logical but our emotions are always on, the zeitgeist affects us all to some degree, projection happens involuntarily as it undoubtedly happens in this post, you change based on perception and rules all your own even though humans are largely similar our internal world and processes are borderline unique which causes persuasion to be nearly impossible to plan beforehand, it ends up being almost entirely based on chance that all the key factors align and allow for the internal process to change.

tl;dr - you can only help yourself + the high likelihood of being a high possibility in myself and others, either due to fact or perception.

I used to feel just like you user. Just keep trying to make friends and attempting to communicate with them. Bash your head against that wall until you finally ingrain the fact that although friendship can be incredibly rewarding at times, the reality is other people will only complicate your life at best and bring you grief at worst.

I only make friends with other pseuds for this reason.

in highschool me and my friends were bitter nerds who hated any display of sincerity or conviction and fundamentally mistrusted them as somehow inauthentic. when I became a litbro and began studying English and Philosophy and take a more self-serious and experimental view of life I found I very quickly alienated my friends who I'd thought were close as blood. they weren't open to my new ideas, and they didn't approve of my new behavior. probably this was in no small degree the fault of my own arrogance, but i couldn't help it, i was young and in love with a new literary world which it seemed would be my salvation. one of my friends in particular got pretty mean with me around this time and made it clear i wasn't wanted in the group anymore. it was sad to see our friendship was as tenuous as circumstance, and it was painful to lose my entire social circle more or less all at once. i still see those guys now and then but there's a gulf between us now and only old times to rehash and laugh about. we've gone separate ways, as i suppose we are all supposed to.

life after school without ever having that intense first love reciprocated is a huge cope and frankly it's almost a suicidal thought to consider that you missed out on all the most potent parts life in society had to offer besides hard drugs.

I wish I had a friend like you

how to make a clean break and make new friends at 26?

Even if you had that love, you would have only exchanged one problem for another set of entirely different problems. Love and then the bitterness of its loss. Marriage and a crushing divorce or worse a stagnant life of unfulfillment. Children that won't respect or appreciate you. I have the impression that there is no lasting happiness in anything, although I hope I am wrong.

bump for this

Just stop replying to them. If they keep trying to contact you then insult them until they get the message. Interact with a new set of people.


>Just stop replying to them
you've got the roles reversed
>Interact with a new set of people.
and where do you come across them?

As an adult you will only make new friends through shared institutions. Could be work, gym, church, whatever.

Spontaneously befriending people like you did as a child is not longer an option.

You're absolutely right but why is reading one of the few things that makes non readers cry pseud at the first possible opportunity

Sometimes I appear vulnerable to friends on purpose to see how they'll respond. If it's unfavourable, I cut them off.

I did this and I ended up with 1 good friend, maybe 5 people I talk to once a year and a brother who hates my guts.
Funny thing is, I'm not even being melodramatic, I just occasionally ask them for advice or share a story.
This is really effective if you want to give no fucks but make no mistakes, most men are acting and it's polarising for them to be talked to by someone talking openly.
Most men I know talk about women, cars, beer, games, places, the outdoors, houses, jobs and nothing else. No wonder so many kill themselves.

Life is hard and trying to use happiness as a metric for evaluating your personal worth is pointless.

If you feel anxious going and talking to people but bad about not trying then it's better to go out and try. If going in and talking to someone is worse than not, then you should feel happy just sitting some interactions out.

You should try to be more honest about feeling anxious reaching out to people user, it would help people understand where you come from a little more. It's embarassing but trying to come up with excuses or going around it while interacting with people is worse.

Unless you’re attractive.

you talk like a faggot

'You are "friends'"'

He didn't do anything wrong, and it's sickening you don't realize that. He tried to share his interest in philosophy with his friends and discovered they have little in common with him. Now it's time for him to find new friends.

I actually learned this lesson from a super stacey.
I was at a club talking to her and I found out she had a PHD in chemistry, I asked her why she was acting so retarded if she was smart.
She told me "You know we are at a club right?"

This is a fake story, why did I lie?
Someone told me this story but still rings true


If you're wrong here or not depends on how hard you're trying to steer them towards your interests.
There's nothing wrong with trying to talk about the stuff that interests you and if you're not overdoing it and they still think you're pretentious, then they're idiots.
On the other hand, if you know very well beforehand what kind of people these friends of yours are, then you're being the idiot for trying to change them (and judging by your description, I'm guessing you're in this situation).
Depending on the situation, you may only have the choice between conforming to their norms or leaving and looking for new friends.

I've sort of been in your situation and desu there's no winning here, you'll suffer either way but looking for new friends may yield results in the long term whereas staying won't yield anything at all.

True wisdom.

If you really want to get your normie people to read fix them on with something normie people would read.

Heck, give them some Stephen King or if they are especially retarded some Brandon Sanderson or shit like this.

If you actually as pseud as you think you are you are able to create a meaningful discussion out of the banal ethical dilemmas in those books and then you can get your friends to read "deeper" stuff on those themes.

So the moral of the story is that at clubs everyone acts stupid to fit in? I think I'll continue avoiding clubs. Normals are contemptible.

Honest question, do you aspergers syndrome user?

No, there's a difference between 'acting stupid' and 'not acting like a pseud lit cuck because nobody there cares about you reading the Odyssey in original greek'

>Why can't you just drink because you like to? Why do you have to let everyone know that you drink? You know why? Because you're a faggot insecure pseudo bohemian who is more interested in peoples reactions to your posturing than you are to seriously learning something about yourself or others or life.

Yes, but the Stacy in the anecdote was acting 'so retarded'. I'm not saying everyone at clubs ought to discuss Dante's Inferno.

Could be but 90% of anons here wouldn't now the difference of a stacy acting retarded or just having fun with their friends.

If someone on this boards calls normies "retarded" I usually am reading this as "Look how smart I am, and the normie doing normie stuff is totally retarded, am I right guys?"