I'm new to reading comics. Can someone explain the weird persecution complex Hal fans have...

I'm new to reading comics. Can someone explain the weird persecution complex Hal fans have? They act like he is never used when he appeared in multiple DC books like flash and Superman. He is still in the main green lantern book and central to other lanterns life. I even see weird off topic mentioning of Ben 10 or people being angry about him turning evil in the past.

What is going on?

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You've already explained it. It's a persecution complex. There's no legitimate reason behind it, it's just a bunch of "not muh hal" any time any other green lantern gets a push or anything bad happens to their bland whitebread jordan.

Blame Emerald Twilight for writing Hal Jordan going villain for a spell, replacing him and all the other Green Lanterns with a weeaboo artist, and making him the Specter. Scubby shit like that happens pretty much all the time to superheros nowadays, but back then it pissed fans off so badly that even now, the moment Hal's not in the spotlight they act like he's being taken out behind the shed and shot.

Hell, blame Emerald Twilight for making Green Lantern fans one of the most vocally touchy fandoms in DC whenever someone criticizes ANY Green Lantern. Especially when you bring up Batman or Hal Jordan. I swear, even though Batman definitely needs to be knocked off his pedestal once in a while to remind readers he's no Batgod, GL fanboys react to any criticism of the bullshit the Corps does as though you were blapsheming against God, despite said god being a man who was once defeated by getting a paper blown into his face.

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Death battle

Wasn't that a decade ago?

I think it has to do with Emerald Twilight and HEAT, Hal getting passed over for the DCAU, and the movie

Emerald Twilight was almost 3 decades ago

Emerald Twilight was a 1994 story.
So, almost 30 years ago. Halfags have been throwing a tantrum ever since. Hell, you might have heard of one of them, a fella by the name of Geoff Johns.

Two decades. Hell, in 2 more years, it'll have been 3 decades.

And yet they still refuse to let it go. That should tell you how long they held onto their hate.

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>Dead in the new animated movie
>Was replaced with John in JL
>TV Show gets cancelled
>Treated like a joke in the animated movies
The last memorable thing he did was summon Necron or suicide bomb when he was becoming willpower itself but I can't remember the latter properly. There's also Kyle stealing his girl.

There are two events involved. One is Emerald Twilight where Hal goes nuts, kicks the shit out of a bunch of his co workers, kills Sinestro and Kilowog and his bosses the Guardians of the Universe, steals the source of all GL rings power and becomes Parallax, a supervillain.
This left a number of HalFags understandably upset. They formed an advocacy group that dipped their toes into domestic terrorism by sending bomb threats to DC Comics.
The other incident is when DeathBattle had him square off against Ben Ten, Ben's defeat and subsequent disrespect by by Hal drove BenTen fans who are nearly as autistic as HalFags insane and they started raiding GL threads. Which lead to retaliatory raids of Ben threads. Which lead to it becoming something of an ironic meme, and I think that brings us to now, roughly.

And the worst part is Hal going mad with grief, turning evil, and redeeming himself? That was a great character arc. IMO it was one of the better character arcs out of DC. But we can't have nice things because not muh hal! it was all a space bug! even his hair going grey was the space bug!

>That was a great character arc.
It really wasn't, it was a cheap ploy to draw up attention much like Death of Superman and Knightfall.

It's mostly white people bitching about being replaced or some bullshit.
Hal Jordan isn't popular with the normies and he's failed to sell as a character and the GL as a concept multiple times.

That picture will never stop being cool as hell.
I miss insane parallax hal jordan.
Goddamn he was a fantastic concept for a hero that fell to his own blackest night.

As opposed to what though? The same shit over and over again?

I enjoyed Hal as Parallax but I can understand why people would be pissed. It's like if Injustice Superman became mainline canon then kills himself and gets replaced by Superboy for a while.

Honestly, yeah. You don't need to ruin characters for a quick buck.

Kyle Rayner is white though isn't he?

He was until he wasn't.

Despite being everywhere lanterns are perpetually b rank heroes, for Hal Lantards this is unexceptionable that most people really couldn't give less of a fuck about him.

Making characters struggle is now "ruining" them. Fucking great. Capeshit deserves to fail.



It is the equivalent of making Jon bisexuals to make some extra bucks, but you're just too stupid to realize and the comics tanked because of it.

>I'm new to comics but I'm also aware of a 30 year old controversy.

Except Hal got better. He didn't STAY evil, he had a terrible thing happen to him, responded badly, and earned his way back into being on the literal side of the angels.
And that still wasn't good enough for you Halfags. So instead it had to be a giant energy cockroach and Hal was utterly blameless and not even aged by the experience.
So no, I don't give a shit that they made Jon Kent bisexual, because comics are trash that deserve to fail if they're not allowed to make any character go through shit for fear of angering their fans.

>Was replaced with John in JL

To die

You think halfags would be happy about this I'm a johnfag and I'm seething

I’d say there’s a similar obsession with shitskins acting like John Stewart is anything but a milquetoast cardboard cutout with zero personality.

>and earned his way back into being on the literal side of the angels.
That was literally a response to fans backlash who objected to Hal murdering the fuck out of his friends for a cheap ploy. I know you faggots hate that the series revolves around Hal and dips whenever he's not at the center, but to defend such an obvious cheap ploy.

>acting like John Stewart is anything but a milquetoast cardboard cutout with zero personality.
People say the same about Hal Jordan

The JL cartoon backs that notion up.

Only racists and race baiters. Hal has a personality and history. If you didn’t notice I was turning the phrase one of those fat faggot racists used.

Emerald Twilight itself is shit user. What came afterwards was not planned and the entirety of Hal's downfall was written in less than 2 months because they shitcanned Gerard Jones and had to replace his original ALREADY SOLICITED issues. Frankly, it's a miracle that Hal was given so much respect by Marz in the years after to where he could have a redemption arc with how much of a heel turn he did.

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Every story he’s ever been in other than like cosmic odyssey when he was close to killing himself and based Martian Manhunter told him to just do it.

Yeah but marz is a bitch ass old man so who cares about him?

Hal was never going to be in the JL cartoon, Kyle was. Then was replaced by John. Hal was never in the running for that show at all.

You say this like that changes the point that he was left out of the cartoon…

>Only racists and race baiters
So Yea Forums in general?

>Frankly, it's a miracle that Hal was given so much respect by Marz in the years after to where he could have a redemption arc with how much of a heel turn he did.
user is too much of a retard to realize just how they did Hal dirty. Dude was basically the Chris Benoit of the GLC.

Yes only Yea Forums is racist and race baits and calls John Stewart a great complex character while saying Hal is milquetoast.

Stop trying, you dimwitted shitskin.

You're right.
Emerald Twilgiht by itself is the same "the entire city exploded" shock value shit that capeshit has been doing for almost 40 years now. But I'm talking about what came OUT of that. The redemption arc and line from Parallax to Spectre was what I find value in.
Because let's be real, they STILL blow up cities and planets for cheap shock value events. They just wish everyone back immediately afterwards so it's of utterly no consequence and might as well have not happened at all because otherwise fans will say "not muh" if the hero cries about it.

Yeah it was a response to fan backlash and it still wasn't good enough for you faggots. It had to be retconned into being a giant space bug so that Hal could remain a boring dindu.

The only reason anyone gives a shit about John in first place is because he was in the cartoon.

He was only in cartoon because Hal/Kal fags were at war with each other in the writing room and John also filled in for the minority spot (this was all pre cyborg push).

Only people who like him now are normies who grew up with the cartoon or the rare fan who remembers he fucked up and blew up a planet.

it was when I was a kid and I'm nearly 40 bro

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You’re not telling me anything I don’t know user, I agree.

>Yeah it was a response to fan backlash and it still wasn't good enough for you faggots.
I'm sorry I didn't fall for the shitty 90s comic bait and switch like you did. I have standards.

>beloved character gets assassinated for no reason
>'How dare you get upset'
Fucking retard.

>He was only in cartoon because Hal/Kal fags were at war with each other in the writing room and John also filled in for the minority spot (this was all pre cyborg push).
Bruce Timm stated that they filled John in because Hal was still dead at this point and everyone not J'onn was white as fuck.

And that's not even mentioning the Ryan Reynolds movie or the Cock and Ball Torture rollercoaster at Six Flags.

That happened 20 more than fucking years ago. We are talking about NOW retard.

Call them the name they created: H.E.A.T. (Hal’s Emerald Advancement (Formally “Attack”) Team)

I don’t see why having an all white team with a green alien is a problem. That’s the original 7 and most of the country even now 20 years later is white.

>H.E.A.T. (Hal’s Emerald Sneed (Formerly “Chuck”) Team)

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I didn't say that they said anything about John. They just call Hal boring and a cardboard cutout

>I miss insane parallax hal jordan.
>Goddamn he was a fantastic concept for a hero that fell to his own blackest night.
the problem with it is that that it wasn't the original concept and it got unexpectedly dropped on readers (and Coast City) for shock value. If they had had a year-long event with Hal growing more brutal and less heroic over time and then capped it with Coast City driving him over the edge that would be one thing, but this shit didn't even happen in his own book, it happened in Superman #80.

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McDuffie once again made the right call.

And like I said only race baiters and racists say that. Why are we talking in circles just so you can attempt to be clever?

Not really. John sucked then and sucks now. Guy or Kyle would have added a different dynamic. John was a redundancy with Clark and Diana demeanor wise.

they're all pathetic

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>no Guy and J'onn moments

It appeals to wider market base. You add minorities and females to teams to sell to a wider market.

It also reflects on the changing of the country since you have two minority groups at that time who would have accounted for ~20% of America alone. Picture seeing a 7 man all white team for the same jarring effect.

Because you can not like a character and not be a racist, race baiter, or whatever box you want to put people in so you can write off their opinions.

So you wanted token white guy hal jordan to be john except not white because....

What would hal jordan bring to the table that would have made him invaluable.
The live action movie bombed.
The cartoon bombed
His direct to dvd movies did at best modestly
He wasn't even considered for the justice league movie and the green lantern as a concept wasn't included because of how bad it was done and how poorly it failed to catch on in the public.

Tell us what Hal Jordan would have brought. Other then white skin. Guy would have been fun but too much of a wild card. Kyle and Wally as a team would have been fun.
But Kyle Rayner beign brought in alongside John wasn't allowed because of HEAT faggots.

Guy would have been the best choice.

John is boring.
Kyle causes too much seething.
Hal is even more boring without his friends/corp to bounce off.

>Hal has a personality and history.
We saw that personality in the GL Live action movie.

user it was a disaster.
A straight up GL movie like in the comics is damned to be shit. Outright shit.

Speak for yourself tranny.

DC character assassinated him during the 90s.

>We saw that personality
The "we" was in reference to us watching the GL movies

You galloping retard.

>GL threads have a dedicated schizo who hates Hal
What the fuck even is this board anymore?

I didn't see it because I know better than to watch shit with Ryan Reynolds

You don't get it user, he bet his house on Ben beating Hal. He's phoneposting from a homeless shelter.