What mouth

what mouth

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how did he job so fucking hard? Why did they make him stupid enough to reveal Black Bolt's powers? Why didn't someone weaker on the team like Captain Carter die first?

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Everyone jobs to her. Ultron, Thanos, Xavier, no one wins against her so don’t be so hard on the pile of spaghetti

At least Thanos didn't say some shit like "My blade is made from Uru, you can totally break it" before Wanda tried to

True but how was he to know that she can just vanish his mouth away

Seeing her mess with reality powers should have clued him in. Also being on the Multiversal Illuminati should have meant he'd at least heard of the Scarlet Witch

could she not use her reality bending powers to turn random kids into her own

imagine watching Wanda stans unironically defend her pulling a Wonder Woman 1984 except with kids.

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considering how she enslaved a town in her show and has now killed countless people I wouldn't be surprised actually

Dude had kids, Wanda left them fatherless…she wasn’t supposed to be that bad bros

Reminder that Wendy was a member of Hydra, her being an evil piece of shit is totally expected. Can’t wait till the x-men are introduced so that someone like Nanny can call her a shitty nazi.

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Honest question; what logic here gives Reed a clue she could do that or the spaghetti shit? The natural assumption is that she’s strictly telekinetic

Knowing nuclear physics doesn't mean he knows how to read people, and Reed is sometimes borderline callous when dealing with people. He probably thought that the threat of Black Bolt disintegrating her with a whisper would be enough to cow her, and I doubt he knew that she could cast a spell that fast without a somatic component, especially since we've seen her other spells almost always having one. It's like watching a wizard do a hand motion to create and throw a fireball all the time, then when you least expect it, he just stares at a guy to make them explode into flames.

If anything, it calls into question as to why Wanda couldn't simply just wish them all dead by blocking the airways or inducing a severe heart attack or stroke if she could just shut Black Bolt's mouth.

Deadpool can beat her.

>Sorry, I was too busy blocking your windpipe to care

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Can't he just run away? Stupid comic.

We all know Reed is nowhere near the level Plastic Man is on

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As he says if he pulls he might rip something out

>how did he job so fucking hard?
He was added in reshoots.
>Why did they make him stupid enough to reveal Black Bolt's powers?
Black Bolt and him were added in reshoots.
>Why didn't someone weaker on the team like Captain Carter die first?
She was not added in reshoots.

Makes sense. It brings to question who was originally supposed to be there though, because the Illuminati definitely wasn't just going to be Mordo, Professor X, Carter, and Monica. Maybe Namor and Iron Man variant were scrapped for reasons?

The original leak only added fucking balder in

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because they intend to have him play the 616 version of him later, and they showed him off in this being killed as an alternate self.


>Mr Boltagon, what use are your vocal powers, if you're unable to speak?

>like Captain Carter die first?
same reason thanos slapped the shit out of hulk, but didn't immediately break cap in half, bad writing

dude is still Thor level strong without the voice, people always forget that.

so if Wanda can just jump between universes anyways, why the fuck did she need CHavez's powers.

movie has a.. lose plot to say the least.

He's superhuman enough to fight it out with Hulk on relatively even terms, but he's just typecast as Shout Man nowadays.

this, he's one of the most all around powerful residents of Earth, dude can fucking fly through space, no problem.

he's so all around powerful and in such good self control they just rarely use him.

>Adapt to this.

She can’t do that…she possessed the Wanda in that universe through the main universe

They needed a reason for dyke spic from dyke spic universe to be instrumental to the plot.

I'll personally see the movie as many times as possible if they ever got Nanny to threaten and lunge at Wanda with a broken wine bottle.

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Please watch the movie before calling it bad. Chavez was surprisingly good in the movie

Reed can do that much, he literally did the same trick once by becoming paper thin to unlock a door with precise hinges, being Plastic Man level is to become a Bulldozer or a Tea Cup which Reed can’t do.

>Reed, it's been weeks
>And you're not eating anything
>At least you've gotten rid of that spare tire

Why would he speak knowing it would likely backfire?

user, you can remove her from the plot with only a few lines and the movie would still work.

Why were they so nonchalant about her? Who have they faced that they weren't afraid of her?

that was such a bullshit death, comic Darwin absolutely would adapt to that, and has, so far, adapted to everything to the point he evolved into a god.

Source on the reshoots?

but the MCU already has its own designation?


they are yoinking that, the comics this mega-dollar franchise sprung from is now slowly being treated like they never existed.

America is cute. Cute!

Get back to Twitter and stay there, retard.

Thanos had the power stone when he fought the hulk.

Is that an inherently bad thing? Have you seen the current state of Marvel comics?

>the 616 version
616 is the comics, mongo
MCU is 199999

What was JimReed holding when black bolt killed him?

Nice boogeyman stay mad. Wanda Maximoff>>>>>>>Wendy Frank

Thanos could legit hand the hulk his shit without the power stone.
Well comic thanos.
MCU thanos is an indefensibly retarded mouth piece for the depopulation/self sterilization agenda.

He's clearly egyptian dummy

If Billy and Tommy exist as Wanda's actual flesh and blood children in multiple universes who's their father? Vision isn't mentioned in the film once but she did have her powers in the Illuminati universe.

Did she bang Wonder Man?

The Way 838 Wanda just up and left after regaining control was hilarious. What was she thinking as she flew back through all the carnage and destructivo?


That insta-impale sounds like it would've been played for laughs so maybe the outcome we got was for the better. Also what a lame lineup that would've been

I'm confused. How did Wanda send the original weird ribbon monster in the opening scene? That opening makes no sense to me.

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Definitely feels like they wanted an Xavier cameo without blowing the X-load so they went for illuminati. Only to realize the line up was nonsense.

I'm convinced they had to have considered Superior Iron Man at some point. Iron Man was a part of the Illuminati, there was the small easter egg in Iron Man 2, they brought Ultron Sentries in, it seems too obvious. My only guess is that they got cold feet from potentially showing Iron Man to audiences again post-death and pre-Ironheart/pre-Armor Wars

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She used the Darkhold + Dreamwalking or something.

But she didn't know about dreamwalking yet I thought?

That got the second biggest reaction in my theater.

i like her in wizard school! she made sparks!

>they intend to have him play the 616 version
I sure hope not

NTA but the movies keep calling themselves 616.


I'm worried for her considering Mordo is still alive and Iron Man (if Cruise was cut). She has her powers in 838 though so idk if she used to be on their Avengers or what.


This is from Wanda's first appearance in comics. If you're complaining about a white woman playing her, you're a Goddamn moron and need to shut up.

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they didn't want wanda to brutally explode tom cruise's head

MCU Vision has nothing to do with Wonder Man at all. The obvious answer is that it's a universe where Vision was a normal human.

She always knew about dreamwalking. Reminder they only didn't use it because she was trying to be fair and civil or some shit.

If that thing about Reed and Black Bolt being added in reshoots is true, then that could imply they're going to be in for the long haul. They wouldn't do reshoots for two additional actors to fuck around for like 15 minutes, that's too much money to waste for a one-off.

So honest non trolling reply. Who take part in the new Illuminati.

MCU Strange has to be leading them.

And I see Superior Iron only being there in the case of him be responsible for building the base and letting this Illuminati using it and the sentries while he's off doing his own thing only to come back and see them dead now and 3 eye Strange ready to create a legitimate one.