So this was basically just Avengers of the ancient world right? A plethora of heroes with zero character development...

So this was basically just Avengers of the ancient world right? A plethora of heroes with zero character development, acts that aren't humanly possible. I am seeing a lot of similarities.

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Hagiography of the ancient world, per Spengler

A woman understood this work better than you, embarrassing.

this is the worst thread i’ve ever seen on Yea Forums

t. Skinnyfat "intellectual"

Why would anyone expect anything more from it?

Maybe the Avengers and superheroes in general are just the ways in which humans continue their tradition of telling mythical hero stories in a secular and hyper-consumerist world.

No, that's pulling theories out of your ass. The anncient Greeks were nothing more tgan cave people that needed cool heroes and gods to look up to, just like we have the avengers today.

Help me guys im desperatly trying to beat my electronics-induced dopamine addiction. Im trying to relearn how to read because 140 caracters totally fucked my hability to read long texts. Im halfway through the Iliad and and i struggle to read 10 pages without going insane

Also when im reading im constantly thinking about other stuff, im so fucked

"Iliad" is based on actual historical individuals and events. Its narratization was inspired by the electromagnetic contacts with Mars that occurred in seventh and eighth centuries BCE, and their aftermath.

Threads like this just kill any hope I have for the west

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>A plethora of heroes with zero character development
What's the importance of character development?

I have read both the Iliad and the Odyssey and liked neither.

It might be impossible for anyone honest to enjoy this.

You might just be gay

I have the sneaking suspicion you are in the vast minority

How can a minority be vast, user?

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>Looking up to Cape shit
>Looking up to the mcu

Like this *fards and shids*

You're supposed to already know about the characters before reading them. It was oral tradition

>A plethora of heroes with zero character development
i feel like hecotr and achilles were decently developed
besides, the illiad is from a time in literature where stories where plot-focused instead of character focused

check out 'moly'

Basically yes, the only difference being that the heroic was at the centre of ancient Greek culture, whereas in the west it is shunned by intellectuals and is condemned to pulp function and pop-culture blockbusters.

Good. Heroes are boring and retarded.

Its very different for the reason that there are no marvel-esque villains in the illiad. In the odyssey, sure. The illiad is a tragedy as much as it is a triumph; that's the way war is. Nearly everyone in the illiad is a hero, and even when they're not, they're definitely never an outright villain.

Hector was the only hero.

That’s more like the Argonauts.

Stop approaching the Iliad like its young adult fiction. The larger than life characters are general representations of real people, through which ethical dilemmas are presented. How do soldiers who's lives revolve around brutally executing men on a daily basis show compassion towards one another and work together? What is Homer saying about love in the context of war when he narrates Diomedes so easily wounding Aphrodite on the battlefield? The more I think about the story, the more it grows on me.
Work out before reading. Work out until you can barely move, and when you are crumpled on the floor with your chest pounding that is the time time to read. You have to clear your head.

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This. Iliad would be more like if they made a movie about all the Avengers’ kids saving the world.

Odyssey would be a spin off about a fan favorite from that.