Why did this trigger people?
Why did this trigger people?
Why would that trigger someone? I think it's pretty hot.
Because it reminds me women rarely look like this because they all become fat by 20 these days. Any women who do look like this are such a rare commodity that they're basically reserved for Chad only.
I hate fat women so much bros.
It doesn’t trigger me but it reminds me of all those annoying Twitter types that think “horny on main” is hilarious
me on the right
I've noticed women are allowed to be openly horny these days but men aren't. Like a woman can genuinely be thirsty on her blue check Twitter account and everyone claps and cheers, but when a man does it he's called a creep who needs to touch grass. Why is that?
because it's obnoxious
because simpcucks on the right give fit Chads a bad name, they want to be dominated like the beta cucks they are rather than show a amazon girl her place underneath male perfection(me)
How is this Yea Forums
>How is a Yea Forumsmic Yea Forums?
right, lets get back to baby murder and why people love it.
Nobody was triggered by this.
Their boners were.
Because twitter(most social media really) is filled to the brim with simps.
I remember Sargon or some other old Skeptictuber thinking it represented weak masculinity in society but that’s about it.
it's disgusting, women must be FAT
Because I'm tired of your fetish being shoved down my throat.
>women rarely look like this because they're all become fat by 20 these days
The woman in the OP pic is 9 heads tall, has shoulders and hips three times as wide as her waist, and her hair is on fire.
Women don't look like this because literally nobody looks like this unless they're a character from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
No one likes sex pests.
No, women don't look like that because most women are overweight or obese after adolescence because their diet consists of McDonald's and corn chips.
I've never really been attracted to abs on women, at least not this kind. That area of fit where it's slightly defined but not segmented yet, now that's hot stuff.
This isnt 2013 grampa.
>Woman wants to do it to a man but has been shamed by queers and women who hate women plus incapable of getting a male like that
>So acts like the male in a fantasy relationship to get her rocks off.
Have fun with that.
There are guys who'll let girls lick our abs...they know that right?
But people are triggered
There's a woman at my gym who actually does proper workouts, lifts more than I do, wears tight clothes, and somehow still has breasts
It takes all of my self control not to stare
The idea of "loving the kind of woman who can kick your ass" sounds like the biggest simp creed in the history of simp creeds. You've come to accept that you're physically inferior to most women, good job
It's the natural result of modern society empowering women
The idea there wouldn't be submissive men who want to basically be the "woman" of the relationship is hilarious
>lifts more than I do
>somehow still has breasts
Then you don't actually lift and aren't a man, srry m8
Hey you don't know me
That's just bullshit "strong" women shit out to lure in beta simps and brainwash dumbass girls into thinking "strong woman" = "inferior man".
>Why did this trigger people?
Because that little knight guy isn't me.
There's only one way to settle this; show your pecs.
Personally I hate 'architects' more.
>6/10 women are fat
>"no I can't fuck those fat women, I want to make this thin woman fat"
Simps and fatfags are the cancer killing society and if we got rid of them things would brighten up rapidly.
user, any woman built even remotely like the woman in that picture is literally sterile, titless, assless, are actually physically ill because of it, and have actually shortened their lives by years.
Oh and they are oft frigid and dry as the sahara after the steroids stop making them super horny.
Name of the girl?
I don't like being portrayed as a white knight sock puppet blob
>I don't like being portrayed as a white knight sock puppet blob
You aren't empowering women if you're fetishizing their "strength". You're just pushing them to be your niche sex objects
because pic related and any portrayal of a happy mutual heterosexual relationship is another twist of the knife
>"no I can't fuck those fat women, I want to make this thin woman fat"
While theyre related feeder fetishism and fat fetish are two diferent things you moron
Immediately thought of Telepurte. I think he's super talented, but GOD do I wish his content revolved less around "haha am horni ecks dee"
Girls have power fantasies and like being admired too
user or go home
Muscle girls are either super chill or completely batshit paranoids like Autumn Ivy.
is that yang?
or that fusing cat girl from akame ga kill
hot tho
I don't mind muscular women, but there's a certain group of artists that make it their entire personality.
>copped a nice feel of her boobas
fucking based
>Girls have power fantasies
They have fantasies where they are men?
She also has a head and face shape no creature on planet Earth owns.
It doesn't even look good to put that shape on a body trying to be anatomically "correct".
... and the more I look at it the more painful it gets, like how she's actually pointing with her left hand despite it being the wrong direction to physically do that.
From a picture? Jesus what faggy snowflake beta cucks.
I’ve seen her pictures but don’t know anything further, what’s she so paranoid about?
seething uggo
Yea Forums is a Sargonist board do NOT countersignal!
user no one cares about your irrational hatred of fat people, take your meds
>Tomar, what would you- what would you do if if a tall, warrior lady came and told you to lick her abs, and and you really wanted to lick them?
>What would you do, Tomar?
>"no I can't fuck those fat women, I want to make this thin woman fat"
No I agree Abs are art. Fuck yeah.
Abs sex Muscles girl bicep sex....
>medication meme
statistically you're on them if you're a fat nigger tho not them