Wanda Maximoff

From a scale of 1-10. How evil is she?

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*Kills you*

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They'll never know what she sacrificed for them

She killed billions...

To save 2

It's funny how they keep her being obsessed with her dead husband and her fake children as something emotional, and not an incredibly toxic obsession that serves nobody. Fuck them kids and fuck her.

>nooooo my tulpa children
more like the schizo witch

Vision is sterile and can't have children user.

She did all of this for the illusion of children. An illusion created by Cthon the god of magic and cunning.
The being that wants her to create a new body for him so he can leave his prison dimension.

so whats the defence force argument going to be now? wandafags defending her schizo ass before was already cringe

More like Scarlet Bitch

She has literal vagina plot armor. When Thanos did some dumb shit Thor showed up and executed him on the spot.

why didn't wanda just get a sperm donor if she wanted kids so bad?

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she really doesn't have agency heh

But they still existed in the multiverse

Why didn't she just fuck a human man and get knocked up?
Bitch has been driven insane by undealt with grief. Add the ability to litterally manipulate reality at will and an eldergod whispering naught things into her brain and showing her illusions to manipulate her into seeing reality wrong and well...

Insane weapon of multiversal destruction created by an existence that's considered one of if not the greatest mage to ever be and completely controlled by it for some horrifying unspeakable pourpose.

She'll never be able to see anything except the children that reprsesent the life she wishes she had and a new future. The children that never exist.
The children that are the destined bodies of the twin eldergods ctthon and set.

user, monica rambeau didn't say that. That's an illusion Cthon conjored up to keep her from facing the horrors and evil she unleashed on the world in his name.
In her mind she still thinks she's a heroine and only trying to have a peaceful life and save her family.

>TAS Xavier jobbing, now in live action.

Wanda is a cute. A CUTE!

>i can fix her

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Why didn't she go full Robotnik and turn everyone into robots?

Tell that to Zod

Agency when they try to play up the person as blameless for clearly indefensibly evil actions as okay because vagina is bullshit and only BPD women and people who actually hate women want that.
HOWEVER her being manipulated by a powerful force is par for the course in the magic game.

The multiverse is infinite. And in one of those universes vision was human and capable of reproduction. Due to the multiverse theory anything can happen.
She simply looked for the universe where her fantasy life was real.

You do that.
Just go over there in that corner with the rest of the broken nutty cunts and don't bother proper human beings ever again okay.

She doesn't just want kids, she specifically wants Bill and Ted back.

Unlike what the Book fo Job says you can't just replace children.

Why do retards like pretend the obvious chaos demon manipulation isn’t a factor in her actions?

So do they drop the whole angle of bending over backwards to make her irrational behavior sympathetic like at the end of Wandavision?

Manipulation =/= lacking all free will
It twisted the truth and may have worn on her psyche but Wanda's still the one pulling the trigger to murder innocents. She's doing it in the name of her own selfish desire to get two fabricated children back, not in the name of the dark demon itself.

Trying to absolve Wanda of any guilt is like saying Loki was manipulated by Thanos

She had a psychotic break and her brain is juiced by chaos magic puppeteered by demons. How the hell is that not a good excuse? I’m not even a Wandafag

Killing a few retards doesn't change the fact that Wanda failed and lost. Strange beat her once again by protecting America from her and making her kill herself.


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I think they still try to make her sympathetic, but this time she dies, so I guess it's not exactly the same.

I mean a sympathetic villain is normal I guess, it's more the narrative painting her as someone without fault that bothered me.

Reminder of what comics Wanda does when she loses her kids the first time

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They've bent themselves over backwards trying to say that Loki isn't a bad guy. Every single appearance of him outside Avengers tries to either absolve him or make you feel sympathetic towards him. His show literally tells you he's not actually a bad guy, only pretending. The problem with Wanda is that, unlike Loki, we know from out of the gate that Wanda had a shitty life, it has only really gotten worse over time, and her motivations are understandable in context. Ultimately, I think that the MCU has fallen into the same trap as the comics, in that for some reason they think the only thing that matters about Wanda are the stories and dictates of people who hate the character in spite of what her fans actually want. By buying into that they fucked themselves over because audiences grew attached to the character and now they're trying to keep up their long-term plotline of Wanda being an evil psycho murderer then unceremoniously killed off while also trying to wallpaper over it because they realized there is a very real risk of alienating a chunk of their fanbase.

>Witches are just stupid sluts that are used by interdimensional beings

Nercomonicon literally says this, was that planned or ironic?

Judging from the drawings it looks like the 90s time, before the Ultimate universe came and all the marvel characters became assholes.

Modern Wanda is hopelessly corrupted with writers who always bring her back to the usual point of depression.

Man, I don't blame comic reader for holding on pre 90 marvel comics, were heroes were at best heroic and at worse jerks, and not people that collect crimes that they will never be held accountable of.

I blame that negro girl who said “they don’t know what you sacrificed” for this entire fiasco. This woman held an entire town hostage and gets a pat on the back as a reward

She's a woman, so 0. Everything is good when a woman does it.

Oh nonono mcutards, glad I have big 2 comics prior to their shittening

Her motivation is understandable but her actions are supervillain tier shit. So like a 7?

Ultimate marvel had sexy women though.

Still funny how multiverse of madness' whole plot is resolved in a single fucking page in the comics.

You know as well as I do that what came out of monica rambeaus mouth never reached wanda's ears.

Feige is a faggot for getting rid of this costume

That's old tho

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>you read the script of this shit

Her accent is gone she is super evil

Pretending that isn't standard absolution in genre fiction is laughably disingenuous and instantly forfeits your argument.

>I now bind the Scarlet Witch with the power of AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH

anyone have the “bendis ruined wanda” green text

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Wow, Stark keeps being right even in death. How's that Freedom, Rogers?

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Were does this meme even come from?

watchmen. the scene where ozzy shows his prank

>they actually gave him the floaty chair
Good on them. Still not watching.

Is Wanda supposed to be Romani?, because she looks like one in here



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they really missed a great opportunity to have him do the scream



Why do more variants of Strange use thr Darkhold when the author gives zero fucks about Strange?

What if they are illusions created by Chthon as well?


Wanda realizes Darkhold is evil and must be destroyed.

Strange never learns; he keeps fucking around with it across the entire multiverse, all his variants keep using it over and over.