Moon Knight Ep 6

Well that was shit, WandaVision all over again.
What a shame after 4 and 5 were so good

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Shouldn’t you be whining in a Doctor Strange thread?

Im talking about Moon Knight, havent seen dr strange

Who let you back in the house?

>Don't call out shit when it's shit. How do you expect us to maintain our cognitive dissonance??? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>WandaVision all over again.
Yes they are both masterpieces of casual capeshit television and (you) are not only a contrarian but a hardcore fan who watches the spin off tv shows and posts about them on an anime message board. We all know you enjoyed it and you are going to watch Season 2 like a good little consoomer

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It was a great ending
particularly with the twist we all saw coming

>Proportional speed, strength, and agility of a hippopotamus

It was great, dunno what you are talking about.

>masterpieces of casual capeshit television
That's just shit but with more steps

They always always ALWAYS fail to stick the landing.

>MCU movies are designed never to end, just lead into the next one
>as a result MCU shows don't actually know how to do an ending

Wait a minute, this actually had a good ending

I thought Peacemaker was way better than both.

Agreed but then I loved Peacemaker. No homo.

it had an ending literally anyone who watches non-brainlet shows saw coming a fucking mile away

the 3rd personality reveal is pretty obvious even if you don't read comics. I get why the last scene is there but, how did none of them in his head figure that out? A married dude wouldn't ask out another woman

Seriously...FUCK HIPPOS. I fucking hate them.

No homo won't save you from being a fag, Peacemaker is gay AS FUCK

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>become avatar of hippo
>get wings and become Wonder Woman

Not everything needs to be "le epic twist"

I mean Taweret did say she had a really neat costume, maybe even she knew turning into a hippo woman wouldn't look very neat so she was like, ehhhhh scarab.

Is it bad that the only intelligent convo about anything related to comic books now a days comes from Yea Forums?

>Twitter is full of hopeless racist weebs and well meaning but mistaken super kind talking about how manga is better because less gay flag, or because more gay flag.

>Reddit sucks ass because it’s a bunch of people who have surface mat pat style opinions about media.

Yea Forums might not like the product, but has always respected the craft of both western and eastern animation, comic books and comic book adaptations.

Reason I bring this up is because I can’t find anyone talking about moon knight in a meaningful way except for Yea Forums.

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Today was probably the last day. He is Meme Knight now, user.


Taweret is the hippo goddess of childbirth. Kinda hard to build a cool superhero identity on that theme.

Man, I just fuck dudes, that doesn’t make me a homo.

It makes you a homo, but it doesn't have to make you a faggot.

Kinda like how you can be black without being a nigger.

>Birthing Goddess
>Having wings instead of big milker
Other than that, she was pretty hot.

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>tfw no scene of Marc reconciling with his dad
>tfw no scene of Taweret letting Layla talk to her dad
all you had to do was make a 50 minute episode like all the other episodes

>they are both masterpieces of casual capeshit television

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Taweret's actual statues have giant pendulous boobs, I don't think Disney would allow Layla running around in a saggy boob costume.
Her weapon could be slapping you with her sagging pancake tits.

>WandaVision all over again.
No, it was the complete opposite.
The last ep of WV was the worst and ruined the whole series.
Th last ep of Moon Knight was the best and gave a mostly satisfying ending (beside the stupid cliffhanger, Jake should have been in the episode.)

>WandaVision all over again.
Yeah both were pure kino

Are you kidding? Best mini-series ending after Loki. Also, the post-credit scene for once actually is good. Really seal the deal.

It's not like Moon Knight really resemble a big bird either.

>the post-credit scene for once actually is good
Pure sovl

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stupid sexy bastard khonshu

Khonshu is a cold blooded bastard to kill his former avatar and sister like that.

That seem a bit too easy way to kill Gods, IMO. Are all the others god in their avatar dead too? That sound like a cop-out.

I hope they get that cunt Bast and genocide the entirety of Wakanda while they're too busy crying over the corpse of their literal pussy of a god.

No they trapped her in his body, it's different to the Avatar thing

Ah, okay.

Hardly. Yea Forums depends on the audience that comes to the thread. If a thread OP attracts more shitters, coomers, and schizos than usual, we get a shit thread.

Also I can't find the premiere thread in the archives. Must have not used the words Moon Knight in the OP

Morbius post credits vs MK post credits is like day 'n night

I'm disappointed she did not get a mask of sorts.

I think cause it was Mocn Knight with a "c" to look like the poster text.

Have you tried Mocn Knight?

Oh you!

>Must have not used the words Moon Knight in the OP
Try mocn Knight.

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The point on his hood creates a silhouette like a bird's beak

You guys are literally just redditors but hornier and more pedo. Only reason MK threads are even made is because most chan users have a boner for the CGI Hippo.

That being said the show isn’t too bad.

Unironically, Layla makes a better Falcon than Falcon

I thought they were creative with her fighting armour

Cheers lads

Marc and Steven switching on the fly was cool.

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What is Jake's armor?

Almost looked like it but I reckoned Jake inflicting braindamage on Harrow also had an effect that prevented the trapped god from influencing his actions after they were spared.

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Either a straitjacket or moon knight with a huge bird skull helmet

Call us back when you can construct a sentence without using a buzzword.

Fun fact in the Japanese dub Moon Knight is Gilgamesh from Fate and Domon Kasshu

I assumed it was meant to be alluding to those birds that have a co-dependent relationship with hippos where they clean their teeth


So will Layla and hippo have their own adventures next season? I imagine Layla's gonna be looking out for Bushman as a side plot.

Nah, she said it was temporary. Layla's role next season will mainly be in educating us how a healthy polyamourous relationship should look like. It's about time people start getting educated.

Implying the goddess of childbirth and fertility wouldn’t be useful in that

>implying they're still together
>implying it won't be MarcSteven selfcest feat. a 45 min episode of wanking and anal stimulation

Man, Steven is LITERALLY me

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