BCB - Bittersweet Candy Bowl

One Panel Edition also Sue 'comes' for Lucy lol

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This sucks.

What did she mean by this?

>Paulo fucks distressed Lucy pre December is good end
>Paulo fucks distressed Lucy post December is bad end
He screwed up

I dont think these 3 pages have enough material for one page in the past, a whole week of nothing

Im so tired of this

Idk how this is supposed to make us feel
Is this the 'feel bad for Lucy' part?
While she simultaneously manipulates and plays with Paulo's emotions?

Next page: more of the same, blank space, paulo stuttering and wants to confess his love but insists they talk after the show, lucy doesn't care about any of this, they both hear mike coming and lucy shoos paulo out of the room, end of chapter

At least we start anew on Friday

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Will we see the coom on her face?

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She cant keep wetting away with this

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Called it, Taeshi can't compromise for shit so it's going to be left ambiguous whether they did anything so she doesn't have to put her fursona's purity on the line

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how the fuck is this still ambiguous for you? you're retarded

That artstyle... I've seen it before...

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Tell me using only the last three pages of context what happened

people actually pay for this shit?

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Dude it's clear Paulo got his bepis stroked by Lucy and he coomed too early.

why would I be limited to the last three pages? I've read the comic, if you havent you're the only one to blame for being such a clueless newfag
even with your arbitrary restriction trying to cover your ass its obvious they hooked up for a quickie

>we gotta talk after the show
>Lucy up and leaves without bothering to say a word
>knifes him in the heart twice more after
>Paulo still simps for Worst Cat
Not even Mike was this desperate, fucking hell

What an awkward way to end the chapter as it's completely redundant.

Wait, do you really think this is ambiguous?
It couldn't be any more obvious that they had sex and it was an awful experience. It's really drawn out and the point could have been made in two or even one page, but the message is crystal clear.

I don't disagree with you but where tf the semen go

>Use only the last three pages
>When they literally used the term 'going all the way' half a chapter ago

This is some deep Mikefag cope

Not that user, but if you think the rest of the comic supports the idea that Paulo and Lucy had sex, then you're the retarded one.


i dont know how you get filtered by bittersweet candy bowl but you sure did, and its time to kill yourself

Post the page

Imagine being so invested in BCB that a disagreement incites such spergery

im sorry Yea Forums isnt a safe space the way discord is for you

Imagine being so invested in a cat's virginity you can't admit the obvious

Those are some unfortunate levels of projection, my dear shipfag

Who gives a fuck about Lucy's virginity? I'm talking about how badly Taeshi supported her lazy retcon

Damn this thread has /cgl/ energy today

Please tell me this is the end of the chapter. Please.

What retcon? It was worded vaguely enough to where she could take it an any direction.

From the current chapter
Speaking very technically there isn't hard evidence that they hooked up but it is strongly, strongly implied

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There is 1 more page.

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This is it boys, if she's teary eyed the discord can spin it as rape

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Drunk Paulo proudly announcing he'd "made out" with Lucy and had "touched her boob" spells out that he got to second base, which makes a lot more sense given the absurdly short time he was alone with her. It's clear that Taeshi later went and changed her mind without bothering to tidy up what she'd already established.

Yeah. She raped him.

Given the context of the conversation, Paulo's taunting better fits the time Lucy showed up on his doorstep and threw herself at him.

Trigger:non-consensual Hand Holding

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Oh, they'll do that regardless. Her tears would just be absolute confirmation that she was raped, and gives her a pass to be absolved of any and all accountability.

It's just going to be dead-eyed Lucy, assuming Taeshi even bothers to draw peepers period. I can't believe even hyper-stylized anime eyes have become too much work for this lazy bum

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Why is this thread so obsessed with the discord?

she's actually been worse than Sandy with Paulo lol

It's a critical mass of awful opinions, self-righteous delusion, naked self-insertion, and sometimes the obvious drone pokes their head in here to try and one-up the haters. So it's hard to not point and laugh.

I get the effect Tae was going for but it gets kinda blunted when it takes over a week to get through it. Like the passage of time itself will do half the work here for you, Tae, no need to manually drag it out. But iirc they design things with the physical volumes in mind, not the webcomic. Maybe not the greatest decision to make years of reading worse just to maybe, slightly improve the experience of a small subset of your readership every several years, but what do I know.

>it was an awful experience
See pic. Paulo seems to have zero regrets and is just happy to have gotten his dick wet. Lucy's only problem is that Paulo wants a relationship because of it, otherwise she seems pretty turned on by what happened. If this was supposed to be this awful memory that weighs them, or even just Lucy down, then Tae hasn't really sold it that well.

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It's kind of incredible. At least Sandy could feign some level of care for her boy toy. Lucy's given Paulo a few apologies that now ring extremely hollow. In a better comic, Lucy would get confronted by the parallel and end up feeling like shit.

It was an awful burden whenever Taeshi wants the reader to feel sorry for Lucy. Outside of that it was great, fantastic even, especially when she wants to shit on Mike or indulge her own shipfagging. BCB has almost become a how-to-not book on writing webcomics.

>Taeshi "doubles down" by PG-rating hard confirming that Paulo and Lucy fucked

What the fuck is this comic's endgame? Mike X Lucy can't possibly happen now, it would be fucking retarded. No self-respecting, sane man in the world would bang his friend's sloppy seconds and much less when they've been such horrible people.

people like lucy should be castrated

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Touche desu

Which aptly illustrates how much worse the discord is, yes

If Lucy were a guy then none of this would work, I mean it would work even less. Lucy is the toxic ex from every abuse movie cept somehow suppose to be a victim, boss bitch and right.

This is just Taeshi shitting on her husband by feline proxy. Mike will indeed embrace the sloppy seconds, though frankly by that point I expect another lazy retcon so Lucy won't feel like she wasted herself on Paulo.

It's amazing how fast Lucy stans can be shut down, just by asking then to imagine if the sexes were reversed. It would be such a fucked up toxic story

wait is this whole thing really jsut a revenge comic?
is she trying to pass this off as therapy for her?

I think that is a reasonable conclusion, based on the evidence

Man I'm fucken depressed.
I'm beginning to think this comic is a bad coping mechanism.

How many Lucys are there?

Suitcase is a cuck confirmed

For me it's more of a seething mechanism, you should try it

At least more than two if we count Madison

It's a fascinating if infuriating peek into the mind of a deranged trust-fund kiddo in serious need of real battles to fight.

I don't mean to demean people who struggle with BPD since it sounds incredibly frustrating to deal with. It's just that Taeshi in particular appears to show zero interest in becoming less toxic and would rather just keep to her hugbox because that's easier if self-sabotaging.