Is there a more honest and nuanced interpretation of history than this precious specimen...

Is there a more honest and nuanced interpretation of history than this precious specimen? Not only is he reviving religion single-handedly, he has the most popular podcast in the world. Just wait until 2024 Boys.

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There hasn't been one good take on the philosophy of history since Hegel. ((("""Western civilization"""))) peaked and ended in the 1800's. There is no right side anymore.

What about Paul Johnson's Modern Times? or Toynbee's A Study of History? Arendt and Rebecca West too... pleb.

The Conservative Mind by Russell Kirk

the West was never great

>There hasn't been one good take on the philosophy of history since Hegel.
Heidegger you fucking nitwit.

Literal wignats who blame everything on the Jews have more incisive takes than Shapiro

I know Shapiro types like to tout the idea that western civilisation became so great because of judeo-Christian values but do they ever actually address the secular humanist philosophy behind the French Revolution, which was really the main cause of modern liberal democracy?

The littlest chickenhawk is a fake american or a fake jew.
Why hasn't he made aliyah yet?
Judeo Christian is a 1940's meme

Jews worship a totally different god than Christians.

Christianity is diametrically opposite of judaism.

Fuck this kikey wormtongue jew and anyone who promotes this shit.

May you be cast into the darkest pit of hell and feast upon Muhammads entrails.

anyone who talks about the 'right' side of history should get sent to the 'wrong' side of my gulag

I don't know about conservatives but Western humanism is effectively Christianity with God scooped out so I can't see how it would be an impediment

I have a feeling you like to call people gammas

What a nice kid you must be.

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How can a jew be right wing ?

In relation to Israel (Shapiro) or if they somehow mistakenly imprint on white people (Fischer, Miller maybe)


Hegel was a fanboy of the rosacrucians, i.e. into the trash it goes.

What is Spengler

semitic PR and you are a shill

>Western humanism is effectively Christianity with God scooped out
Few manage to see the underlying influence of judeo-christian thought in currents other than those explicitly religious. Marxism for instance has a lot in common with what a secular christianity might be like.
And yes, it's judeo-christian, christianity didn't just pop out of the blue. Some of its main tenets such as the notion of good vs evil and working up to a doomsday all originate in judaism.
>inb4 those already existed
Not in the same way, far from it. To use an example from which christianity took a lot: egyptian mythology. In it, notions like good and evil are much more nuanced, less "cartoony", and there's not the same idea of an apocalypse.

The modern notion of left and right arose in the french revolution, and both sides were revolutionary. The world isn't binary, stop willingly blinding yourself.

a Rapturous image

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I can tell you've never read any Spengler.
