I'm 150 pages in out of 400. This is the most basic shit but it's good. Is there a condensed version of the main points? Does pic related cover most stuff? I like the advice it's just a bit wordy.
How To Read A Book by Mortimer J Adler
Idk, if you need to be told those things, you might be retarded.
I usually hold it upside down, so it really helped me a lot too
> 400 pages on how to read a book
i've always thought non-fiction is grossly inflated.
Yes I'm legally retarded. I need books for retarded people, that's why I'm reading this book. I am reading books for retards to become smarter. I jizz in my own pants. If you so smart, gib condensed information from book.
>600 pages about nothing
I always thought fiction is nothing but inflation
How To Read A Book is actually only 350 pages it just has a long as fuck appendix. I'm not joking,
This is the saddest kind of poster on Yea Forums. The sort that piques up as though he invented, ex nihilo, a coincidentally convergent method of reading.
Because he can't remember where exactly he was introduced to the ideas in OP's pic. He likely learned them very gradually and from very remote sources, or he was raised in an environment where they were the norm. It is actually you who is retarded, for making fun of people for learning.
>he says this, on the asshole of the internet
stop fighting guys please you're reminding me of my childhood
If this is the arsehole, then what am I looking at when I see worse sites?
I haven‘t read it. If it expands on any of the points in your pic, then i do consider those common sense. Maybe some people need to be told common sense or it might be nice to read them laid out neatly, but who reads a book without first gathering informations on it by looking up the table of contents, the author and so on?
A lot of it also seems a bit obsessive. Why make it such a huge deal and „analyze the books organization structure“? Who gives a fuck? Why would reading a book and contemplating what you've read/connecting it to informations you already have, not be enough? Why blow it so out of proportion?
I mean, it might make sense for some works that could have a profound impact on your life to reread and make an effort to really grasp it in depth. But only very few books would make the cut to deserve this treatment.
The wikipedia page has a pretty good summary
The vagina.
>wants to learn how to read
>is given a book to teach you exactly that
>Epic fail
>insulting me with the phrase "epic fail"
oh man my confidence
Speed read the shit and collect it's essential juices.
Why is jane austen on his list?
I‘ve read pride and prejudice and it doesn‘t seem very (((great))). More like soap opera for bored upper class girls of 1820. What was her original thought to deserve being on that list?
>collect it's essential juices.
Found the speed reader.
Why is "A mind for numbers" necessary? Not questioning it, just curious.
i was so disappointed by how to read a book, i thought it would give me some secret technique used only by 20th century autistic pseuds but noooo it was about skiing or something
"introduced to the ideas in OP's pic"
It's literally page-filling garbage like "read at the appropriate speed", "summarize the book in one sentence (wtf)" and "define the issues".
If you give someone money to tell you "it's best to read one word after the other, in the order presented to you" and "many people hold the book with their hands, for increased comfort", then yes, he's right and you're fucking retarded.
>ex nihilo
Kill yourself
Da fuq
Dats liek libraryan job
Wait, so the book is shit? I just odered it because I thought it was Yea Forums approved.
you didn't read the book.
The book is awful lmao
What are the fourth levels of reading, and how do they relate to each other?
No idea, I indeed didn't read it.
No idea. The post I replied to spoke specifially about "the ideas in OP's pic". That's all I responded to. Maybe there's great insight in the book, but if you learn anything from OP's pic, you are indeed retarded.
agreed. good post user.
that picture is exactly some of the things the book teaches against.
Read genre fiction
Reading books is for faggots with too much time on their hands.
We have YouTube review channels that sum up the plot in 5 minutes, you'd have to be quite literally retarded to spend days sifting through the grammatical mess of Shakespeare or the verbal diarrhoea of Marcus Aurelius when someone else will do this for you, free of charge no less, and give you the TL;DR.
It's like re-discovering relativity or reinventing the wheel, good luck in McDonalds kashira, no-body gives a fuck about your pseudo-intellect.
Read with a pen.
Marginalia is for patricians.
Mortimer sounds like a fag name with fag ideas
It's actually a good book. A love letter about reading books. I've read books all my life, but it gave me some different perspectives on how to go about reading, especially for genuine learning on a new topic.
It isn't, but the basic advice on studying is cool. Quick as fuck read but still too wordy. It's a book written for idiots. Not a classic, but the advice is solid.
I'm only 250 pages in but so far the advice is;
>Read all side stuff like forwards, prefaces, index, dustjacket, table of contents, cumstain from previous reader, ect
>Skim that fucker HARD
>Speed read it all the way through
>Write notes on it while reading
>Review notes and write a book report showing how the author is a faggot
Is there anything I missed?
I wish there were more posts like this.
Also, that image above is from A Mind For Numbers. It's the basic studying rules the book presents. Honestly the list is, Imo, the most important part.
Someone else will give us pithy observations while being a Roman emperor? Are you quite literally retarded? :3
>basing your life on the sayings of a middle-aged poo in loo prince
You're not supposed to base your life on it. You should insult anyone who bases their life on a book
>reading a book about how to read a book
Actually, you ARE supposed to base your life on it, I just don't. I should clarify.
Gotta make sure I have it down before continuing.
I actually do agree with this somewhat.
Reading full-fledged books are only really needed when you want details of a very specific point of view.
the absolute state of Yea Forums