Well I liked it
I didn't mind the Illuminati deaths because they had the "alternate version" excuse and I liked that they actually went all out with the Raimi elements
Well I liked it
I didn't mind the Illuminati deaths because they had the "alternate version" excuse and I liked that they actually went all out with the Raimi elements
Why are critics butthurt?
Not enough cameos
What are “Raimi” elements?
Strange calls America a "carpet munching spic" several times
Does he really? I find that hard to believe. You have a clip?
>I find that hard to believe
What were you expecting from a Raimi's movie anyway?
Not blatant homophobia and racism. I've seen every one of his movies and none of them have that.
The cinematography in certain scenes, actual violence, and the climax is literally Strange possessing the corpse of his variant, getting attacked by a bunch of creepy souls that look like practical effects, and then controlling them to use them as a cape, also they play randomnly rock music during some scenes.
Basically Raimi element means cheesiness with a certain amount of grit.
Bruce Campbell attacking himself is an Evil Dead 2 reference.
Also variant Wanda being stuck under the rubble
really? what did raimi mean by that?
Go back
7/10 movie
>Random rock music in battles
Kino and 00s superheroflick-pilled
This movie is further proof that the MCU currently has no planned endgame after the Infinity Saga and are just making stuff up as they go along
Isn’t everyone joining forces to fight the new big bad Kang, the new endgame?
That's a good thing, I just want to watch individual kinos where the characters happen to crossover. I don't need a big event.
That’s like only one currently dangling plot line
Also they don’t seem to know if the Avengers are currently even a thing right now or not
I think there aren't going to be any Avengers movies in a while and instead they're setting up new superhero teams like the Midnights Suns and the Fantastic Four in its place.
The multiverse is now a recurring theme in the MCU so I'm guessing the next event movie after Endgame is going ti be Secret Wars.
>he only watched the Disney censored version of the original Spider-Man trilogy
I weep for this generation.
so no bruce baldur, cruise stark or tobey spidey again?
"leakers" BTFO
I suspect Superior Iron Man was supposed to be in the film, there's literally one empty seat during the Illuminati meeting and the Ultron bots are still there, but either Tom Cruise dropped out at the last minute or they cut out his scenes.
So it's a they said a movie about Strange and not a cameofest? That's the major complain I keep seeing, as if it was a bad thing.
A scathing review literally said the film is bad because it is like Hellboy 2.
>MCU Peter trying to make ends meet doing pizza deliveries and photography
>Suddenly gets involved somehow in secret wars which they were obviously setting up
How the fuck would they Involve him again at least we get holland giving us titania ryona
One of the ones I've seen floating around hated it because he thought Raimi was given TOO MUCH control
Imagine watching an MCU movie and thinking "yeah the studio really should've had a bigger hand in this one"
he was on board then some scheduling shit happened i'd imagine with covid and mi7/8
there were too many rumors circulating him being in for it to be all fake
It's a stupid as fuck Yea Forums meme they've been forcing for the past half-decade or so.
Raimi saves this film, MOM is literally an average MCU flick that's uplifted by his direction. So to me at least, it goes from what would have been another mediocre blockbuster to at least a very fun comic book movie.
Fast and Furious and Mission Impossible trying to resurrect the old "two-parter finale movie" trend.
I don't think Secret Wars will happen until literally around the beginning of the 2030s, by that point another Spider-Man trilogy would have been released.
I fully expect a proper Fantastic 4 movie to be announced at some point now.
Whole cinema genuinely cheered when "The smartest man in the world, Reed Richards" happened.
It already was announced back in 2019 but Jon Watts left as director just a few days ago
Does he actually do anything, or does he just job to Wanda instantly?
He jobs instantly
He can't even turn into a bicycle, what do you think?
Disappointing, but from what I've seen and read that's exactly what I expected. Does he at least stretch a couple times aside from when he very slowly reaches out to Wanda before dying?
based Plastic Chad
The film was so much better than standard MCU because Sam raimi was given directorial lisence and they allowed Scarlet Witch to be a real menacing and threatening heel turn character, which the actress nailed while still remaining darkly sympathetic.
Anyone who dislikes this film has never read a comic series and actually appreciated the nuance of creator control in their life and is the definition of a casual.
And I’m glad Charles Xavier is dead
>Does he at least stretch a couple times aside from when he very slowly reaches out to Wanda before dying?
I think for a bit when he first arrives to the Illuminati meetup
People seem to be mad because they killed off all the cameo characters even though they're just alternate variants and the point is to showcase that Scarlet Witch is the most powerful super in the MCU so far.
Oh no they killed Appearing In This Film Only man and Variant Girl, I hate this film grrrr
The movie is a straight up whedon rip off with a little bit of director of the moment flair tossed in.
The directors simply change a few elements to make it look like their shit and collect a check.
That's it.
>superior Iron Man decides not to attend the Illuminati meeting that day
He knew they were gonna die. And he let it happen
>The movie is a straight up whedon rip off
How so? Whedon mainly makes sci-fi/superhero stuff, his closest work to Raimi would be Cabin in the Woods, which itself is partly a parody to Evil Dead.
>The directors simply change a few elements to make it look like their shit and collect a check. That's it.
Fine with me as long as they inject enough of their directorial quirks into it to make it charming or entertaining. I think what's notable is that only ever happens in the MCU with the comedies like the Guardians movies or Thor Ragnarok so MoM is kind of the outlier in that it is very much a Sam Raimi movie.
It looks totally whedon
All of the Marvel movies have been aping his style since the avengers films.
Can an user who has seen it or has gone through all the leaks at least tell me the movie keeps a good focus on Stephen? I'm only fine with Wanda in this movie if she doesn't over shadow Strange.
Thus is the power of a futurist
Let Raimi do it
>Well I liked it
Strange definitely has his own arc about himself and his relationship with Christine that gets explored with the different variants of himself. The movie is more contained and less of a cameofest than the initial leaks made it out to be.
Wanda is a female icon she can't be evil REEEEEE!
As someone who love Dr Strange and Sami Rami, and hates Inhumans and that casting for Mr Fantastic. I love the movie.
Whedon's long plastic impact on the MCU was the tone-interrupting jokes, other than that I don't think the movies are similar at all to his filmmaking style like Avengers comes across more like a TV movie nowadays.
Thanks user Good to hear. I'm hyped for this specifically because Raimi seems to be a fan of Ditko and I would hate for mcu shit to distract from strange too much
>Well I liked it
So, it's a decent good movie?
If the original Spider Man trilogy was released today, Yea Forums would shit on it.
If you were to compare it to the other films, where would you put it?
7/10 movie for me.
> Movie sets up literally every single major player and element for Hickman's Avengers except Namor
> "They have nothing planned"
You don't read comics
Rate it compared to the MCU as a whole? Too much to compare with, I'll just say I found it better than the first Dr. Strange movie. If in terms of directorial freedom or identity, it's definitely on par with Guardians of the Galaxy.
Nah, Raimi spiderman movies are pretty damn solid on their own, you don't even need to see them in order sans 3 that sucks donkey ass.
Ironically, I found Spider Man 3 to be the most entertaining out of the trilogy. I rewatched them recently to prepare for No Way Home and I found them way more average than I previously did, only elevated by Sam Raimi's direction but the actual story and writing was meh.
Age of Ultron. It's functionally the same- sacrificing it's own story and integrity to set up the MCU's long-term plans.
Honestly disappointing how clunkily the movie handles the content, because it just goes "Hello, this is Patrick Stewart. An incursion is when world's collide and its bad. Also John Krakinski is here. hope you are enjoying the program so far" like a skit from American Dad. Imagine if the next big avengers actually showed a world being destroyed without context. Much heavier.
Also America Chavez ruined my Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch movie, so she deserves whatever racism the internet gives her.
Yup Rami is overrated
The real scary part of this movie is that it made Inhumans canon