What's the best description of the feeling of being in love you've ever read?
What's the best description of the feeling of being in love you've ever read?
Stendhal is a master at describing the tension between two people who aren’t officially in love yet
>He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.
From Anna Karenina
Source? sounds interesting
Aaaah, the walking aphrodisiac
>like in those movies
What kind of shit movies does he watch? Porn? Seems like the level of entertainment his brain could handle.
I loved Anna Karenina
>read it in high school
>in class with my crush
>identified with vronsky (I think that was his name?)
>she was anna or something
>i forget the details
well at any rate,
>i pined my entire senior year
>never got her
>ended up marrying someone MUCH better
can't even tell you how great it is. good luck, lads
you cant post that and then not post the source, user
Its just that book they posted here, look
sounds like something you'd read on /r9k/ and yes i mean qualitywise
>“That’s good for you!” He responds “But you must remember that all women are Medusas, they mislead you with radioactive eyes and then turn your testicles into Chernobyl.”
Dam OP, u had it all right and then fucked it up
What adorable fingers
Read it a few months ago with i girl i worked who was engaged, developed a pretty big crush on her over the course of us reading, the whole infidelity aspect of the book didnt help with my fantasies
God but Dosty can write though. i know those feels
>being engaged
>reading a book with a co-worker, not your fiancé
>reading anna karenina
Ask me how i know her marriage is already doomed and she‘s a slut?
It's easy to tell who he based his writing style off of
have sex
I could just come up with a mean comeback but that seems futile. Instead, you could elaborate on how me thinking it would be better for her future marriage to engage in emotional activities, like reading books together, with her fiancé and not a co-worker indicates that i‘m bitter because i can‘t get any.
You're both assholes. user 1 for calling a woman he has little information on a slut, and user 2 for thinking mean-spirited snarky comments do anything meaningful in the world.
Back to ethics class with both of you. I want to see at least a B+ on your report card.
>anna karenina
>calling me an asshole
>mean-spirited snarky comments do nothing of meaning for this world
Uuuh, chose one?
I feel like i had enough i formations to conclude that she‘s a slut. Hat obviously depends on your definition if a slut. For me, that‘s someone who isn‘t careful about things that could potentially harm their relationship. Getting emotional intimacy from an outside source surely qualifies as such an action. It would have been different if he knew her from a book club or school (where reading Dostoyevsky was an assignment). But those two have consciously chosen to engage to a point where they share such intimate moments like reading a good book together. That seems risky. It doesn‘t matter if she‘s aware of the risk and deliberately accepts at least the possibility that her male co-worker might get too close by engaging in such an intimate relationship with her or if she‘s lacks the comprehension of the possible gravity of her actions. Not knowing doesn‘t guard you from being responsible for the results. In any case, it shows that she lacks respect for the vows she gave to someone she allegedly loves and wants to spend the rest of her life with. And THAT firmly puts her under the slut tag.
Plus if she isn‘t a complete autist, she knew exactly how that user felt. Most girls, even mediocre ones, are very good at reading social situations. The fact she continued, highly increases the possibility that she had sought out this setting for the mere possibility to get someone to secretly desire her. Everybody loves to feel desired. But if you get engaged, you should be able to stand above that or you have no business getting engaged.
The Road
Intimacy with other men won't harm their relationship, it's always insecure shitheads like you who push women to grow distant and then blame them. How about you grow a personality and engage with her instead of being a sensitive fucking baby she has to look after? Maybe then a woman will let you fuck them.
It's more complex than that though.
In theory, the ideal relationship will benefit from your partner being close to other people, you will be completely open, discuss whenever you miss something, and so on.
In reality, 90% of relationships are not like that and opportunity makes thieves. Most women who cheat after the age of 25 do so with someone they're already close to.
>Intimacy with other men won't harm their relationship
Except it does.
I know you won‘t believe me, but i know wtf i‘m talking about. I‘m female and married myself. I‘m probably also older than you and i’ve studied human relationships since about a decade. I have many real life opportunities to directly see the dynamics at work in different relationships. I‘ve also extensively immersed myself in the theoretical structures of relationships. For that, i‘ve consulted the works of people who have invested even more time, effort and energy into understanding the mechanics of human social behavior.
My conclusion from all of those various sources is that it is not possible to have male/female friendships without some tiny aspect of it being sexual, even if it is often categorically ignored or denied.
Just because people don‘t feel that way doesn‘t mean it isn‘t there, like a predator lurking in the dark. It means those people lack the ability to honestly self reflect.
There is zero need for friendship between members of the opposite genders. All the social needs one can have can easily be satisfied by same gender friendships or family bonds, with the difference that there isn‘t the added risk of sexual undertones escalating. The one person from the opposite gender (that isn't family) that you should strive to have emotional and physical intimacy with is your spouse. Everything else is just highly unnecessary risks for your relationship.
And those claiming they can‘t relate to their own gender and can bond more easily with the opposite sex just suck ass at being friends. They use the sexual advantage to generate emotional intimacy in a friendship and that is lame as fuck.
Agreed with the first part but more importantly,
>and can bond more easily with the opposite sex just suck ass at being friends. They use the sexual advantage to generate emotional intimacy in a friendship and that is lame as fuck.
This is all I do and all I am capable of. Pls direct me to any advice on the topic, if you know of any.
I used to say the same about myself when i was a teenager. I genuinely thought that i just have an easier time bonding with males because my own thinking is often based on rationality and logic, whereas females often draw on emotions and empathy.
Over the years, i‘ve observed myself VERY closely and i‘ve learned that this had several roots.
Firstly, it was easy to establish a positive social setting with a guy. I could easily talk to any guy i met because there was the advantage of the possibility for us to be compatible as mates. And you know how it is when you meet a girl that qualifies as a potential mate (even if those qualifications are only „is roughly inside the age range i am considering to date“). You intuitively put forward a bit if your best sides, because even if you don‘t intend to ever seriously breed with this person, it is always a battle of desirability. You will always test the waters to see if you can make the other person desire you, because that is how cross gender hierarchy works. The one who is the desired is the one dominating the desirer. I know this sounds brutal, but in real life this might be so subtle you wouldn‘t even notice, even if i pointed it out. This can happen completely unconscious. However, often it isn‘t that unintentional. It i undeniable that it is one of the biggest boosts you can get from interacting with the opposite gender to feel desired by them. And we crave that. And we are willing to be pretty evil to achieve that. By evil i mean doing things like keeping people as friends that we know desire us just so we can always tap into that endless source of feeling desired. Commonly referred to as keeping beta orbiters. Or playing with someone‘s emotions. Risking that someone develops the hope for you to reciprocate by throwing them bits of indications that you might be interested in them as a romantic partner. All in the name of getting them to desire you. Most people would flat out deny that they do that. Yet they do. It is just so morally wrong that we‘d rather shut our eyes and deny it‘s there.
Now you will argue that mostly females do that. And i can‘t oppose that argument 100%. Because i know only the female perspective. I can only draw from intellectual resources to try to understand the male perspective. I suppose there are some guys who do the same. But i think in most cases it is the other way around simply because that‘s how human sexuality and mate selection works. You can argue about the unfairness of this all you want. Just because you think it isn‘t fair doesn‘t mean it‘s not true. I could go into why it actually is fair, but i soon have to go cook lunch.
Real human friendship, real emotional intimacy between same gender humans is able to transcendent the grips of human sexual instincts and basic biology. People who think they can just override all of this and be „better than that“ still haven‘t gotten rid of the log in their eye.
Real intimacy in a same gender friendship is a lot harder to establish because there is so much that can potentially stand in the way. The biggest issue being that people think thwy want intimacy but they actually sabotage it at every opportunity. Because they are horrified at the possibility of the other person seeing them for who they really are instead of what they want the other person to see in them. Most people think that they have to hide some aspects of themselves because it is just to shameful or evil. This causes distance between all of us. Everybody thinks they can‘t be honest because they are the only ones who have the abyss in them. So we all keep to ourselves, closely guarding the gates to our personal abyss. You can‘t blame anyone for that. It takes a lot of courage and daring to be vulnerable to let someone close enough for them to possibly stumble across your abyss. Add to that that often, same gender friendships never grow above basic „i like you because being with you makes me feel better about myself aka i am dominating you on the hierarchy structure“. Who would want to give their opponent the advantage of showing them their abyss? That would be social suicide. So for real emotional intimacy to be able to grow in same sex friendships, both parts need to be mature enough to let their friendship rise above banter and playful one upping each other (which in my understanding is VERY often the whole foundation of male friendships, especially in young males).
I think the first step to being able to etablish real intimacy with anyone is to be able to be intimate with yourself. Meaning that as long as you have parts of yourself you‘d rather not acknowledge, you can also not decide who to show them to and who to hide them from and that makes intimacy between people, no matter their gender or relationship, impossible. And by intimacy i mean that fleeting feeling of really having connected to someone and not feeling like you‘re all alone. Because that is exactly wha happens when people want to escape the loneliness, start meeting a lot of people just to realize that they feel even lonelier. Only true intimacy and knowing how to get more if you need it can truly relieve that existential loneliness.
Since you'll leave to cook - I don't know how much you still care about all this, but I'd like to talk about it more, whether in this thread or elsewhere. Let me know if you're open to it.
That said - I'm male, I already know I do this, I also know why I do it, why I need the dominance and desirability (narcissism), that it's morally wrong, and that it's not about actually getting along better with one gender.
I simply don't know a way out. I agree with the "second" problem being vulnerability, but before that comes the "first" problem that I can't see anyone actually looking for friendship. I have to leverage sexuality to get people interested in intimacy - just because it seems to be the only thing that keeps people's attention span, that gives them what they want, that seems worthy to them. Millions on people on Tinder yet there is (almost) nothing like it for friends. And I don't think it's because everybody already has enough friends - it's just that for some reason, we are a lot less willing to invest into making a friend. We don't have any hormone driving us to jump through the hoops, to break the ice, and so on.
Contrary to what everyone and the media says, it's much easier to get a girl interested in your dick than in your personality.
I don't know if there are any books or websites about this.
Well user, i think the issue is that we humans are very, VERY deeply selfish. We don‘t do anything if we don‘t also benefit from it in some way. And even if the only benefit of something we do is to feel superior because we denied ourselves our basic needs.
However, i also think that the logic is flawed that selfishness is something evil and that your goal is to overcome it. Religion has deeply ingrained this ideology in us, the idea that it is better to care for other‘s wellbeing than for our own wellbeing. Yet it‘s written in the bible to love your neighbor as thy self. It‘s not written, love your neighbor more than yourself. Yet that it exactly what many people thinks is what distinguishes a good from a bad person.
We have a lot of ways we care about what others think of us. Ways in which we care for others and their wellbeing. But if you follow those drives or morals long enough, at some point you simply can‘t deny their self serving roots anymore.
Even friendships that seemingly stand above this serve people to expand their empathy, their knowledge, their introspection. You‘ll never do anything unless you feel like it benefits you. That‘s also why, if you do something destructive, it is a very good question to ask yourself in which ways this behavior actually benefits you. The issue with that is that most People can‘t follow the logical conclusions long enough to get to the bottom of it or they simply don‘t want to look that thoroughly out of fear what they might discover. Mainly they are afraid that they‘ll discover that their motives are selfish. And for some reason i can not yet comprehend, all of humanity deems selfishness as on par with evil.
At this point, i think it would be in everyone‘s best interest to embrace the fact that all their actions serve selfish interests and use that knowledge to make everyone‘s existence more enjoyable. So, why strive for a friendship free of self interest? Why not strive for a friendship that serves both individuals selfish motives instead? Why not be ok with knowing that you both gain a lot of insight and pleasant feelings of connection from spending time together? Why does it always have to be selfless to be of value?
There is no app to match with friends because having friends is not a survival instinct. Fucking is.
Having a social circle and making sure you fit social standards IS a survival instinct. But you can not imitate that by matching up sith random people. That‘s because we don‘t need random social circles. We need to be embedded in them.
>it's much easier to get a girl interested in your dick than in your personality
Absolutely correct observation and why it is impossible to have non sexual cross gender friendships
And because of that, i am very cautious to shill my throwaway to continue this conversation. I‘d much prefer to keep it confined to the realms of complete random anonymity.
That's just childish, m8. Love is childish.
I've never read Stendhal. Where do i get the feeling you're describing?
Why would you think your need for dominance, desirability and hierarchy is morally wrong?
I also can‘t really rec you any specific books or websites. There might be a lot of valuable content out there but i‘ve gathered my informations not from one source but from too many to remember.
>Why would you think your need for dominance, desirability and hierarchy is morally wrong?
I'm not touched by religion and I'm more immoral than most people I know, and I've also thought about this before.
It comes down to the golden rule, in the end. Because yes, you could say "everyone for themselves, let both chase their selfish interest, and if you come out on top as the dominant one, good for you" (and I do know that my opposite has their own selfish purposes while being hurt by me) - but in the end, I do see them as puppets for my purposes, as sources to drain energy from. I don't have too much pity because I see they do the same thing with people weaker than them, and so on. But in the end I don't think that's the world I want to live in and it feels awful whenever I encounter someone stronger than me who plays the same game with me (or mostly, not stronger but just more willing to destroy themselves).
Basically what I'm looking for is: What do people use as bait for friendships? What do you leverage if not your sex? I'm not interested in something that just grows from the conincidence of being in the same sports team.
What I need is for people to walk around in the street with their Yea Forums post history stapled to their foreheads and I feel then we could actually be friends.
I agree with you that i‘d rather not want to live in a world where everyone‘s fighting for their own advantage on the shoulders of their neighbor. Especially since i have two baby boys who are just starting out in life.
>What do people use as bait for friendships?
Depends. Are we talking about friendships that still operate on the level of dominance hierarchy or friendships who operate on principles like gaining knowledge and insight from each other?
>What do you leverage if not your sex?
Whatever it is you hope to gain from it is the kind of persons you’ll become friends with. If your goal is to feel desired or superior, that‘s the kind of people you‘ll be friends with because that is the price you‘ve advertised. Same for more mature friendships.
I take it that you are a bit lost on how to find people who are at the level of maturity to advertise for friendship where it‘s at least a mutually beneficial situation. Unfortunately, i think your only option is to grow older and hope that people around you don‘t only age but also mature.
Ofc it varies at what age people have a chance to already reach the required maturity, but your chances to meet such people increase with age since this means people around you also had more time and opportunities to grow and mature.
Maybe you could try looking for people out of your age range?
The only person i can truly talk about meaningfully things in my real life is still my dad. We had the huge benefit of kin ship to to kick start the emotional intimacy, but maybe you might strike gold if you expand your age requirements for friendships.
Also, kek at the forehead stapling. That would make life a lot easier, i agree. I‘ve written a lot of very provocative posts on Yea Forums during the years i‘ve been here. But honestly, i wouldn‘t mind for people to see them. It would be a nice way to separate the weed from the chaff.
From Tolstoy's 'Childhood, Boyhood, Youth'.
This is not a description of being in love this is a description of pathetic angst and inferiority fetishism.
I don't have a desire for dominance in friendships. Not even in relationships anymore, I just fake it because it attracts women and I like when they fall prey to their own hypocrisy. Except sometimes they're still sweet people, then I feel bad.
Anyway - I'm already old enough and I know the people exist. They're rare of course and I have to shift through a hundred to find one of them, but they exist. The problem is that the only way to shift through a hundred people is by leaving your dick out in the open as bait because otherwise, as you said, no one wants to show you their abyss. And if you are open and the first one to show your own abyss as a token of peace, they are just scared and would rather pretend with another pretender than show their own abyss.
Hence me wanting people to staple their abyss to their heads. I'm jealous of your dad-relationship, I agree that kinship is pretty much the only thing that makes this possible. Unfortunately my family is too afraid of their own abyss and too practical to get intimate with anyone.
So far what I do is: Put out dick, reel in women, discard the 99 I don't like, then try to convert the 1 I do like from a love interest into a friend.
It's just neither very efficient nor is it great - whatever you say about morals - to look into crying faces all the time.
the one from three body problem trilogy. You know which one.
The one where he falls in love with his imaginary friend? I can't remember
I like the rantings Marius sends to Cosette on Les Misérables
>I am thinking it’s a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images, and when we kid, they’re perfectly aligned.
>thinking there are signs
>falling for the soulmate meme
19 year old gf texted it to me accidentally
have sex
My God, that writing is so bad it makes me want to tear my eyes out. Youth literature is total cancer.
you mean she meant to text Chad Thundercock and she messaged you instead?
epic post but no i meant she probably just typed without thinking and never thought of it again. also my name is literally chad
holy crap what a bunch of retarded lonely incels. y'all need to find each other otherwise you're both gonna die alone lol
This is the second time itt i‘m told to have sex. Wtf.
>die alone
You clearly haven‘t read any of the posts
My problem is literally only connecting with people through sex and the pain of having to shoot them down because I can't handle more than three girlfriends at once; she doesn't even have a problem and is apparently happily married - and the only thing your brain can come up with is "have sex incel".
To which I can only say - have sex incel, you've been on Yea Forums for too long.
Mildly and gently,
how he smiles,
how the eye
he opens sweetly ---
Do you see it, friends?
Don’t you see it?
Brighter and brighter
how he shines,
illuminated by stars
rises high?
Don’t you see it?
How his heart
boldly swells,
fully and nobly
wells in his breast?
How from his lips
delightfully, mildly,
sweet breath
softly wafts ---
Friends! Look!
Don’t you feel and see it?
Do I alone hear this melody,
which wonderfully and softly,
lamenting delight,
telling it all,
mildly reconciling
sounds out of him,
invades me,
swings upwards,
sweetly resonating
rings around me?
Sounding more clearly,
wafting around me ---
Are these waves
of soft airs?
Are these billows
of delightful fragrances?
How they swell,
how they sough around me,
shall I breathe,
Shall I listen?
Shall I drink,
Sweetly in fragrances
melt away?
In the billowing torrent,
in the resonating sound,
in the wafting Universe of the World-Breath ---
be engulfed ---
unconscious ---
supreme delight!
>naming your daughter kale
is that /ourguy/ tao lin?
Underrated post
I should have known one of you guys would bring this up
"Probably for every man there is at least one city that sooner or later turns into a girl. How well or how badly the man actually knew the girl doesn't necessarily affect the transformation. She was there, and she was the whole city, and that's that."
"The apartment below mine had the only balcony of the house. I saw a girl standing on it, completely submerged in the pool of autumn twilight. She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. The way the profile of her face and body refracted in the soupy twilight made me feel a little drunk. When a few seconds had throbbed by, I said hello to her. She then looked up at me, and though she seemed decorously startled, something told me she wasn't too surprised that I had heard her doing the Boswell number. This didn't matter, of course. I asked her, in murderous German, if I might join her on the balcony. The request obviously rattled her. She replied, in English, that she didn't think her 'fahzzer' would like me to come down to see her. At this point, my opinion of girls' fathers, which had been low for years, struck bottom. But nevertheless I managed a drab little nod of understanding."
Salinger's "A Girl I knew" is fantastic for the writing about love, but the narrator makes you question how authentic it is for the first 3/4 of the story.
>those two have consciously chosen to engage to a point where they share such intimate moments like reading a good book together. That seems risky.
>I know you won‘t believe me, but
asserting ethos on a Vietnamese minefield-mapping website
This. People who say The Road is bleak and dark are stupid.
The whole thing is an allegorical rendering of a father's love for his son. The dark world, devoid of hope, a reality beyond man's ability to change, and which he knows he has brought the child into. He tries everything in his power to shelter the child from that darkness, and in the end it exhausts him completely.
these passages are why lolita is my favorite book
I havent read any John Green, but this is representative of his writing, I don't think I ever will
Based response
What an ugly thing to say
U better be pretty or rich cuz ur personality is .01/10
>my own thinking is often based on rationality and logic
>It means those people lack the ability to honestly self reflect.
Absolutely right
You are a disgusting piece of shit
>humans are very, VERY deeply selfish
You speak for yourself whorebag. Part of the privilege of being able to speak for humans in general, is by actually being a human. You are the epitome of an unlovable social parasite. Literally gagging just thinking your thoughts
>but in the end, I do see them as puppets for my purposes, as sources to drain energy from
this is why I hate people
That you actually exist, I hope we never cross paths and I hope to God that your genealogy ends with you
Also, I belong to Yea Forums not Yea Forums
What love is NOT /thread
shame no one responded to this post
I'm an ESL-kun so forgive my tone of English.
You must learn the art of nuance and the creation of balance. A person throughout their lives, asserts their lives upon the world and the world asserts itself upon them. He goes through different experiences, creation of thoughts, desires, expectancies, molding his environment in his image, etc, and all put together becomes the person, his character. Any interaction between two people creates dynamics between them were each asserts themselves upon the other. A good interaction is where these assertions are balanced. The dominant one in a dynamic is to pull back his dominance to a level where the submissive party is comfortable but is still challenged. Abuse your power and you will lose them to another power. The dominant one, is to learn the nuances on all stages in his power and how to control it in accordance to need, while the submissive is learning respect and to build his own pillars. If you dominate the other to roughly, they either won't know how to carry it further, or they won't feel comfortable to do so and in turn shrink back from this dynamic, do it again and they will be warier of treading this area again. The best interactions is where the 'balanced' dynamic is held and both parties sees the process, as one of creating art, they try to increase the expression and complexity of it. As art is to be appreciated, it is better if both parties can do so. When the gap of competence comes closer, the art will reach even greater widths and heights, take a joke for example, how ideally the other picks up the joke after it was made so both can build on it, ever higher. When you are close in power and aware of both parties, you know how to perfectly build, and precisely when, to finish building it. Only then, will both parties be fully in delight or awe of their creation. But that is merely 'a dynamic', a person has multiple, and multiple persons has manifold. Sexuality is also merely one of them and they all needs to be balanced to each other. This is 'the game' that is 'played'. Static dynamics are ones that go unaware either as avoidance out of fear or lack of focus, they can also be adopted as a mask, they have no life, no art, no responsiveness. If you cannot find balance in an interaction with a person you will go towards lower, baser and more rougher dynamics, in order to connect and build up from there. If the parties however are incompetent, they will stay there and hopefully part ways before long. Then they will come back here, shitpost on /r9k/ and stay comfy.
No. A smart person is always looking for someone they can learn from, it is the humble that learn the secrets of the masters. A loving person enters the heart of chambers, where only the select are allowed. That’s the word of God. What ur talking about isn’t even backwards, it’s small, it’s like particle physics. Human beings aren’t measurements to be weighed and balanced like some chemistry lab. Geez normies are so fucking boring
Ah yes, and the people above you shall not interact with you because you are not worthy, not a master they can learn from. You cannot have friends because they are not good enough and if they were they wouldn't want to interact with you. I'm talking about everyday common interactions and what mindset to have when navigating them, a balancing act if you wish to enjoy an interaction with any person you meet. People are usually good at different things and you can learn new things from even a simpleton, why study cells, atoms or quantum physics otherwise.
Thanks for writing these.
meant for
Friendship would be beautiful
But unfortunate we live in a world with cancerous cunts like
Big fucking whoop, female craving attention in her incompetence can only do so by using sexual dynamics and the men equally incompetent agrees to it in their own desperation. If both were more experienced and not only teenagers they would hopefully try for other means in doing so unless you believe people to be fundamentally evil in which case it wouldn't matter.
Fuck, john greene is a horrible writer. I hated that whole passage. I feel like I've been covered in a sheet of self righteousness as if he's going against the societal grain of masculinity and enda up being the most cucked fuck I've heard in a while. Is he roleplaying as a nerd who loves to put normal people on a pedestal while mashing his own character into a worthless pulp as if that's what a good person needs to do? I feel like he's jerked off to his own writings because he feelsl like such an amazing humble person for treating others as if they are concepts instead of a living person in their own right. No one wants to be treated like a statue of perfection while being emplored by a self hating loser.
>It's IMPOSSIBLE to have a platonic relationship with someone of the opposite sex
I'm guessing that you're ignoring gays.
This is something that I may agree with based on experience but I don't believe that everyone always wants to sleep with everyone they know of the opposing gender. There are always people of the opposite gender that you won't find attractive in a physical sense or even from their personalities. I do believe it's possible to enjoy someone who is of the gender you desire without having the feelings turn romantic. Maybe they're excellent in the ways of a certain field as an intellectual but even though you find interest in their ideas you may also hate or feel indifferent to them as a person (and possibly not in a negative sense). They could be brilliant and engaging but you just prefer someone else.
>her incompetence
No. That’s not incompetence.
The foul spewing from her mouth would not be possible if she did not allow it entry in the first place
The fate of these transgressions will be met with such a fire that the very thought of it makes me feel sorry for her
For she has sinned against the Holy Spirit, and from everything I’ve ever read there is no return from that
Don’t be fooled. She deserves pity, yes, but not for why you think
You clearly haven‘t read my posts. I‘ve addressed all of this. Maybe not the gay situation, but i‘d rather not get into that now. It‘ll get ugly.
She only posts when I do. Any other male is useless.
One thing I know for sure though: no need to stay anonymous. :3
We all suffer from the sins of ourselves and others. She knew of hers and by her own words have worked for years to overcome them. If we repent, overcome our sins, confess them and ask God for forgiveness, are we not to be forgiven?
>He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
I could lie and pretend to be a saint just like you. But instead i chose to be honest, even if it means to accept things about me i‘m disgusted by. I‘ve tried to observe my immoral motives in order to understand and change them. Can you say the same about you? Or do you still operate on the level of feeling morally superior? Because i can guarantee you that if that‘s he case, you still haven‘t crossed the abyss. But don‘t worry, it‘s patient. It will wait for you, if necessary till the moment you die. Personally, i‘d rather face it sooner so i still have a bit of life left to enjoy without that muffled feeling of doom.
Matthew 18:5-6 says:
And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
>“Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.” Mark 3:28-29
I’m so sorry
That would mean that every human being would be cast into hell.
Nobody has ever been able to go trough life without sinning in the biblical sense. If there‘s no way to recover from a mistake, we‘re all doomed equally.
No, it's the anti intellectual writer and provocateur, Nicholas Blacksmith
The Matthew one sounds a bit like killing all infidels to me and labeling anyone who merely 'offends' a believer as an infidel. So I'll address the Mark one instead, how do you propose she has blasphemed against the holy spirit?
>We never love anyone. What we love is the idea we have of someone. It's our own concept—our own selves—that we love.
― Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet
woah that's deep
>Truly I tell you, people CAN be forgiven ALL their sins and every slander they utter, BUT whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will NEVER be forgiven; they are guilty of an ETERNAL sin
>blasphemed against the holy spirit?
He thinks i did so by violating one of those „little ones“ (referring to me admitting to being aware of the desire games females play with their male „friends“) and thus have violated god himself.
Ok. Do you want to tell me that you think i am guilty of blasphemy? How?
Finally someone with some sense about love.
However, i would be quiet as pessimistic. I‘m positive that if you‘re aware of this, you can try to overcome it and love someone for who they are instead of who you want to project on them.
Just read through her confession. She’s not even sorry about it. She’s a Jew, an eye for an eye. “Beta-orbiter”- language from the pit of Hell itself. There are people who swear that Jesus meant to cleanse all the sins of man and Christians who believe that God forgives everyone for every sin, ironic that the blasphemers use this as an injunction against Christian pathos, because the unbelievers are right. God does forgive, but he does not forgive the transgression against the Holy Spirit. Because you transgressed against yourself, you won’t even be able to see that you’ve done it. “We have put a seal on their hearts”- read through her things, she admits what she did and does her utmost to try and justify it. This shit is writing itself. “Let those who have eyes see and those who have ears hear”
>she‘s not even sorry
Pic related
Imagine being so delusional that you yell incoherent nonsense at someone who claims to be a woman.
Have sex. Take your pills. Listen to your psychiatrist.
Shit is writing itself
Convenient for you since you obviously can‘t write comprehensible posts.
“But to the Mind-less ones, the wicked and depraved, the envious and covetous, and those who murder do and love impiety, I am far off, yielding my place to the Avenging Daimon, who sharpening the fire, tormenteth him and addeth fire to fire upon him, and rusheth on him through his senses, thus rendering him the readier for transgressions of the law, so that he meets with greater torment; nor doth he ever cease to have desire for appetites inordinate, insatiately striving in the dark“
I read it as her feeling that she did something wrong, she did sin. But she is not exactly sure where or what it was and has spent years trying to figure it out, in order to align herself with what is right, in order to confess and repent. Because when she does regret and repent, her sin will be forgiven as it is no longer blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Otherwise tell me exactly what it was that was so unforgivable and why it justifies eternal damnation.
What does this even mean?
Smoke and mirrors. Lies.
Like said
It’s hard enough being a human being, writing the wrongs of our ancestors. But that there are people out there who intentionally lie, cheat, hurt and destroy others for their gain, that these people trick themselves into think that what they do is right, that’s it’s justified. It’s not just the lie, but the very act of turning away from the truth, from what is. You sin against yourself. You are your own punishment. When you see this in life, you can’t help but realize that divine reason and divine justice, they are not just archetypes of an ancient poetic mythos, or ideas belonging to a some platonic realm. This incessant need to label and categorize would yield fruitless to these truths because they transcend signifiers. Anything more than a whisper and they vanish. What we call beauty is just a reflection of this eternal light, yielding only for a short time to those who are devoted to the truth and nothing but the truth, and even then, some never catch a glimpse. Truth is no one can say why it reveals itself to this person here and not to others. But what has been over and over, from time immemorial, that the unpious, the blasphemers, the wicked are not only barred from seeing, but even barred from knowing they are barred from the ethereal realms. It’s hard not to believe in God when justice like this seems written into the very fabric of nature. Call me crazy, call me a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
Then pray tell, what is the truth, ye noble one? How does cross gender hierarchies work? How does any relationship hierarchy work? How easy is it to see the truth when even monks and priests fall prey to lies and evil? If you cannot precisely, sharply and all knowingly see the Good in all things which even most practiced of believers seem to struggle with, what hope is there for the rest of us? What if someone lacks time and the intelligence to do so? Is he to be cast down because his crime is being a brainlet? Woe is Wojak
So, is Tolstoy gay?
As far as you are concerned, there is no help for you. You stop yourself at every turn. Just look at your response, seething with bitterness and discontent, a false joviality, a painful laugh. I’m sorry, not because there is nothing I can do for you, but there is nothing you can do for you.
It's like he doesn't know women are people that you can do more than fuck with.
You yourself seem more like a Jew than a Catholic, you speak of the chosen ones who the truth reveals the self to, you banish all who cannot see, they who are not chosen, into Hell and you do not even help them to see the fault of their ways, even when asked for it.
Let me break it down cuz I can tell you’re struggling.
when you lie, you lie first to yourself. Therefore you lack the ability to honestly self reflect. If you had any chance at seeing, you lost it by turning away from the truth. I can’t help you, God cant help you. The truth is right before your eyes and you can’t see it because YOU turned away from it. You are RETARDED. You retarded yourself from the truth, you retarding yourself even right now. Everything I just said I said before, but this like that will not enter deaf ears. You want to hear it, start by listening. You want to see, stop lying. You know why that’s difficult for you? Because you are knee deep in a life made of lies. That’s your punishment. shit writes itself
How then do you see after you have sinned? Why is what she is doing not seeking the truth? Because she thinks there is necessarily dynamics between genders or persons? Is that the lie you refer to, that there are no dynamics? If it is so then say is so. If you open the sinners eyes they can reflect honestly upon it, and if it is indeed the truth it should become self evident to the sinner in due time. Why do you spite sinners so? Should not a good man at least guide the sinner, show them the way instead of recoiling in disgust at the very sight of them?
By nature Man, good or bad, recoils at the smell of shit. Now here she is, covered in shit. And she’s trying to intellectualize it, and your just trying to convince her wash herself. And then there the reason she’s covered in shit, a dumb man also covered in shit, taking his shit and rubbing it on her. She keeps muttering gender hierarchies, while the dumb man continues to piss in a broken wine bottle, forcing her to drink. Now she’s sick, covered in shit, while the dumb man eats and drinks more to prepare to continue shitting on her. She decides to blame to good man, who is trying to describe her state- it’s his fault. “Why can you see but I can’t? It’s a lie! That’s the truth!” And you want to know why this man recoils at the sight of them? You are stupid but do you expect me to believe you don’t know right from wrong?
Go back to redd1t
as a chad lite male who keeps a few average looking female friends around to flirt with when I'm bored, I can 100% confirm this post. Also this person is unironically high IQ.
>as a chad lite male
By the good man describing her state, you mean the man condemning her to hell because she is covered in shit. She seems to have been covered in shit for as long as she remembers, so long that she does not even know where exactly it has come from or how to get rid of it. She is however aware that she is covered in it and says it is so. The good man comes along and say she will never be rid of it and after that an even worse future is in store for her. But that is alright because the good man in his disgust also feels sorry for her. When preparing to leave he notices a passerby talking about washing the shit off and the good man feels forced to stop him from doing so as it cannot be done when they are as far gone as they.
[desire to kill intensifies]
>everything I have ever posted on Yea Forums has been a joke
>By the good man describing her state, you mean the man condemning her to hell because she is covered in shit
No bitch. She is already in Hell. There no condemnation needed. She’s not letting anyone help her because HURHURR muH gender perterson hierarchies
Oh right the good man wasn’t good enough, in fact he is even pushing away other good people
Oh the horror!!!!!
>She seems to have been covered in shit for as long as she remembers, so long that she does not even know where exactly it has come from or how to get rid of it
This honestly makes me sad, because no one deserves that kind of fate honestly. It’s the only thing keeping the good man but you know there’s only so much shit a man can take
howdie doodie
>No bitch. She is already in Hell. There no condemnation needed.
As I said condemning her, you say there is no hope for her and in you condemnation you also subscribe to her that she is blasphemous to the Holy Spirit because she refuse to see the truth, when in reality, she has been trying to do so for years and has the possibility of redemption.
>Oh right the good man wasn’t good enough, in fact he is even pushing away other good people
>Oh the horror!!!!!
So you refuse to see your own sin in this? Only one way for you, bucko.
Love, as with all emotions, is a transient manifestation of the lower individuality, and thus, relatively easy to transfer into words, being simply another element of the lower plane. If one thinks love to be difficult to be put into words, then how incommunicable are the great spiritual truths revealed throughout the ages, wherein man goes so far beyond these lower individual conditions that they no longer apply to him whatsoever.
You play with your own prescription and fuck up your own medication- like I said
Knee deep and covered in shit
It’s your fault
You deserve it
Jesus should indeed not have paid the price for us. As expected of the Jew.
>she has been trying to do so for years
She’s been continually hurting, lying and cheating on people because of the lies she tells herself. She’s complicit in the lies, they are her lies. When she’s confronted with the truth she turns away. Shit writes itself. Not only that, she pushes away the good man trying to wash her and keeps close the man shitting in her. Fuck this bitch! One would almost swear that she wants to be shat on, that’s shes actually come to love this shit. Yes, there’s nothing to do but recoil. There’s no hope for this piece of shit. I don’t feel bad for her.
She did ever only push away the man condemning her to the eternal fires, as he seemed just as mad in his ravings. Even so, if she does not know what you are doing or trying to do, should she not be wary? If she does not understand your intent then you might be there to drag here even further down? You must show why it is the way, even so that a person as fallen, covered in lies or shadow as she, can see through them.
I don’t have to do shit bitch
I wouldn’t care if she wasn’t on my dick about it anyway. I’m like, first off, you gotta wash up I aint trying to fuck a piece of shit. Also, who is that ugly motherfucker staring at us covered in shit. Is he with you? And she’s like... gender hierarchies- BITCH gtf away from me
This hoe is an abomination, she and her shitty friends can stay shitty. I’m gonna go and pray to the LORD JESUS
And she’s like... I am trying to wash myself, holding hands with the guy whose shitting on her. My expression says I’m confused and this smells like shit
You didn't read her post, did you? She literally addressed this exact point. Roastie slut with male 'friends' detected though.
Wow. Where did that come from?
Red and the Black
>Yea Forums post history
So the thing you're looking for is honesty.
Two ways to know if someone's honest:
1: test the truth of their statements
2: trust them
Both of these are necessary in friendship.
Show me some actually good ones
Here he truly is, revealed himself at last, stark raving mad, clinging to Christianity in a last hope for his salvation. Condemning others because he knows himself to be condemned. You have no love for your fellow humans.
Bitches are always looking/expecting for things they lack
Honesty attracts honesty, same goes for dishonesty
Imagine falling for that bait lmao
>Here he truly is
No I just gotta talk stupid to stupid people nawm saying niggalet
And green
Thanks man, I can now go to bed with a smile on my face.
You're at least starting to get the theory down now.
Less mad than you believe him to be. I think that for one who does not rever the holy, transcendence will always seem like madness. I feel at all times like I am balancing on a knife's edge between the two. As true logos would break my humanity yet true humanity would make me alogical. Perhaps I shouldn't strive to be God, but then what else is there left to want?
There is no God but God.
“there is laughter in the vestibule of the temple, the echo of laughter in the temple itself, but only faith and prayer, and no laughter in the holy of holies”
His posts express him to be an idealist, to only see God and perfection, all that is not so, can burn in hell for all he cares. But what human can ever be truly perfect and if he could be for an instant and/or in the future, what of his past? Is a person who is learning his way to be condemned for past mistakes forever? It is both learning and trying to keep the balance of perfection that is striving for God. In every new experience you can always find more, greater and more nuanced ways towards this balance of perfection and it is that you should always strive for.
I do not doubt this. But if God is perfection, should we then not strive to be God?
I do think that his tone is overly harsh.
>let he who is without sin cast the first stone
But is he wrong? You talk of nuance, yet a perfect God is not nuanced, and our reverence for Him should not be nuanced either. Is it not surrender to the baser desires to say that one should understand God through complexity and nuance? Should it not be clear as daylight?
I am nothing. I strive everyday to be less than that, so that I may be filled by the Lords grace.
“Blessed are the hungry, for the belly of him who desires will be filled.”
Through your desire to be filled with God, are you not trying to, in a sense, experience, and therefore BE God?
So remember that in the story Satan turned away from God when he was asked to submit. Satan, out of Greed, Jealousy, Pride, and Madness, chose to turn away from God, and he forged a path for himself and all those who turn away from God, the path to Hell. Satan saw himself as the greatest of Angels because he worshiped and prayed to God endlessly in order to be in his favor (Greed), when God created Man as his Masterpiece Satan turned away (Jealousy), he stood in defiance because he was sure he was the Masterpiece (Pride), and when God decreed him to submit he turned away from God (Madness). It is not that on the Day of Judgment God cannot forgive you, but that you yourself have chosen to turn from God, the act itself was your choice and you enter Hell Fire yourself. We are all tempted by Satan, we fall for those evil whispers, but, if we repent God is most merciful. It is in our submission and repentance that we prove that we are the Masterpiece. By submitting we prove we have divine reason, by acknowledging the one true God. By repentance we prove that we may be reborn, that nature may rise again anew. Divine reason & rebirth make us children of God, the true Masterpiece of creation. But God cannot forgive the “act of Satan” by the very fact that you have chosen Greed, Jealousy, Pride and Madness, in other words, you have chosen for yourself to turn away from God, to be eternally cast out of heaven, to be forever damned to Hell. To be ignorant and stuck in your ways, to be damned. It is not that you were tempted into sin, but you chose the life of sin willingly, you chose to come against God, and He cant and will not forgive you. I realized that Satan was not damned to Hell, he himself made it when he turned away from God. Hell is not a place for sinners, it is the place for those who have turned away from heaven. It is the only place left for those who chose to turn away. I am reminded of Dante’s Inferno, where before they even enter into Hell there is an abyss of screams and moans. Dante asks Virgil about these souls who hover around the gates of Hell and Virgil responds by saying that these are the souls who never chose in life. Between Good and Evil, Right and wrong, they remained stagnant in choice. These souls are forever damned to float in the abyss, finding no home in Heaven or Hell. The starting point for both Plato and Hegel is not lofty idealizations of the nature of Goodness and God but in the very real aspect of our every day life, that at every moment we are confronted to make a choice, and that we are driven by some kind of instinct toward what is good and away from what is bad. From this very elementary existential predisposition the whole of meaning begins to move, everything revolving in circles upon circles upward and down. What will you do? How will you know? These aren’t questions we ask in our leisure, they are the very structure that determine questions and behaviors that determine our fate and destiny.
>continuation of my post here.
I think that perhaps Satan rebelled against God precisely so that we could know Him. For otherwise there would be nothing to know, since there would be no difference and all would face God.
I do not know up from down. When I act like I know life constantly proves me wrong. Yet constant doubt is its own curse. So what is left? The can be no knowing and there can be no ignorance either. Faith is all that remains.
>I think that perhaps Satan rebelled against God precisely so that we could know Him
This is a very very tricky topic. If you think about it this way, Satan in a way sacrificed himself so that Man could eat from the tree of knowledge, even at cost of his own demise. There are some Syrian stories of Genesis that see the snake as a hero and not a villain. Stories abound, but I am reminded of this quote from Paradise Lost, it’s ascribed to Jesus, but in light of what we just said, and the fact that it’s a story about Lucifer, could apply to either;
Account mee man; I for his sake will leave
Thy bosom, and this glorie next to thee
Freely put off, and for him lastly dye [ 240 ]
Well pleas'd, on me let Death wreck all his rage;
It's funny that you should quote paradise lost because it was precisely that book in the back of my mind. It's dangerous to believe that satan is a hero though.
PS. I want to thank both you but espexially the christian guy for what is an extremely enlightening thread, to me. These conversations are precious.
>Satan saw himself as the greatest of Angels because he worshiped and prayed to God endlessly in order to be in his favor (Greed)
>I am nothing. I strive everyday to be less than that, so that I may be filled by the Lords grace.
How could Satan have known that he was greedy, instead of being pious? Also why did God make an angel capable of greed? He must have done so on purpose.
A perfect God need indeed not to be nuanced depending on how you view him. Our reverence should also be as great as we can muster and strive to make it even greater so. But what I talk of is mortals, his creations. We are not him, we are not perfect. We can only walk our rightful path of becoming, striving to be as great we can in all things. But because we are not perfect, we are ignorant and we do sin, we will stumble, fall, waver and struggle on the path but the further we walk with honesty and repentance, the closer we will get and the clearer the sky will be. The other poster talked earlier about being covered in shadows, lies and shit, that basically means the lies you tell yourself and the lies you believe in. This comes about because a person has not live their lives fully in honesty, which very few have. This condemns them to live in that hell until they become honest in all things, you stop believing in lies and stop lying to yourself. Expressed another way would be to kill your ego, your sins, your demons, that which lies and become free from its clutches. To 'become' after this is to strive to be the greatest/most perfect you can be in all things, do you not believe this must be accomplished in great complexity and nuance? Try interacting with anything and you will see the magnitude of ways you can interact with it through nuance, add another, time or rhythm and you have complexity.
What’s really interesting is that in questioning God you are really just questioning the story. Does it not attest to his glory that even the question posed to him must be posed a step away, where your just sorta arguing with a story. Seems trivial right? But remember how genesis starts- In the beginning was the word, and the word was God.
People are always like- it’s just a story. And I’m like, yea, isn’t that crazy.
thank you user
Didn't refresh to see your post but read my reply to the other poster. If you are the poster that I've been discussing it with earlier then my point of disagreement is that even if they turn away from God and blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, the second they honestly repent it turns into mere sin that can be forgiven. Their starting point from there is where they currently are at and to rise from it. To compare them to the man who has been honest his whole life and has risen so high is disingenuous and itself a sin.
>To compare them to the man who has been honest his whole life and has risen so high is disingenuous and itself a sin.
Yes. Only God knows what truly in the heart of a believer, and it says over and over, He is the most compassionate, most merciful. Only God forgives. But! The warning against sin, especially the sin against the Holy Spirit, that is not to be taken lightly. Because it is said, it is not like other sins, it is an eternal sin, and what’s more, God will not forgive you
Yes and in this case the blasphemy would be turning against the Holy Spirit but if you begin to ever, in your lifetime, listen to it then you never truly turned your back on it.
>do you not believe this must be accomplished in great complexity and nuance
If there’s anything about the message of Christ that I love most, it’s the simplicity. Even his parables, he extracts the highest wisdom from the most common of things
"The Kingdom of the Father is like a man who had [good] seed. His enemy came by night and sowed weeds among the good seed. The man did not allow them to pull up the weeds; he said to them, 'I am afraid that you will go intending to pull up the weeds and pull up the wheat along with them.' For on the day of the harvest the weeds will be plainly visible, and they will be pulled up and burned."
There is definitely nuance in complexity, but I think simplicity is the highest form of deliverance. It’s a straight lightening-bolt to the heart.
Probably pic related.
I interpret it as when you know of the greatest complexities and nuances of all things everything becomes simple in turn, it follows by its definition. We can all find the direction to walk towards but through your wisdom you can walk it further or even help others to find or travel on their paths. What is wisdom if not knowledge of complexity and nuance? Where else are we of creation going in our strife towards truth, beauty and perfection? Is it truly not towards that which is wholesome in its complexity and nuance, so much so that it is seemingly simplistic, only natural? Like a word or a short poem that can express so much because of the context behind it but is yet such a simple thing.
Grab em by the pussy
Interesting read, and yes absolutely us guys do the same too. We're even more open about how we do it when talking about keeping girls as "plates" or "Plan B".
The difference is that it's not shameful for guys to do it because the social dynamics are so favored today in the direction of women. For a guy to have many women desire him, it takes a lot of work across a wide spectrum: money, looks, personality, resources, muscles, smile, etc.
For women, they just need to not be too fat and get outside every now and then
>but in the end, I do see them as puppets for my purposes, as sources to drain energy from
Absolutely despicable
Earlier in the novel, Alaska and the narrator go through the school while everyone's on vacation, hunting for porn from other people's stashes. Pudge and Alaska watch porn together, and then later Pudge contrasts the kind of intimacy he saw in the videos with the kind he wants from Alaska.
Wow sounds exactly like the kind of stupid ass shit that John Green would write. Now I am sad.
I wonder what the life of that user looks like who thinks i‘m covered in shit and too blind to see.
You are very quick to judge and i wonder what puts you in a position to be worthy of casting judgement. Because all my life, i have never come upon (irl and anywhere else) anyone who would qualify. In fact, the only beings qualified to judge would be the father, the son and the holy spirit. Yet here you are, putting yourself at their level, calling ME blasphemous?
I really hope one day you can see the hypocrisies in your ways. Unlike you, at least i am trying to see. You just blind yourself with feeling morally superior. I‘m sure your moral superiority would vanish the instant you‘d have to attach your incognito browser history to your posts.
Belongs on RP threads somewhere honestly.
The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco. Would recommend for based Yea Forumsizens :)
Yea who the hell does he think he is? He’s pretending like he’s one of the guys you described screwing over or something. Everyone makes mistakes, just get over it hehe not like she owes you a personal apology or personally caused you emotional stress and turmoil like she probably did the other guys. People are soooo dramatic take a vacation or something amirite? Lol
takes two
>one of the guys you described screwing over
Except i didn’t.
All i said is that when i was a teen i genuinely thought i wasn't cut out for same gender friendships. However, i quickly started to distrust this and tried to look behind it. Obviously, i also did that by observing others. I never intentionally screwed anyone over. I can not say i never did, because maybe i did and wasn‘t aware. But the moment i became aware of the fact that i didn‘t enjoy hanging out with guys more because i „could connect easier with them“ but because we had the added sexual tension bonus, i stopped doing that.
Honestly, it feels like that user is very hurt. Maybe because the very notion of accepting social hierarchies would reveal that he‘s not doing very good at them, which is a very ugly thing to face.
I hope that he finds some peace and someone to hold him tight. For him to experience genuine emotional and physical intimacy. I don‘t wish for anyone to hurt and be lonely.
If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.
>I never intentionally screwed anyone over
>but in the end, I do see them as puppets for my purposes, as sources to drain energy from
Ya ok
I agree
I hope the christcuck user finds some cutie and gets a hotel room for some real living and good times!
Your reading comprehension sucks, which is a sad thing to see on a board dedicated to reading.
That comment was posted by the male user i was talking to.
Talking to a lot of male user’s are we :3
Naturally, yes.
But if you look closely, you would be able to detect that in none of my posts have i ever accelerated sexual tension in any way. But i take it you‘re too biased to notice.
>all women are whores, amirite?
I'm , not the female 'seeing' them as 'energy drains'. I tried to explain dynamics between two persons as the previous poster seemed to be confused about it. Then the other guy starts ranting about the woman as a response to me, so I gave my opinion that people hurt others all the time and all the hurting ones need to do is to leave their Tyrant. But as the incompetent/ignorant persons they all are, they are hurting each other and keeping on enabling the dysfunctional relationship.
Is she banging the angel? because that prose is insane.
>What, then, is love? A wind whispering among the roses – no, a yellow phosphorescence in the blood. A danse macabre in which even the oldest and frailest hearts are obliged to join.
Her point was that everyone intentionally lie, cheat and hurt others for gain, but most lack the awareness of doing so and think themselves guiltless. The only thing that's different about her is that she has the awareness. Then she doesn't even like this order of things but doesn't know what to do since the sin (if we're going with the Christian terminology) is at the very root of her being and no amount of repentance, going to church and praying would really help, that much is obvious. I can sort of understand her in that one. So what is one supposed to do if one realises sin to be the root of one's existence but still isn't willing to let go of higher ideals, whatever they are?
He wrote an essay on love, you should check it out
>it feels like that user is very hurt
He's more hurt than you can imagine. Shame I lack the ability to explain it to you, the feelings of a man denied not just love but the very concept of love, the very hope of finding love. If a man is careless enough to seek the ideality in romantic love, then you would stand as a direct refutation of the very concept of romantic love, and through that as a denial of ideality, of everything good and true that could ever be. Naturally he hates you for that. I would hate you for that if I had a little less self-awareness. The saddest (or funniest) part is however much I would like to hate you, it wouldn't really help, since the sin is not only in the actuality of sin but in the possibility of sin, and you can't get rid of that without getting rid of the human altogether. The most sweet and the most innocent girl I could imagine would bear the roots of sin just as much as you, would be just as disgusting and repulsive as you. Or me, for that matter. How am I supposed to love anyone then?
>putting up a front to get people who also do so to be your fake friends
This is some high-tier normalfag autism I can't relate to at all
We should just give up user. It‘s no use trying to make sense for a person who can‘t even concentrate enough to follow a written conversation.
We both know what we were talking about and if that user so badly wants to be bitter about social dynamics, i can‘t help him.
I think i understand him though. It is very discouraging to open your eyes to how humans socialize if you‘re not the one on top. Even then, it sucks. Because it forces you to accept truths about yourself you probably rather not know or label as selfless. And i‘d also rather just lean back on faith to god than accept that we don‘t have some higher good to strive towards. If you don‘t count „personal gains“ as a higher good that is. It‘s also a lot more convenient to believe in pure evil and pure good. Because most people will think of themselves as pure good, people who don‘t agree with them can thus safely be labeled as pure evil. Daring to acknowledge that everyone possesses both is, in my opinion, the more mature way. I‘d rather know if there‘s a wolf lurking in the woods, so i can be cautious and prepared than to be naive and think that there can‘t be anything dark in this forrest since it also has butterflies and squirrels in it and then get a surprise visit from the pack. I mean, dis you know that most soldiers that suffer from PTSD do so not because of things they saw or were done to them but because they were confronted with the amount and extend of evil they were capable of?
Then maybe it‘s time to review the definition of sin. I‘m not going to just swallow anything the bible tries to shove down my throat. If self interest is a sin, then i‘d want to know why.
>desire games
so that's what those are called
those can be tricky, if not intoxicating.
>How am I supposed to love anyone then?
I know i love a lot of people in my life. Foremost my husband and my sons. But also my parents and siblings. I think the purest love comes from kinship. In ideal circumstances, that would put the love between husband and wife on top of that list since that‘s, in essence, chosen kinship.
However, if i look at it from a biological perspective, things look grim and cold. The explanation for the interest in family members is that they share big parts of your dna and you‘re intrinsically interested in advancing the fortune if your own genes, even if they walk around in a different body.
Then again, i am not entirely convinced that humans are mere animals who happen to have the advantage of conscious thought. I do think that we have evolved to be more than just the sum of our instincts.
All i know is that if biological processes intended to help my dna prosper are at the root of what i feel when i‘m emotionally or physically close to my husband or when i hold my sleeping baby in my arms, i don‘t give a damn if that‘s not virtuous enough for religious people or not, because it feels holy as fuck to me. I don‘t need an explanation for everything, i also don‘t think there is one.
It's not about the Bible. Very roughly speaking, you start with self-interest, but quickly understand that you can't place in at the foundation of your being, because you're a subject to external forces and however much you struggle, all of your self-interest can and will be sooner or later denied. So you tear yourself away from the word of finite, the fate of which is death and decay, and start building yourself around the ideal definitions of Good and Evil, whatever they are in your case, biblical or else. But then you arrive at another problem: however much you strive towards Good, you cannot get rid of your ability to do Evil. And this freedom to do Evil, that is inherent to you, is Sin. You cannot get rid of it without getting rid of Good and Evil themselves but then you merely return to square one and keep wailing in despair over the dust you are. Maybe there are other options, but I don't know about them.
I don‘t know what they‘re called. I just made hat term up.
But i agree, they are indeed dangerous and hurtful and should be avoided at all cost.
>I don‘t need an explanation for everything
You are blessed in that. Like most women are. I don't even mean that in a derogatory way. But for a man who does need an explanation for everything, he'll have to carry your immorality (for it is immorality, to find and exhaust the reason for yourself in your finite love for your baby, and I again don't mean it in a derogatory way, but to outline the differences in male and female mindsets) on top of his own sins as long as he's actually committed to seeing thing the way they are, and even getting content with your immorality if he doesn't want to resign and try remaking women into men.
I don‘t think i agree with you that just because someone is CAPABLE of evil, means he IS evil. I think the good comes from exactly that: having evil in you but not giving in to it’s temptations. If humans were pure evil or good, or if some humans were pure evil or good, then there would be no struggle as it would be crystal clear and nothing you can do anything about.
I might be a person to question what society deems at good or evil, that‘s true. Namely the fact society sees self interest as condemnable. I see it as the base of all good. If my needs are met, i can start meeting other people‘s needs from a feeling if abundance rather than renunciation. If i give, i want to WANT to give, not give out of a feeling of obligation and social pressure. Let me show this on the example of marital sex. Many people think that sex in marriage as kind of a duty. Something you owe each other, even if you don‘t really feel like it. Feeling like someone can demand you are physically close to him is the best way to ensure you don‘t want to be physically close to that person ever. If i have sex with my husband, i want the motive to do so be out of desire for him and nothing else. No hidden agenda or pressure, telling me what a „good wife“ does in the bedroom. No using sex as a means to condition your husband (believe me, this is sadly a very common practice). And i feel that the end product is a lot more holy. Would you rather sleep with a girl you know only sleeps with you because she craves intimacy with you? Or would you prefer she did so out of a sense of duty? (Not talking about kinks but sane and mature relationships on eye level, a very rare occurrence anyways)
I do not see a dynamic as Evil unless you turn away from the seeking of balancing it. Why is something selfish if both parties enjoy it, have gained from it, is it not simultaneously selfish and selfless, why must it be one or the other? If you view anything through a lens all things are bent in its image. If you wish to see all things as selfish you can will see things as selfish. But if there is even the slightest degrees of selfishness then it becomes a dynamic that is again a balancing act. The soldiers suffering from PTSD has turned away from seeking the truth in what they havw experienced and thus they cannot find the balance, the truth, to see what is good and what is evil in it. Any act of a lower, desperate man or one in dire straights can be seen as evil from a higher point of view but doing so is to sin as you are turning your back on his situation and ability. If we are not perfect we will be judged by our ability to follow the truth according to our imperfection. If we cannot see clearly because of previous sin then we will need to repent until we can do so, but God as already forgiven us the moment we start doing so. To be prepared against the dark or possessing power does not make you a sinner, unless you step over the edge unto evil, sinning.
I didn‘t mean that in a „i chose to not think things trough because i am too lazy“ way. I meant that in a sense of „some things we as humans simply can‘t yet explain or understand“. And i don‘t think it is virtuous to go crazy over those unsolvable questions. I try to find a balance between concepts to think about (like the purpose of human life, wether there is a higher force or not, what happens when the body dies, is there something inherently good or evil, yadda yadda) and real life. My kids won‘t benefit from a mom that wallows in self pity because she can‘t find a good argument for why we are here and if our suffering is contributing to something bigger than us. They benefit from a mom that knows how to give them the closest to unconditional love humans are capable of. And if i would just focus my life ok solving unsolvable questions and neglect their practical applicability, it would be a disaster. Maybe you‘re right and that‘s the big difference between males and females. Males might be able to afford completely vanishing in their ruminations about such questions. Females can‘t. Because if we don‘t want our species to go extinct (and be antinatalists) we have to stay practical at the same time. Because solving philosophical dilemmas won‘t change diapers and feed hungry mouths. Not directly that is.
not the user you're arguing with, but you've lost me at the second half of your post, at "My kids won't benefit" and so on, but hey, the user you are arguing with is the bigger retard in that discussion
post your mommy tits
That‘s exactly what i try to express. That doing things in self interest is not a sin as long as it also covers or at least doesn‘t interfere with the self interest of others.
I have to go cook again, kek. I hope we can continue this conversation later.
>you've lost me at the second half of your post
>post your mommy tits
Same, same user
What she means is that life is done by living it. If her situation is that of having children, she must see to them and she can use her internal guide to guide her down that path. The other who has less immediate responsibility, can sit and seek even greater truths for as long as can, to see the internal guide ever more clearly. But that is not for all, in all scenarios of life, why else are we not all monks and nuns, and what of the simpleton?
>Namely the fact society sees self interest as condemnable. I see it as the base of all good.
It IS the base of all good, and then it is the base of all evil. That's the difficulty. You want to do good and don't want to do evil, so it should horrify you that you are capable of doing evil towards the people you love the most, be it your husband or your children, out of mere self interest, by a slightest slip of inattention. I mean, not that it should _actually_ horrify you, for if you go really serious about that you won't be able to do any good at all. You are better off without this realisation. But if one's attention is unable to leave this point of the capability of evil, then such a person would be in trouble. Quite a lot of religious texts were written to tackle this problem (on an unrelated note, it's laughable to talk about religion with people who don't recognise that which I described at its roots and go sprouting usual Dawkins-tier crap)
>Let me show this on the example of marital sex. Many people think that sex in marriage as kind of a duty.
That's an interesting example. What would the Christianity say? I don't consider Christianity to be an ultimate truth of any sort but it's very useful to discuss moral questions due to the rich framework of concepts it possesses. Then Christianity wouldn't say that sex in marriage is a duty. It would say: you shall love your husband. Then you have sex with him because you love him, but the love itself is a duty. That's a very curious distinction. Going by Stirnerian line you'd reply: you love people but you know no commandment of love, -- and indeed, I understand the point perfectly. Yet the necessity may arise, after all, to command yourself to love. Since what kind of marriage would it be if you say, "I would love my husband and my children, but only as for long as I want to" ?
has anybody noticed the resemblance this has to a passage from A Farewell to Arms?
I wanted to lie down and to wrap my arms around her and sleep and have sex and sleep together and I lacked the courage. She had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was boring and she was fascinating and so I walked back and collapsed and thought that if people were rain then I was drizzle and she was hurricane.”
Not much time, but i am entirely aware of my capability to do evil towards my husband and my son. If i wasn‘t, that would be dangerous. Just because you love someone doesn‘t make you unable to inflict pain on them. Aux contraire, it makes the possibility that you hurt them a lot higher. You need to constantly self reflect. That‘s why i think the biggest opportunities to mature in one‘s life is being married and having children. You can not let yourself slip even once, you need to always check back in. If you only have uncommitted relationships, you can just walk away if you don‘t want to deal with something. In marriage and parenting, you have to face those things. At least if you meant it when you gave your spouse your promise to not just walk out on them in trying times.
>only as long as i want to
Yes, i do feel like i am not obligated to love anyone. I do feel like i am free to only love people as long as i want to. HOWEVER, i think that it is nobody else’s responsibility than mine to keep the relationships with the people i love in a condition i can guarantee i will keep loving them. That‘s what people refer to when they say that marriage requires constant work. There is no status quo you can just relax, lean back and everything will fall into place magically. You aren‘t two stones who happen to be placed next to each other. You mature, you learn. You have to calibrate the relationship again and again. And the less often you do that, the bigger the possibility that the gap has already grown too big to be closed again. That‘s where most people start to „drift apart“ and then claim that they‘re „just not compatible“. It is not faith that determines how long or good your marriage is. It is your willingness to put in the effort and be honest firstly with your self and secondly with your partner.
Hey, I'm not the guy you replied to but I've been reading your conversation and you make a lot of sense.
About the theory that you speak of friendship, how do you think it applies to group-based friendships? I mean friendships where you rarely hang out with just one member of the group
Hey, I'm not the guy you replied to but I've been reading your conversation and you make a lot of sense. It's a great discovery, at least to me, to find these sort of things written, and that other people don't see the coherence in your words.
About the theory that you speak of friendship, how do you think it applies to group-based friendships? I mean friendships where you rarely hang out with just one member of the group. I imagine it is easier to develop dominance-based dynamics in this scenario, but I would like to refer to you a group dynamic I have developed in the last 3 years.
I am still quite young at 21 years of age, and my main source of social interaction is my university group of friends. I see it as a somewhat special group, and I have no doubt of its rarity. We are 7 guys, and I can confidently say that the majority of us participate in the selfishness that you mention, and that in accordance with it, we are able to still care deeply about each other. On the surface we make fun of each other profusely and all our conversations have next to no meaning or value, but it is this very lack of significance which puts us all on the same page, which is that of a united front against all the bullshit social conditioning, exaggerated seriousness, and hypocrisy present in all those who attempt to use others while trying to keep up a facade of selflessness. We never talk about that fact, I'm not sure why, but I'm sure we all feel it.
This sounds great, but it is still a hard dynamic to keep up and requires effort from all. Which is why the awareness factor is so important. Whenever the balance breaks, i.e. if someone starts to diverge from the group's spirit, either by acting insecure all of a sudden or taking something too seriously, which has happened to all of us including me many times, the whole group notices, though the alert is rarely verbally stated, and immediately tries to revert him back to the group's spirit. This is usually done by making extra fun of that person (most people would consider this type of making fun as bullying) until the situation is reverted.
Basically, all of this was to put forth the following hypothesis: that to escape group dynamics based on dominance hierarchies, the group must uphold extreme dominance on the surface, while developing intimacy through indirect upholding of values.
I don't quite believe in that completely though, as this is all still very confusing to me. I think it is still possible to talk about the very process that is happening and verbally share in the knowledge that we are free from society's bullshit, and that does still happen sometimes. But I guess if we talked about that too many times we would ourselves be taking what is going on too seriously.
What do you think of this escape from seriousness, is it a possible answer or just another defense mechanism?
Have sex
but is this not giving up? Admitting defeat? I have often thought along these very lines but then I feel that I am too young to simply give up the search for truth and submit to faith. Maybe when I'm older and defeated(if I wasn't defeated then there would be no need), for now I am young and my bones are filled with vigour and I can strive to find God with knowing, with logos, and with the worldly. I understand that to fashion yourself a God is a sin but how do I rid myself of these luciferian urges?
>Not fuck
>Not even have sex
What did he mean by this?
That he‘s a soiboi
What you just descrined is literally called 'being fake'. You are all forcing each other to play a role, instead of allowing each other to be full humans with the whole array of emotions and seriousness that entails. Which I understand, because that's often a very scary thing to do, yet it is also more rewarding and it will make you stronger and more conscious in the long run.
Is it admitting defeat? Or is it choosing the only path that doesn't lead to defeat?
>that to escape group dynamics based on dominance hierarchies, the group must uphold extreme dominance on the surface, while developing intimacy through indirect upholding of values
Not the person you're replying to but I think this hypothesis is correct. I've noticed myself that social dynamics seem to work like this.
But I honestly don't see how an escape from seriousness is a good thing. Escaping from everything serious is the norm in Western culture, it's nothing rebellious. And beneath the facade of having fun and bullshitting and whatnot, are certain beliefs, values and assumptions which are very often completely ridiculous or outdated.
As someone from a family with two depressives and an alcoholic, I can say this mechanism is easily used to avoid confronting real problems. After a while conformity is automatically enforced because no one even considers thinking or questioning anymore, even while many group members feel like crap.
And then escape becomes the only option.
Critical thinking can dissappear after a while until everyone just follows the group dynamic, barely making any conscious choices about their personal lives anymore.
(But yeah, a limited version of this is absolutely necessary for relationships)
I get what you are saying, but in my opinion I don't think that what I describe must mean we are being governed by some sort of oppression that does not allow us to be ourselves. It is more like we all collectively found an equilibrium that works for us. Diverging from that equilibrium is seen by us not as someone attempting to be themselves but as someone losing their way and forgetting the values of the group.
Additionally, I do not mean to say that our personalities are alike. There are radical differences that can be found in each of the members. It is our social values that tend to this equilibrium.
>But yeah, a limited version of this is absolutely necessary for relationships
This makes sense, perhaps the balance is in enforcing this dynamic to the point where real intimacy is possible to develop, but not enough to compromise the self-identity of the parties
To address the seriousness part, I personally believe lack of it to be a good thing, though I can see how it can be used as a defense mechanism to avoid confronting real problems.
Again, I am still 21. Down the line it is likely I will become a more serious individual.
You seem to have a balanced view on the whole thing, good for you!
>Diverging from that equilibrium is seen by us not as someone attempting to be themselves but as someone losing their way and forgetting the values of the group.
It’s called herd mentality, and that you chastise each other for stepping out of your circle jerk is disgusting. This exactly how development becomes retarded.
And a dog, lying there, lifted its head and pricked up its ears. Argus was the hound of noble Odysseus, who had bred him himself, though he sailed to sacred Ilium before he could enjoy his company. Once the young men used to take the dog out after wild goat, deer and hare, but with his master gone he lay neglected by the gate, among the heaps of mule and cattle dung that Odysseus’ men would later use to manure the fields. There, plagued by ticks, lay Argus the hound. But suddenly aware of Odysseus’ presence, he wagged his tail and flattened his ears, though no longer strong enough to crawl to his master Odysseus turned his face aside and hiding it from Eumaeus wiped away a tear... As for Argus, seeing Odysseus again in this twentieth year, the hand of dark death seized him.
>Because they are horrified at the possibility of the other person seeing them for who they really are
Argos loves odysseus soo much he sees him for who he is.when with someone you love you feel as if you could die and it would be alright and Argos does exactly that
>Critical thinking can dissappear after a while until everyone just follows the group dynamic, barely making any conscious choices about their personal lives anymore
That’s not critical thinking, it’s just thinking. I know, it’s difficult to come to grips with the fact that what you call “group dynamic” is just a ploy for you to lift the responsibility of thinking (i.e. what you call critical thinking is just thinking, and what you call thinking is just processing). This is how the bastard pulse of “group dynamics” beats, by ignoring your own capacity for thought, the lie that is “the group” sustains as long as all of you are consent to the orgy. You are all complicit in the lie, knee deep in shit. It’s absolutely disgusting
>Hurhurhur your so perfect you never needed friends
No. My friends, when I had friends, when I hung out with my entourage, and other things I did when I was 15, we would chastise each other specifically for any trace of herd mentality. What destroyed us was specifically that culture, whether prude or debauched, that came in the form of friend outside the group, who took a friend and tried doing to them. For example one of my closest friends tatted hanging out with a group of niggers, one day I come over and he’s wearing a du rag. Mind you, his hair is not nappy
, he didn’t need to calm his Afro, that’s the only purpose you wear a du rag. I didn’t chastise him for “disturbing the group dynamic”, I chastised him for trying to participate in one. This happened numerous times, until everyone went off into their own cliques, and I was alone. I watched EVERYONE of those cliques disintegrate, even lost some of my friends to death. This is very close to my heart specifically because people don’t understand- this is YOUR life you fucking retard.
>Hurhurhur my group dynamics
"Many are standing at the door, but it is the solitary who will enter the chamber.”
You sound deeply hurt brother. Forgiveness and mercy for all those who approach in the name of Jesus and sincerely ask for repentence. God so Loved the world.
I'm going off this website, will take a shower and pray for you while i'm in there
Based havesexposter
Oh, how I wish you would kiss me passionately!
For your lovemaking is more delightful than wine.
The fragrance of your colognes is delightful;
your name is like the finest perfume.
No wonder they adore you!
Draw me after you; let us hurry!
Beautifully said. I’d like to add that, something as crude as “group dynamics” doesn’t apply to family. I’m sure you can agree, despite how married you are to yourself
>I do feel like i am free to only love people as long as i want to
Sorry but if you were honest with yourself you know that there were times when you had to sacrifice yourself, you had to put your family’s best interest first, call it “recalibration” or whatever, there really is no room for “if I want to” when your child is screaming and crying in distress in your arms, or your significant other. And these times of literal ego death are the real blessings of having a family, you can’t learn this any other way. It’s one thing to sacrifice for friends, country, ideals, all valiant, but there is nothing like the experience of sacrificing for your family. There is a soul a spirit that is priceless, that is not governed by logic yet the furthest thing from alogical. When you’ve achieved that state, you’ve earned a strength and purpose and determination to live and love. True power is only in the service given, and the greatest of these is the service to your family, specifically your child. Again, these treasures are only for those who have walked the path, that is why their life is given over to grace. The children of God are given to in simplicity, all they need to do “Be still and know”
You just seem like a BPD piece of shit lmao hang yourself fag
>My problem is literally only connecting with people through sex
No your problem is that you are a degenerate and that you should be castrated before some poor child will have to recognize you as their father
There is some truth to what you say, but let me argue that central to the value system of our group is the belief that it is the best way to act and think. It is therefore more in accordance with a "looking out for each other" motive, rather than trying to keep a circle jerk going, that we try to keep our minds in sync.
I feel you are misinterpreting this "chastising" that we do to each other. It is not an attempt to bully the diverging party into submission. It is essential to understand this: the bullying against the diverging member is a sort of exaggeration of what others might consider as dominating techniques; this way we make that person understand that the offense towards him is a joke and should be construed as such. These ostensible offenses flow freely in every direction when we hang out. It is specifically when one of us acts less confidently or takes one of these offenses too seriously, that the group, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously, increases the frequency of bullying directed at that person diverging from the group spirit.
Basically, the main 2 values of the group are:
-complete confidence and outgoingness
-being a free spirit and not giving a fuck
The incessant "bullying" breeds and solidifies these 2 values into the group. The people in my circle of friends gain as a bonus an emotional hardskin that allows them to carry these values wherever they go.
>My problem is literally only connecting with people through sex and the pain of having to shoot them down because I can't handle more than three girlfriends at once she doesn't even have a problem and is apparently happily married
you mean she meant to text Chad Thundercock
>I do see them as puppets for my purposes, as sources to drain energy from
>we are willing to be pretty evil to achieve that. By evil i mean doing things like keeping people as friends that we know desire us just so we can always tap into that endless source of feeling desired. Commonly referred to as keeping beta orbiters. Or playing with someone‘s emotions.
>My problem is literally only connecting with people through sex and the pain of having to shoot them down because I can't handle more than three girlfriends at once she doesn't even have a problem and is apparently happily married
>you mean she meant to text Chad Thundercock
>I do see them as puppets for my purposes, as sources to drain energy from
>we are willing to be pretty evil to achieve that. By evil i mean doing things like keeping people as friends that we know desire us just so we can always tap into that endless source of feeling desired. Commonly referred to as keeping beta orbiters. Or playing with someone‘s emotions.
No doubt
You will repent
but what is there to save?
You want to finally serve God?
Then come wicked child
serve as an example of divine justice
You bathed in light and still turned away
now join shadow casted by flames
You will laugh the laugh of a slave
In life as in death
your misery consoles you
and you will think this is being saved
Believers do not pity this but turn away
In life as in death,
they will have their way
Help me get back with my ex then
>those claiming they can‘t relate to their own gender and can bond more easily with the opposite sex just suck ass at being friends.
>suck ass at being friends
>They use the sexual advantage to generate emotional intimacy in a friendship and that is lame as fuck.
>lame as fuck
You are obviously a Genius
Please write a book about this
what makes you so sure of that?
I'm talking about interactions/relationships in all forms, not just friendships. Group-based interactions mean that all parties involved can contribute less individually
to the group and it will still be able to create art, life, greatness. Once you have found an equilibrium in the group, a connection, all will sense this and you'll all hold unto it as a pillar, an area of dynamics, to hold the group together. This naturally means that the dominant one(s) in a, is/are to create challenge to the submissive one(s). The creators and the challengers. In your group the pillar would be making fun of each other, let's say. In this, you know that you cannot be too rough, lest they'll get an actual wound. The dynamics in this area are thus defined and you will seek its growth. You learn to take it even further, still without wounding them, you learn the complexities and nuances of this area. How great the joke can be, and how the perfect comeback elevates it even further. After some time you all have learnt, grown and reached an almost equal level of skill in this area and in turn you become equals as persons in some sense. To then step out of this area of dynamics is to become unequal. The one stepping out might be scared and is trying to escape. The equilibrium you all have perfected, is breaking down. Naturally all join in to correct the party at fault by making him submit once again. Why then, would anyone ever seek to leave this defined area? Because we are human. Being constrained to one area, means that we cannot assert characters upon the world, we can not truly express ourselves. In this area you must bend and twist your sentiments so that it fits the group spirit. It is a hard thing to do, to express sentiment when you must grasp for or even worse when lacking the language to do so. To make the group escape the static dynamics it holds, the mask, it merely needs to become dynamic again. It needs a more dominant power to challenge it so that it knows that it is lacking. It needs one of you to find where it is lacking and then to challenge the group upon it, that is to say, become dominant. When someone challenges the group, the group will challenge you straight back, to test your mettle. Is this a new form of dominance or is it weakness? If they recognize the authority of your truth, they to, will try to acquire it. Escaping from seriousness, like all things that are constrained to one area, lacks character and lacks life. A man lacking in character, is one who knows not what his truths are, or yet again, the complexities and nuances of them. A man who has developed his character and stopped his fear of failure, is as an artist. Able to use seriousness or levity, facades or the real as he wishes, whatever can express himself the most clearly, dancing between them. He knows precisely what he wishes to convey and how to go about doing so, with beauty. If he does not yet know it, he experiments with glee, until he learns of it.
>This is some high-tier normalfag autism I can't relate to at all
Read Kierkegaard, it feels like he could help you with some of your questions. Particularly the distinction of Objective/Subjective thinking, it's so obvious in retrospective yet so useful that it seems you can't get anywhere without it.
>I understand that to fashion yourself a God is a sin
I would say it isn't as long as you keep your humility and use it to guide yourself away from Luciferian. That this whole phrase sounds like a contradiction shouldn't discourage you, since objectively speaking, you are fashioning yourself a God, because objectively there's no other God that the one you fashion for yourself. Yet subjectively speaking, you are to realise (among other things) that anything you do you do with the help of God, that you're utterly powerless without Him. That would be the humility and the best protection you could have from falling into Demonic and in that, destroying yourself.