itt: things related to everyone's favorite Disney-Pixar film Turning Red >what would their standos be also >who is the best girl >does Ming deserve better >trailers vs. movie >cringe screencap montages with song lyrics in Impact font >even cringier greentext stories >prequel/sequel/spinoff movie/show ideas >perfectly SFW G-rated horniness?
cool new things: >4k bluray is here! >if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a red panda spirit, you may be entitled to a red moon ritual on May 15-16:
We are Mei*Channies, Mei*Chaddies, Meiposters, and more. Ride or die!
[1/2] >Jin had been looking for Ming for hours >he was ready to give up, but caught a glimpse of one of the outdoor bathrooms in the prep school's gardens >it was heavily damaged, with the roof having caved in >his hunch was correct, as he found his secret lover, laying against a wall, blood staining her white shirt >she looked dazed and didn't move, outside of puking up more blood >Jin ran to her side, fearing the worst >"Ming! Are you okay?!" >"Yeah...don't worry..." she said, before giving a small burp. "It's not my blood." >Jin felt a wave of confusion and a tinge of terror >"Then...whose blood is it?" >Ming still hadn't made eye contact, maintaining a thousand yard stare >"That asshole from the year above us. Jason. The one who always treats us like shit." >Jin's brow furrowed. He did know the bully very well. "Go on." >"He came up behind me while I was walking and pinned me against the wall. Starting saying shit like how he heard that chink pussy ran sideways. How all Chinese girls are prostitutes. That sort of stupid shit." >she finally moved, shifting slightly in her seat, before wincing in pain and holding her slightly distended belly >"He said he knew I wanted to fuck him and now's my shot." >Jin fidgeted nervously >"I see..." >Ming turned her head away >"To tell the truth, I didn't know what I wanted to do. Thought maybe I wanted to punch him in the throat. Maybe I did want to fuck him. Also felt maybe I wanted to eat him??" >Jin began to sweat >"So...what did you do?" >Ming finally made eye contact >"I asked for a second opinion." >the hair on the back of Jin's neck raised as he felt the invisible presence of Ming's "special friend", that unmistakable pressure being exerted by the demon
[2/2] >Ming wiped her mouth the back of her hand, leaving a trail of blood >"So I asked him to come into the bathroom and he'll get a big surprise, so long as he keeps it secret. Cocky asshole. He really thought he was so perfect that there was no way I'd pass up the chance." >"Ming..." Jin whimpered, gesturing to the broken ceiling.. "Please don't tell me that this was..." >"He's gone." Ming interrupted. "We took care of it. Now he'll never bother anyone again." >she turned to face him once more, and smiled, baring her blood-stained fangs >"My friend, it ate him up, bones and all. No one will ever find him." >Jin gulped and took a step back, his heart racing, fearing he could be next >"I don't think, uh, it's okay for you to, uh... You can't just decide who lives and who dies." >he looked into his lover's eyes, watching her face becoming more confused with each word >"That's murder, Ming." >she rolled her eyes and shook her head >"Terrible people don't get punished. They're not afraid. People like us, we're the ones who have to live in fear. I didn't...SHE didn't murder anyone." >her brown eyes looked almost red, as she rose to her feet >"It was justice." >"Maybe your mother was right..." he whispered >she jerked her head towards him with a furious look >Jin waved his hands nervously. "About...about your, um, friend!" >"Maybe it is dangerous. And it's very...inconvenient..." >Ming closed her eyes and looked up to the sky, sighing, then began to smile >"What was an inconvenience has become..." >she looked back at him, biting her lip >"A blessing." >with an inhuman leap, she jumped through the massive hole above, and with a magical poof and a bestial roar, her body was gone, replaced by something else's >with massive tremors coming from every powerful step, Ming slowly disappeared into the sunset >Jin was left alone, with the burden of knowing what his girlfriend had done, not sure if the guardian spirit was to blame >or if this is just who she really is
What OC creators do we have? >theory bro >the Ming greentext author from this thread and the one from last thread (may be the same person???) >MSPaint lyrics bro
They're spiritually bound to only one host and tailor-made for them alone.
Bentley James
what's a good rival animal to Mei's panda? I'm thinking bird.
Jace Gomez
Holy crap lmao, did they really? That's some dedicated fucking marketing.
Blake Campbell
James Flores
>multiple scenes of her desperately clutching the prison any time she's afraid >gets wicked butthurt whenever her sisters say "eww" about her panda >has a crazy face when Lily runs her damn mouth >when she forces her way into the gas station, the first shot of the scene is the sealing amulet glistening and guiding her >after breaking free, it immediately went back to protecting Ming rather than fleeing >when they're separated the second time, Ming sighs deeply and the creature turns around very sadly to stare at her leaving >Ming always bites her lip whenever she discusses her guardian, never ever blaming it for anything evil it has done, even millions of dollars of property damage >babies the fuck out of it when it asks for food
They really are close, huh? Obviously the running theory has been Ming only had her panda, Jin, and Mei as her only friends. But I would go so far as to say she's probably closer to her panda than anyone else was to theirs. I guess Mei sees RPG as an extension of herself and not as a separate creature, because their bond is so strong, but I dunno if that counts as "friendship". Feels like a Venom and Carnage difference there.
Considering becoming a greentext author, if this thread is supportive of greentexts. (not sure if it is or not.) Taking requests, suggestions, or ideas. I'll choose the best prompts when I wake tomorrow morning and try to write them throughout the day. I'm probably better at writing dramatic, romantic, or normal stuff than meme-y, crossover, or random things, though.
Brody Lopez
very pregnant and overdue Mei having her water broken by Tyler’s BVC
Michael Garcia
Mei tries to enjoy a fudge popsicle from the school cafeteria, but some boys connect it to Robaire, 4*town frontman and Mei's personal idol, and start teasing her for it
Mei being heavily pregnant with Tyler’s baby, being extremely horny, and basically low-key sexually assaulting him by jumping on him and forcing herself on him
Also the hormones cause her to turn into a Panda at random and hilariously inconvenient times and no one in her family is of any help because they all sealed their pandas away before having children