Lazy Superman and Lois Talkback thread

Tonight Jon gets possessed or something

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so Bizzaro Jon is Broly?

Once again, Lana ruins everything.

It's not Smallville otherwise

No, he's more like Imperfect Cell at the moment.

Who the fuck is Tom Swift

You know what, I will take this father son drama over husband wife drame honestly. At least it's different and new

Why did not you catch-up with current events

Blackwashed early 20th century YA novel character.

Goddamn Lana got an old lady laugh

Oh no

>Maybe she should get in trouble. She was selling drugs.
As much as he has a point, that's unusually cold of Clark. Really glanced over the whole "selling drugs to help her dad" thing.

>Bizarro Jon finding Sara and Lana
Aw shit.

What'sa his problem

Ignore bitches, acquire Jon Prime.

>Jon is now the sperg son
Come the fuck on

Why are you booing him? He's right.

Come on Superwoman.


I know they are teenagers but goddamn they have no sense of what's important in the grand scale of things

>just diarrheas his feelings all over her, WHILE she frets over her missing mother
Top kek, what did he expect? She would immediately forget her mom, and start fucking him then and there.

Is Lana gonna learn the truth finally?

>Lana thinks Jon on drugs
this conversation is hilarious.

Oh, so THAT'S how he winds up with Kryptonite in his chest. Lame.

>Kryptonite trap
Come on Clark

Will Supergirl coming out be part of the plot?

Obviously not.

At this point I think S&L are in their own universe. Arrowverse is dying off so they probably want to stand alone as much as they can.

Valiant attempt at least John Henry

Super Boys fight

>Jordan's going to use his no bitches anger to destroy Bizarro Jon

The freeze vision should've been a clue

>You have to get all the kryptonite out...TODAY!!

How does Lana not recognize him?

>Stay right here

oh boy, Lana will get found by bizarro Lana won't she?

>Jordan does the rope-a-dope in the yellow sun agaisnt B-Jon

so is this show good or

Someone people just have a blind spot, like how people refuse to believe that their neighbor was a serial killer or a secret Nazi gold holder

Figure it out for yourself.

>Will Supergirl coming out be part of the plot?
I wish she came out. I wanted her to have a steamy make-out session with Lena.

tranny mad, take meds

Please just reveal Lana knew all along.

>Lana trying to fuck Superman


Ignoring their children for better and worse seem to be the theme with everyone this season

Take your lesbo fantasies elsewhere.

Too soon Lana

And the truth shall set you free

Are we really going to fucking act like this is a big deal? Right now?

Was it really necessary to kill that tree Clark?


>May 31st

One of the things I loved about Christopher Reeves' portrayal is the subtle differences between Clark and Superman. Clark fidgets, slouches his shoulders, stammers his words and is an all-around wallflower. Superman stands erect, speaks with authority, carries himself with an easy and friendly confidence. He's literally larger than life.

Oh my fucking god. I thought this show was better than this.

>May 31st

Their love is pure and beautiful.

>clark could be possessed by the eradicator and has powers
>clark is taking his son's x-k and has powers
>clark is actually bizarro clark following his son and therefore has powers
the only way to definitively prove to lana that clark is superman is to show her the kryptonite-damaged suit and they didn't do it

>yet another hiatus

I genuinely thought they were done.

Also, Naomi's not too bad lately, if only because it's deviating from Bendis's content.

>Naomi's fat friend
The most annoying character in the DC Multiverse

Attached: S1-Promotional-Images-Annabelle.jpg (800x1200, 603.25K)

This isn't a Naomi thread. Take that shit elsewhere.

You aint a Jannie so fuck off.

The show is shit but anons have the right to discuss it at least.
Take your gatekeeping elsewhere, rere.

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imagine if this gets a 2nd season.
We already got Brutus whats next? Thanagarians?

For some reason I thought this show got cancelled.