ITT Characters you don't mind being raceswapped
I don't mind catwoman either
And I'd rather them make Danny Rand asian american rather than replacing him but too late I guess.
ITT Characters you don't mind being raceswapped
Fuck off. It's this kind of shameless pandering that ensures racism continues ironically. OP pic is especially retarded because Arkham HAD a Deadshot already but then decided "LOL that guy who could do everything Deadshot can? Fake imposter." Way to cheapen the gimmick
user you don't think it's racist as shit when they cast Black Canary and Manchester Black with black actors?
And Black Panther
Because whites in the first world always suffer so much racism compared to other minorities? Sarcasm.
Honestly I think DC or Marvel should take a franchise with a black character who is not intrinsically black as a Define impart of their identity and make them white and not even announce it until people see it in the trailer just to prove a point.
I remember when this up before and I think the best person someone suggested was War Machine.
First, you need to go back with that kind of rhetoric. Second, yes I think it's racist as shit to perpertuate the meme "got black in your name? Let's cast a black person!". Retard
Unironically probably my favorite live-action Gordon.
Why does Iron Fist need to be Asian American? It's not about an Asian reconnecting with his roots, or whatever bullshit Luna peddles. He goes to a magical city and trains there, like Dr Strange but with his fist. I don't see you people arguing Moon Knight needs to be an Arab, reconnecting with his ancient culture. Do ricecels just want a self-insert?
I would be an okay change of we didn't saw Deadshot already in this series.
By the way, why the fuck Suicide Squad takes place in Arkham universe while Gotham Knights don't?
What do you mean that kind of rhetoric?And I never even heard of this meme.
So you're illiterate too?
I'm glad they made Black Pather black. It makes more sense what with black being in his name and afro-futurism is always hilarious in any context.
OP is retarded and unknowingly changing it so Danny wasn't a minority when he was saved.
I always saw deadshot as being Latino in the comics, I was surprised they decided to cast a black man.
Not just cause there's black in the name but Black Canary's aesthetic suffers from her not being a blonde.
Batman has no black villains and deadshot feels the most "street" of the batman rouges imo. Plus Zoe kravitz is hot.
Hawkman works too because he's boring canon fodder otherwise, being the token black gives his presence at least some justification.
So he doesn't get cancelled. Danny and Luke are a package deal and I want both around.
>So he doesn't get cancelled
There's a whole thing about hating on iron fist because he appropriates asian culture and fucks asian women. Marvel is replacing him with an asian man.
Yet another asian superhero who's super power is martial arts. Progressive.
>Batman has no black villains and deadshot feels the most "street" of the batman rouges imo.
So a guy great with guns is the most black/"street" to you? Wow you really showing your true colors here
There's a number of stories where a white dude becomes adopted by (culture) and ends up being better than them at everything. Iron Fist is one of those stories.
But Danny being an outsider who works his way to the top is an important aspect of his character.
Making him Asian American would split the difference. It wouldn't drastically alter his backstory (he can still be an American, the son of a wealthy businessman, etc) but it removes some of the white savior tropes that people take issue with by making the story about a man re-connecting with his own ancestral culture rather than a white man appropriating someone else's.
It's a moot point because Marvel hasn't raceswapped Danny, and it's also a moot point because it's unlikely you give a shit about being sensitive to other people's cultures, but in case you were genuinely curious that's your answer.
A black Punisher story could be neat.
>make Frank's origin story about him being a Harlem Hellfighter WW1 vet
>have his wife killed in the Tulsa race riots
>Black Frank is now cleaning up the ghetto and gunning down mobsters and klansmen
>There's a number of stories where a white dude becomes adopted by (culture) and ends up being better than them at everything. Iron Fist is one of those stories.
White savior of Japan made by a Japanese company.
>character does kung fu
>has to be asian
no wonder you dont mind catwoman, a thief, being black :^)
Asians hate Asian-Americans though. Just look at how they reacted to Shang Chi. They wouldn't want him to "reconnect", they'd tell him to fuck off back where he came from. And besides, Asian Iron Fist will fail to move any books, and the real one will be back within 5 years.
Pretty good answer user
This is as hilarious as saying that being a visible minority isn't a big thing.
Danny Rand is rare as fuck in western media, as he's an egg, and calling him a white savior is a sack of garbage.
>it's unlikely you give a shit about being sensitive to other people's cultures, but in case you were genuinely curious that's your answer.
Yea Forums should be love. Jesus christ. is Josh Luna contagious?
Black panther has a white brother ( I've heard of him being everything from a petty Thief to anti-african to wanted to be like his big blood tub but not such a good guy)
>rather than a white man appropriating someone else's.
Who really cares? Anime does this shit all the time.
Inb4 Colonial Man.
I am SURE shit like that exists, except lynched by the KKK.
Also, we already have black punisher. Who's english.
>Black panther has a white brother ( I've heard of him being everything from a petty Thief to anti-african to wanted to be like his big blood tub but not such a good guy)
I think his best use is as being in charge of Wakkanda's Secret Police. He's an asshole so Tchala can keep his hands clean.
>Batman has no black villains
Killer Croc is black.
Yeah? Stereotypes have to come from somewhere. What other gotham villain could you see being black? Not joker, not scarecrow, not two-face, definitely not penguin.
In fiction physical appearance alone should show personality. Compare him with deathstroke, on the surface they're similar but deathstroke is more high strung, vengeful and driven than deadshot, having him be a white man compliments that. The old grizzled white man is in it for personal vendettas and the street smart black man is in it for monetary gain alone.
>Yeah? Stereotypes have to come from somewhere.
Ever heard of the blood libel against jews? Sometimes it's comes from a more legitimate complaint against your own people you use against others.
Who gives a shit? This is the comics board not the complain about kikes board
Stereotypes come from projection. Any negative trait you put on any race is one you can see amongst your own. No one's perfect and character traits aren't locked behind skin color.
you people is why all comics are becoming nigger,women and gays. fuck off.
Why can't scarecrow be black? If anything he's easier to raceswap because he wears a mask.
I've come to the conclusion that there should BE no rules about what race MUST play someone, but there is such a thing a fucking stupid reasons for making that choice.
Shut the fuck up.
>He's an asshole
It's what lead to Wakanda getting invaded and it's people drowned.
Some real faggotry going on ITT
No one would care and at this point he needs all the help he can get.
Which is good, because the uptight dipshits deserve it. If he was too GOOD at his job, the book would be boring.
No they don't retard
In a corrupt shithole like gotham there is no way a black man would be able to get his hands on the components to create fear toxin.
I mean with the glowing eyes thing, he could easily be hispanic or asian with zero effort.
>It's what lead to Wakanda getting invaded and it's people drowned.
No, that was T'challa trying to hide the Avengers in Wakanda and P5 Namor attacked the nation.
>In a corrupt shithole like gotham there is no way a black man would be able to get his hands on the components to create fear toxin.
Am I being trolled?
>In a corrupt shithole like gotham there is no way a black man would be able to get his hands on the components to create fear toxin.
Gotham literally has a guy selling abandoned factories to criminals and a woman that remodels them. You think there isn't some kind of black market Walmart there selling guns and weapons?
Am I wrong? The lower class has absolutely no way of rising in a city like that, the only evil genius type villain I could see being black is the riddler. Finding the education to create something like that let alone funding to get the materials is completely out of the way and could be spent doing something better.
Punisher UK is a black guy
I'm either being trolled or you're more racist than pol is.
Imagine a minor supervillian "ace", the uber delivery courier services for all your super science needs.
Certainly not black people when they appropriate athletic wear, shoes, basketball and football, harmony and melody, English (sort of), non-mud construction, social welfare, Islam, the wheel, etc.
>black people in corrupt shitty cities have very little way of getting ahead in the world let alone becoming a master chemist
Lol, not at all. I've never met a black dude who could shoot straight. The only reason religion is so strong in black communities is because they take "spray and pray" 100% literally
>minorities have so little culture, that we have to steal existing white characters and put them in black face! so progressive!
I think it has more to do if you couldn't really make black make how does bought so much longer compare two white ones considering white people got upset when you make people a black too mainstream for a long time.
Did you suddenly get stricken with dementia? I even read this out loud and I sounded insane.
Don't like any even if I'm 'pandered' to, they have rich histories sometimes spanning a century give or take.
Make a new character and if they don't catch on tough shit