Does someone know any good books that explain humor?
Not in a kind of „how to become funny“ way, more the social functions it has and the basic mechanics behind what humans find humorous.
Basically, a work about the philosophy of humor.
bump, i’m interested in this too
I'd wager it's similar to why we enjoy music. I've read before that laughing is an evolutionary psychology thing to increase bonds with other humans.
I‘ve seen it put on the same level with gratitude, forgiveness and hope. There must be something to it.
Isn't it very dangerous to be taking hormones and shit during pregnancy? That should be child abuse and the thing should go to jail.
Afaik, that‘s a ftm and it got pregnant after transitioning.
Google "laughter evolutionary psychology." Last time I checked it wasn't very obvious why we developed laughter and humor. Like most things, it probably developed as a mechanism for displaying strength or status. When you laugh at a person who slips on a banana peel, you demonstrate your physical superiority to those around you. After all, it was he who fell, not you. Self depreciating humor might also work similarly. You intentionally expose your flaws as a demonstration of strength. It makes you appear so confident you don't fear others finding out about your weaknesses. Evolutionary psychology works on a very subliminal level, and it explains everything from our thirst for metaphysics to our sense of beauty, which is why retards don't like it. It dispels their pretty little convictions and makes everything look less glamorous and transcendent than they think it is.
There isn't one single agreed upon theory explaining it.
Check out
for a rough list.
way to defeat a strawman with a garbage fire user
i didn't know they could get pregnant after transitioning.
also, where would the semen even go?
>Last time I checked it wasn't very obvious why we developed laughter and humor. Like most things, it probably developed as a mechanism for displaying strength or status. When you laugh at a person who slips on a banana peel, you demonstrate your physical superiority to those around you
this seems like total fucking garbage
fucking how
Henri Bergson has a clean explanation of the mechanics of humor in his essay on laughter
Max Beerbohm's essay about laughter answers it to my satisfaction, but indirectly, in the way it implies that comedy is essentially mimicry, with this difference: It always makes unconscious imitation--which naturally tends to grotesque disproportion--something we are conscious of, by further exaggerating what art at its most tendentious or manipulative has already made its slave. In effect, it re-directs one's attention from whatever narrative any figure of authority, or instrument thereof, is constantly busy spinning, to the figure itself--in all its unrelenting awfulness. It is fundamentally anti-hierarchical, a skill for undoing the parasitism intrinsic to the functioning of top dogs. This is also what makes tyrants (however subtle or not) and comedians natural enemies, and laughter an involuntary signal of participation in conspiracy against tyrants. It promises much, and delivers as little else can, against the disease of psychopathy in high places.
I think from an evopsych standpoint it would make more sense to view laughter as some kind of bonding mechanism. Helps relieve stress and establish joviality or whatever
Huek what is that
Is that worms???
It's a pregnant trans "man".
Thank you user
But dafuq
Wheres the milk gonna come from?
Andzmog that puncheable hipsmug FACE
I guess her tits are still functional, since she's a biological woman. She just pretents she's a man.
Thanks everyone for the recs and theories. I‘m going to start reading them now.
Bergson's book is an easy, interesting and classic read.
As I'm writing these the spawn of creatures like this roam the streets.
Oh. My. Fakk.
I still dont see this being as any less of an aberration.
Just deeeeeeply unsettling, no words for it.
My pet theory is that laughter is usually a reaction to something negative, usually presented in a very indirect way. Anyone else had similar thoughts
Un-man, un-woman, eaurgh
Homos and lesbos, fine, traps and butch, that's the farthest i'll go towards diversity-trained tolerance.
I draw the line, the TRENCH, at exmen that give birth and postwomen that impregnate.
Call me altright is fine, whichever is furthest away from THIS
Something startling, i think, not always neg.
Isn‘t it more something unexpected?
Like you think you know where it‘s heading and then there‘s an unforseeable plot twist? The negativity would just classify it as dark humor.
>how do you get a jewish girl‘s number?
You roll up her sleeve
What disturbs me is that it is so negative about it. All it can think of is how the pregnancy has impacted it‘s sense of gender identity. You can‘t be so fucking self centered when you‘re a parent. I‘m really sorry for their son and i‘m honestly a bit relieved they have decided to not have more kids.
Laughter releases tension.
If there is a bad thing looming in the background that nobody wants to address, then a joke reconceptualizes it as something silly that can be managed or laughed at. Those are the highest tier jokes.
Lower tier jokes take something banal and serious and show off an obscure interesting view on that thing that the audience had not considered before.
Lowest tier humor is schadenfreude. Something bad happening to others and it being funny because it was predicted and ignored or because it simply doesn't happen to oneself.
The higher the tier the higher needs to be the intellect of the audience, if you don't see the threat then you won't be tense about it and you won't think the joke is funny. Schadenfreude on the other hand is funny even to small children, retards and animals like dolphins or monkeys.
Far worse people have had kids, far worse people will have kids. It's usually not in a child's best interest to be born. This self important ugly tranny dyke is just that, another bad mother to another sad child. Of course the kid will grow up to become a deranged weirdo but hey, we're on Yea Forums, we can't judge.
Sure. But the difference here is that people cheer this one on and glorify it‘s braveness. There are a lot of shit parents, i agree. But if you‘re a parent who‘s a danger to your kids because you‘re addicted or physically/sexually abusive, you‘ll get in trouble with child protective services if someone finds out. Nobody will tell you how brave you are to dare to be different if you post a video of you drinking a bottle of vodka then fingering your toddler daughter.
how foul, an anti-natalist. I'd prefer a race of scum to anti-natalists, who commit the only real 'sin' of note.
>raping your daughter is the same as being pregnant while being some wanna be man
Talk about double standards huh?
Fuck off you dumb /pol/ larper
Dude needs to lay off the beer.
Why? Both will give them issues they most likely will carry with them their whole life and that will make their life unnecessarily difficult.
Noooo, raping your daughter is roughly being equal to getting c-sectioned out of your female dad. This sentence could only previously been found in LMD trance journals. It's mad.
"Birds and the bees" lesson could have been done at age 5 for the child of a heteronormative cis parent-pair. Now it has to wait until at least 12.
The birth (although a c section IS traumatic for a baby) is merely the beginning of a series of traumatic experiences for this kid. Not saying the transgenderism per se will cause it. But the fact that those people think they are transgender heavily implies that they are not even close to mental sanity and god only knows what other demons are lurking in the depths of their fucked up brains. You know why most transgerder people commit suicide? Because they have painfully learned that their issues weren‘t gender related. They were just their issues and getting rid of their vagina or their dicks didn‘t magically solve them. They stick with you if you don‘t adress them. People who think they can run away from their issues make TERRIBLE parents.
Adding to this that ofc i am aware that raping your daughter is worse than growing up with trans parents. But pedophiles and alcoholics do fall into the same category as trans people. In the category of running away from facing your issues.
Just because one thing in the same category is worse than the other doesn‘t mean the one that isn‘t the worst is acceptable. Just like calling your son a failure isn‘t going to get you in troubles with child protection services (although it should) and it‘s nowhere as damaging as what this kid is likely to go trough, yet it still isn‘t something a good parent would do.
You're a joke.
>even a chick has more facial hair than me
Just take some testosterone
Some transoids dont get operations , and stay attracted to the same sex so effectively they'd be a gay guy with a pussy. Fookin mental innit.
Ideal situation for another gay guy though, they get that good feelies of a pussy while also getting to fuck a """"man"""""
Aids Tom Bombadil
Use Minoxidile
fuck off.
this poor child.
Well, at least you will probably not go bald.