Which Star Wars character besides Grievous did Filoni also ruin through his TCW series?

Which Star Wars character besides Grievous did Filoni also ruin through his TCW series?

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Quinlan Vos, Barriss Offee, Asajj Ventress to name a few.

Man, why did they even do that to Quinlan?

I feel like Ventress is more detabale, but making her a nightsister was bizarre.

Grievous was always supposed to be shit. George just forgot to stop Genndy from making him an unstoppable badass..

And people can prefer other's visions to george's. And even in ROTS Greivous wasnt as shit as he was on TCW. Its one thing to loose to Obi Wan, who is meant to be one of the most skilled jedi of all time, and its another to get beaten by padawans or gungans.

No he really wasn't. Labyrinth of Evil also doubled down on the Grievous from RotS and Clone Wars 03. It's only in TCW where he is shit and a complete jobber of the higest caliber.

There's also all the dark horse comics where grievous was fairly competent. Or even the ROTS novelization.

user.... It's not 2003 anymore. Go do something else for a change. Go watch Star Treck. That has plenty of on screen mutilation. I'm sure you'd like that.

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all of them

I liked all of those, plus Grevious

What happened to Quinlan? I’ve only seen him in the old comics outside of the show and he seemed pretty similar, only my “jokey” in the show

>or gungans
Why do people always bring up the gungans, they're a warrior race, not a bunch of idiots. Jar Jar is the ONLY clumsy one of the race. Plus they have EMP weapons

I'm actually currently reading a lot of the EU and noticed how The Clone Wars is complete and utter shit by comparison. I just read the Jango Fett comics which were short and now I'm reading Labyrinth of Evil which is pretty peak Star Wars. No Disney product so far has such good banter and character.

I think an argument could be made with ventress, but idk i think all of the others were pretty much lesser to how they were potrayed before. Like grievous being a cyborg because he's vain and only winning twice in the entire show isnt as compelling as him being a noble warrior who was manipualted into becoming one due to his existing hatred of the jedi for their intervention against his people and becoming one of the bigger jedi killers in the setting.
Its someone who should be able to go against jedi being taken down by rank and file warriors. Its fairly patethic. The padawan thing is more-so but it still stands.
Well mostly his personality being different. The jokey thing is his main trait in TCW, and the bizarre dude-y lingo. Contrasting with the grim jedi characterization he had before. Not to mention that timeline wise he was supposed to be in dooku's acolytes by that point.

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He's no a surfer dude who wasn't friends with Obi Wan. Obi Wan gets annoyed by him and that's the most they ever did with the guy. A complete disaster in comparison to his comic counter part who was more of an Ahsoka but not as pandering to kids and coomers. George liked him so much that he let him survive Order 66 instead of killing him like the comic writer had originally intended.

They jobbed to dumbass battle droids in their movie

That's not true.

The Clone Wars Multimedia Project including Republic Comics, Genndy Wars and Labyrinth of Evil/ROTS Novelization all pretty much depict as him a super capable general that had no regard for lives and capable of taking on and winning against Jedi due to his enhanced cybernetics and training by Dooku.

Oh the obi wan thing is pretty big too, since quinlan being obi's friend was pretty consistent as a through line.

Grievous was fairly competent and roughless in RotS where he knew that the jedi had already lost despite the clones coming since he was Dooku's right hand. Not a dumbass who can't even win against a padawan. Even the movie implied that he killed a lot of Jedi. You can't just make a jedi killer job to a race that looks and acts like Goofy

I just don’t get how anyone could unironically say they like Clone Wars Grievous? How can you like someone who is supposed to be a competent leader and capable of fighting the average Jedi on even terms being a complete and utter joke who is less a threat than Team Rocket? I mean the rest of the Filoni series is pretty cool, the ‘03 series had its flaws for being DBZ in Star Wars in a lot of ways. But what makes Grievous being inconsistently depicted between how he’s regarded in-universe to how he actually is shown?

Rot's deleted scene even had him kill a council master, which is more than he ever gets in TCW

Ventress is the only one that bothers me and, even then, it's only because she's not still a Rattataki.

Opposite for me, Ventress's bothers me the least because she more or less gets the same character arc just more drawn out. The nightsister thing does still bug me.

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Nightsisters being a race now is kinda dumb and they constantly flip flop between helping Ventress to going against her which also makes them look retarded.

Yeah, I feel you.
I'm assuming the main reason Vos and Barriss don't bother me is because I knew nothing of them prior to TCW.
I also hate Vos regardless of characterization.

They are not a race, they're a Dathomirian clan.

Its strange, and a lot less intresting than the idea of them being half-half of whichever males they were able to get onto their planet. But the nightbrother stuff is even dumber ngl.

Its also weird to have the nighsisters without their opposite number.
TCW was my introduction to them too, but i just think that what they replaced was better at the end of the day.

I like Vos personally.

I think the user means dathomirians being a species. They werent before.

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>TCW was my introduction to them too, but i just think that what they replaced was better at the end of the day.
Yeah, I can see that, and can agree at least in regard to Vos as I hate non-TCW Vos less.
I also happen to like terrorist Offee, but I can absolutely see how people prefer her outside it.

>I think the user means dathomirians being a species
Oh, that makes more sense.
I've got no issue with Dathomirians being a species, in theory.
Having them be a subspecies of Zabrak is dumb.

>many mentions of Ventress
>many mentions of Vos
>no mention of the book both were in

im impressed, because that book was utter shit and deserves to be completely written out of canon

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I think grim-jedi is just less annoying that "dude-bro" jedi.
Honestly TCW Barris isnt a bad character, but she really shouldnt have been Barris. It would have fit far more if she was barris's own padawan (since barris was originally the same age as anakin if not a bit older) who becomes so desillusioned she becomes a terrorist. Would let you have two sets of three jedi lines as well.

Its more that it conflicts with the original idea of them being descendant from a jedi exile, and the lack of their "good" counterparts makes it seem like they just wanted witches and used the name to their new concept (which might have been what it was).

The zabrak thing is beyond dumb. Maul could have come back without it.
Resistance of all things almost retconned it by having ventress.

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Which book exactly are you talking about? There were also TCW books which I never read

I think the user is talking about dark disciple, which was pretty bad.

>Ultimately decided against Ventress in Resistance because "she'd overshadow the main cast and derail the show"
>Filoni puts Ahsoka in Rebels
>Filoni puts Ahsoka in Mando
>Filoni puts Ahsoka in Book of Boba Fett

uh huh sure filoni, sounds more like you got some character favouritism going on there

I guess he just lacks a bit of self awareness.

Anakin. You would never guess this guy would become Vader. They constantly TALK about him having a dark side but he's so chill and barely cares that you'd never guess he'd fall to the dark side compared to all his portrayels in movies and other cartoon. Oh he killed a guy who was holding someone hostage threatining to kill someone. Really NEEDED that lowkey Vader music, huh?

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I looked it up and it came out 2015. Might be the reason I've never heard of it.

The thing also is she was super unneccessary for all these things. Even Vader barely played a role in season 2. He was in maybe about 4 episodes and in these episodes he had what? 15-20 minutes of overall screentime at most.

Don't forget about beating up some guy he thought Padmé was cucking him with and getting figuratively mind-fucked by a personification of the Force.

It's not just her race, her character and her relationship with Obi-Wan were much more interesting in the comics.

Woah slow down there. Real dark side faschist guy over there

It was part of that whole bunch of content that was repurpusing ideas from tcw s7. The only one of those that was any good was the maul comic (which was the last time dark horse did a big sw comic sadly).
So you're saying anakin is based?
I do agree on both accounts. I just think that out of all of them Ventress was the least worse. And there are some similar beats.
I guess the dooku fights? Even if those really go against ROTS.

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>I guess the dooku fights? Even if those really go against ROTS.
Not even half way through Labyrith of Evil you get some spicy Anakin/Vader stuff like him considering not looking for survivors after Grievous destroyed a passanger ship, him going after Nut Gunray out of anger or Anakin oftentimes getting irrationally angry because Obi Wan said some non serious banter which personally hurt him

Yeah, i do think that's more consitent. And, while it was a bit late, ROTS also had a good showing of what obi means with him being a friend in the masterful opening. Which the EU also had in spades while working his darker tendencies a bit better.

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Everyone always talks about grievous but dooku does come out kinda badly too. He does get more wins at least, bue he's made into a far more generic sith as an end result.

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Dude is so fucking retarded in TCW.
>Let's hire the best bounty hunters in the galaxy
>Let them go through a Saw-like deathtrap only a jedi could escape from because uuuuh he needs to test them

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Such a shame. Having him try to overthrow sidious is also pretty dumb conceptually.

But hey at least he wins sometimes (even if he looses way too often against anakin).

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Wasn't that more on Morallo Eval's insistence?

Yeah, if you ignore all the times he acted like an angry, whining bitch with homicidal tendencies.

>I can't stand the jedi council lying to me!
Garbage show

What about all those people he killed when he didn't need to?
What about all the times he abused his force powers?

>There is 7 season of nothing happening for Anakin but think of the one time he force choked someone!
>B-But forget about the fact that the jedi literally mindbroke a guy basically doing the same thing haha...

I'm not excusing the Jedi and their fuckups at all.
Just that you can't excuse what Anakin did because it wasn't happening every single episode.

The Clone Troopers, with that retarded Order 66 retcon.

You can't make Anakin look like a bad guy if the actual heroes do basically the same thing but way worse.
>wasn't happening every single episode.
You mean like almost never. He's complete milktoast in the later seasons and whenever there is the implication of something that could happen they cut to credits. There is seven fucking seasons of this retarded show and Anakin barely speaks to the Chancellor.

No offense, but I've spoken to people who view the situation like you do in the past and all it does it make me frustrated because they've never been open to actual arguments and just get stuck on "Jedi bad" or "Anakin only turns because of Sheev".
I've got better things to do with my time than go over the same things again with no positive.

Hopefully someone will give you what you want but it won't be me.
Have a nice day, user.

>I'm gonna make clones but they all have their own personality and would quit or worse, go against my commands if they had the chance
What did the Sheev mean by this

Its weird, because the show had shown that clones COULD kill a jedi if they tought they were ebing treasounous back in umbrara, even if it was something they had conflict about. So justifying order 66 with that would have been easier.
For me the bigger issue is that TCW anakin is just ROTS intro anakin right out of the gate when at the start its meant to be 2 months after AOTC. The EU had made a lot more effort to bridge these two,and consitnetly showed a darker undercurrent to him during the period.

You sound pretty mad user. Wish only 1/10 of that seethe could have been shown in the clone wars cartoon.

>Use your agressive feelings user. Give me a (You) in anger and your journey to the based side will be complete!

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The separatists were basically unions and businesses right? Maybe they needed to pad out the budget that quarter. I mean, those lizard guys had that hunt with the jedi kids to train them up on it, right?

Well union and buisness and disgruntled planets against the republic due to corruption (ironic.png).

Technically it was Dooku that placed the order. Also they shouldn't have had much variation in personality unless getting stuck at one end of the mess hall or the other for 5 years is that much of a character defining experience.

Guess what, Yea Forums! You're going to learn to use a lightsaber!

Would you rather have Yoda teach you Ataru, Obi-Wan teach you Soresu, Anakin teach you Djem So, Dooku teach you Makashi, Kit Fisto teach you Shii-Cho, or Mace teach you Vaapad?

You can only choose one to become "above average" in, and you have to choose wisely! The evil Darth Sidious is going to kill you if you can't last 60 seconds in a duel with him!

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I thought it was cute that Yoda enjoyed teaching the younglings.

The moments where he wins feel more special like when he killed the night sisters, or mother talzin,, or when he styled on Obi-Wan while the capital ship was going down