I like Futurama, but why is Richard Nixon so prominent? He hadn't been president in decades and he died 5 years before the show started airing. What was the point of still making fun of him at that point and did most of the younger audience even get the joke?
It would be like if in 2050 they still did Trump jokes.
I like Futurama, but why is Richard Nixon so prominent...
Matt Groening and co. really REALLY hated Nixon. Now they say he's the second worst President. I constantly have to remind everyone of Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears...
I'm so anxious for new Futurama. How much will the world change? Will they retire Nixon and Agnew to make Zapp the President of Earth? Will they age up the characters, particularly children like Cubert and Dwight? Will Kif and Amy and Leela's offspring be living with Amy on Mars? Are Fry and Leela married yet?
They'll probably keep the status quo mostly the same.
Nixon is just comedy gold as presidents go. The guy followed JFK, a beloved icon, and was treated as a joke not counting the Watergate incident
Poor writing.
>and did most of the younger audience even get the joke?
Cartoons are rarely made for audiences younger than the creators.
>It would be like if in 2050 they still did Trump jokes.
Not really. Trump exists in an era of information overload.
>Matt Groening and co. really REALLY hated Nixon.
I never understood this. If I hate something, I just can't bring myself to create art about it, even if I'm paid.
Were the jokes even a satire?
Jackson was the goat wtf are you talking about
He's an easy impression and a president with a lot of personality. He had a very public scandal that set the bar for him being corrupt. They were far enough out from his presidency to where they couldn't be criticized for being political over it, too, but I don't know if they really considered that.
And the fact that he wasn't a contemporary president at the time was funny in itself; at least I think so.
Nixon has a very distinct appearance and speech on top of his scandals. I have no doubt there will still be Trump jokes in 2050 for the same reason.
Groening and his generation came of age in the early 70s. He would've been 18 when the news about Watergate first broke and spent his college years watching that whole scandal play out until it ended with Nixon escaping impeachment and getting pardoned by his VP
I think the reason they fixate on him is because back then Nixon was seen as a terrible example of a leader and a prime example of a conniving, untrustworthy politician. Even before Watergate, there was his famously awful 1960 campaign against Kennedy and the Checkers speech even earlier
My guess as to why he featured in Futurama is because they just thought "who would be the worst possible contemporary person to live forever as a head in a jar and lead the world", and instantly thought of Nixon. Then he shows up in quite a few stories because the President of Earth is obviously gonna have an impact in the fictional world. I don't think it was a sustained, targeted hate years after Watergate. I think it was just cause he was a big figure when they were becoming adults and they could poke fun at him easily. More comedic, than malicious
and yeah we're definitely gonna experience the same thing with Trump, maybe Biden too, a couple decades down the line
I'm sure Trump will still be made fun of decades in the future, as will Clinton, Bush and Obama, but Biden will probably fade from the public conciousness eventually unless he undergoes a major scandal.
His son does crack
>as will Clinton, Bush and Obama
I they've all faded away already.
>rich people do drugs
this is my surprised face
I don't think Biden will fade. He's associated with Trump in a lot of ways and besides, his presidency's not over yet
>It would be like if in 2050 they still did Trump jokes.
Libs hate Trump so much this will be true
Having Nixon be president is at least funny, but having his VP be Spiro Agnew's headless body is just an obscure reference nobody cares about.
>thinking Jackson was the worst
This is why this board is the laughing stock of the site.
The grunting is what makes it funny
You are a poorly educated faggot. Jackson is easily in the top 3 presidents. The "trail of tears" was not a planned event. It was the end result of decades of bureaucratic federal mismanagement, broken promises, and misguided tribal elders. All Jackson ever did was put down rebellions. Some of his oldest friends and allies were natives. Tribes like the Choctaws were given the option to remain on tribal lands/reservations east of the Mississippi. That's why we still have fucking tribes east of the Mississippi. But dumbasses like you don't know about that.
Why did Fry only play arcade and NES games? Did he not own a N64?
N64 was a current gen console when the series started, and he and his family clearly didn't have a lot of money.
He's was playing a few modern games after going to the future, like in Bender Should Not Be Allowed On Television.
lbj wasn't exactly irrelevant
What was it a reference to?
I firmly believe Bush, and especially Dick Cheney, will return as objectively worse than Trump by virtue of being competent at being awful. Trump was just a mirror that reflected the genuine values of half of America.
The Choctaw survived by virtue of being the biggest ass kissers of all tribes.
Nixon was the original Orange Man Bad for the hippie generation.
>It would be like if in 2050 they still did Trump jokes.
They probably will.
>Matt Groening and co. really REALLY hated Nixon.
Boomers in general hated Nixon.
Jackson's stupid fucking economic policies sent the country into a long depression that it only recovered from due to the discovery of gold in California.
Bush and Cheney are being held up as paragons of the "respectable Republicans"
Yeah it's because Trump must be stopped and anyone who hates him is a good person but I sort of doubt that things will snap back after the Orange Man finally dies of diet soda unless those old bastards are stupid enough to seek the limelight again
They were abused by the Creek and the Chickasaw before the white man showed up. And then they were abused by drunken federal agents for decades after. But you know what? Their tribe is intact and self sufficient. They rape the white man daily with their casinos. And they own their sacred ancestral sites like Nanih Waiya and Coosa. And Jackson respected them. He considered Jack Amos an American hero.
Found the jew.
I thought everything was sunshine and daffydills before the white man showed up
>undergoes a major scandal
Man I don't think you've been paying attention so far
Kill yourself. Andrew Jackson is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
lol you know better than that. This was a land of chaos, fire, violence, and rape before DeSoto and LeFleur rolled into town.
>but why is Richard Nixon so prominent
He's the most comically corrupt president in history and is a funny impression.
no, I don't think they will, not after Biden, anyways...
Exactly. It's Reagan.
Futurama is Democratic Party propaganda.
So? My son does heroin.
Andrew Jackson overrode the Supreme Court
>Nixon was the original Orange Man Bad for the hippie generation.
Nixon was so bad he had to quit being president or else would be the first president in history to be fired. He was quite a bit worse than Orange Man.
No, it’s because Andrew hated the banks becaue their control over the money system and fucking over the filthy goys while favoring rich and wealthy folks. Jackson said “fuck you” to the banks and for that, they tank the economy because his battle against the usury system that was griping the country to be dependent on them. It was only until Wilson that he reinstated that system with the FED and we are now in the shit show we are in today.
Based. It's good to know I'm not alone on this board.
Not to mention that Nixon totally embarrassed himself in the first ever live TV debate
>Biden will probably fade from the public conciousness
The information age has put an end to forgettable presidents. The internet and its news cycles will immortalize every administration.
and speaking of Groening and Nixon that debate is also the source of one of the best classic Simpsons jokes
Lots of presidents kids are fuck ups, it's part and parcel of your powerful dad never being around but influential enough to shield you from consequences. Hunter isn't involved in policy making, and Joe's administration is doing poorly enough on its own without having to show Hunters dick pics
Who? (((Historians)))? Nixon did fuck up the gold standard though.
The bottom 3 presidents are Wilson, Roosevelt, and LBJ
By harm done Bush was thousands of times worse, no discussion. Rebooted wars in the middle East to the worst degree yet and sent thousands of Americans to die for no gain that's tangible to the common citizen. Trump will be vilified forever despite a largely mediocre and ineffective administration because he attacked "the dignity" of the office
Someone wanted to use their Nixon impression that bad.
>worst presidents
There have been no great modern presidents. The point is popularity: Reagan, Clinton, Obama, Trump(in the future) will be ranked higher than the bushes and biden(as is). I have a feeling /pol/ would find a way to defend Fillmore, Pierce, or even Buchanan for sake of contrarianism.
Fry is an arcade warrior, not really a home gamer.
>I firmly believe Bush, and especially Dick Cheney, will return as objectively worse than Trump
No duh, they're responsible for over a million deaths. Trump was an asshole and emboldened the fringe right, but Bush and Cheney ruined millions of peoples lives, all over the world. People are really oddly blase about the horrible shit Bush and Cheney did.
Which Roosevelt?
Reagan's been idolized for the past decade. There's lots of proud Reaganite Repubs.
On the topic of Futurama: have we all seen the official radioplay?
Boomers gonna boom
Fry plays video games at home
>Jackson autistically screeches about the central bank being bad and declines to renew its charter, dissolving it
>economic policy goes to the states which begin irresponsibly issuing paper money causing inflation
>because of Indian Removal, there's now lots of land to be had, speculators take the paper money and use it to buy land causing massive inflation
>to counter this, Jackson issues the Specie Circular claiming land can only be purchased in hard currency
>most people don't have specie and land prices crash, this causes a panic and bank run
>banks that can't handle it start running out of specie
>nobody has any money and the money that's out there is worthless
>economy crashes
>this happened late in Jackson's term so all the blame gets foisted on Van Buren instead
Is there like a good documentary series profiling every President? Because I was a mess during A.P. US History and didn't take in the information. Now I feel dumb.