I didn’t draw these Robins, I just love them. Artist is named Ciervo_Robot
>Amazon Steph
Strange but I like this.
I wonder if this whole concept is just too out there for modern Batman stories.
It’s not, a classic Robin WILL be in The Batman II or they’ll be hearing from me
Where are steph's ginormous tits?
Yeah, no. Not that Batman for sure, it would be too campy. Maybe cartoons.
The new Batman cartoon will take place in the early days, so we will probably not see him there.
Steph doesn't actually have ginormous tits, that was just a horny artist going off-model. She's normal sized and if Damian is to be believed she's more flat than not.
I love Robin and her very tight costume as well
>that missing tooth
i hate being gay because i feel like a right nonce when i say the short shorts where cute and the best outfit
its not even sexual i just think its the best outfit
Over the past few weeks I've really come to love Robin for some reason. I think his bright colors and nonsensical outfit contrast grimdark Batman perfectly. It's precisely because they don't fit at all that makes their relationship so cute and half the reason I want him in The Batman 2. Not to mention the story potential it invites. Practically writes itself.
Straight dude here I can vouch. Long pants grayson is for cowards.
Ye that's pretty gay
But don't be sorry you're gay it's cool, at least you're not a faggot
Carrie Kelly? I know she's an ugly ginger but c'mon.
What is this art style.
She’s neglected for being non-canon, but she is very pretty and very cute in her little Robin outfit
>No Carrie
Has anyone here read The Gauntlet? Was thinking of getting it alongside Dark Victory and Robin Year One to make a little trilogy
Damian's too dark.
Where's STARRO!?
Something I've noticed is that fans on Twitter don't like how Daminan is depicted as white in the comics due to Taliahs ethnicity, (which is ambiguous, let's be honest) so some fan artist make him a bit dark
Yeah, never been a fan of this, it just feels pretty forced.
i wish i was a cute innocent shota
>What is this art style.
Graffiti inspired
He's even darker in the webtoon
>You won't rape Joker but you'll take in a young boy and put him in those shorts? What in god's green Earth is wrong with you? People are dying every second you don't rape Joker.
If this thread is still up later, I'll post my DCUO version Robin
Might as well post the next page
Not only has Robert Pattinson talked about wanting a Robin in the movies, he's explicitly said he wants a younger Robin, not a guy in his 20s. He's /ourguy/.
Master Wayne you can't keep making these threads. While I condone your love for young boys to be perfectly reasonable and an art I indulge in myself, this is beginning to affect you.
I cannot stress enough how much I want traditional Robin in the next movie.
We’ve had three different theatrical Robins since Burton kickstarted the modern Batman film. Schumacher’s was a grown man in a Nightwing costume. Nolan’s was a cop named Robin. Snyder didn’t show Robin in action, but he had a vandalized Robin suit implying Batman used to have a Robin, but he was now dead. Every single one is some attempt at modernization and realism and reimagining
There is of course, another theatrical Robins from pre-Burton. Burt Ward in Batman (1966). That kind of Robin is what I would like, if they are going to include Robin at all
I say this because I saw some comment on how they could fit Robin in the new movies, it was something like “how about Robin but don’t make him a circus performer and don’t put him in a Robin suit and don’t have him directly fight crime alongside Batman” or something dumb like that. Okay, what is the point of him being Robin at all then? “oh, they should have Robin in the next one, just make him an antagonist and he’s a girl instead of a boy and she’s obsessed with plants and calls herself Poison Ivy!”
I cannot stress enough how much I do not want a reimagining of Robin, if they wish to include him. I want someone like Burt Ward, but younger. Dark Victory, Robin: Year One, The Gauntlet, plus almost any Batman comic from 1940 up until around 1984ish, use those as templates, like how The Batman was based on Batman: Year One, and the Long Halloween and Zero Year. Ideally, if you traveled back in time and showed The Batman II to a comic-reading kid in the 1940s, I want them to instantly go “that’s Robin, the Boy Wonder!” I would rather them not include Robin at all, just skip over him like Burton did (and like Nolan and Snyder basically did too), then give us some reimagined “modern” version of Robin
Didn't she had a kid? that is bound to make her tits grow.
She did, but at this point it’s like when Catwoman or Power girl gave birth, irrelevant to the modern character. Her tits got erased by Flashpoint
By design I think.
How many times was he raped again?
I like the graphic look of this comic
If they do Robin, he will have a modern costume covered in pads, muted colors, & no shorts. He also will be maybe a teenager at best but quickly become Nightwing next time. You can't have nice things in Hollywood.
Not him, but I’d take it if they did the Captain America TFA thing where he wears his brightly-colored stage costume for his first big mission and then gets the tacticool version later on.
Please God no. So sick of the "haha aren't comic costumes stupid?" shtick.
Damn, now I do like the og Robin outfit
How's this?
Well it's at least more colorful than Zack Snyder's one. I think the shorts version only really works for a young 10 to 15 year old Robin. While he needs pants for the rest. Keep it colorful though.
Another pic by the same guy. I think 14 is the optimal age for a robin.
I think, if we’re putting Robin specifically into The Batman, something like this costume would be good
He’s got giant boots and a high collar like Pattinson does, and full pants which, while I do prefer the trunks, full pants is probably what we’re gonna get. Full pants also look better if he’s gonna wear big thick boots, the trunks look best with the elf shoes.
It retains the bright colors of the classic suit, it doesn’t mute or dampen them at all, but it does give him a black cape exterior, allowing himself to hide in the shadows if he needs to.
Something like this design could translate to live action well and fit with Pattinson
Anyone else forget TT Robin is the same character as Batman Robin sometimes
Say what you will but I loved how Batman Forever did the Robin costume origin
>Use a more traditional look as his circus colors
>Superhero outfit is typical cape movie armor but clear the colors are meant to be modeled after the circus look.
>Hey guys, It's me, the real First Robin
Ngl, if the Robin they're going to use in the sequel would be Jen. An atom of a chance that would actually be happening. It would be horrible but hilarious at the same time.
Here's hoping for Jen Robin just for the meltdown.
Yeah in my head 14-15 Dick Grayson would be ideal. Especially if Matt Reeves would do the whole filled with anger & wanting revenge thing. A young teenage boy works better than an sad 10 year old.
Yeah that Robin suit & the one in The Batman 2004 are good jumping off points.
We don't need more rubber muscle armor.
>Something like this design could translate to live action well and fit with Pattinson
That outfit was designed for live action specifically, yeah.
That’s exactly what I’m suggesting, except he wears the circus suit for some actual action scenes, and then the official suit more closet resembles it instead of just being Nightwing.
>blonde robin
terrible, allow me to post superior version