>In tonight's episode...oh no! The girls get hit with an impregnator beam!
>They have to find the abortionator before Sam's water breaks!
In tonight's episode...oh no! The girls get hit with an impregnator beam!
rather there be an episode where one girl gets perma-transformed into a futa and goes berserk impregnating the other two
I'm convinced that somebody in the writer's staff suggested this idea at some point.
I'm curious about the plots that were shot down...
>Episode ends with them not going through with it
>rest of the series is them balancing spy work with rising their kids together
I'd watch that
One should unbirth the other two
>no Mandy purification episode or spies and Mandy morality swap episode
Why must the world be this way
Which episode?
If there’s a passion patties remake in the new series I will literally cum myself to death
The could do a moral dilemma episode where one of them gets pregnant and wants to abort it at the local clinic. However, a Big Pharma firm offers to buy the unborn child to harvest the stem cells for gain of function research. She agrees and they inform her that if she wants to donate more unborn genetic material they will pay her for each child donated. It becomes a recurring theme that she does this on the down low for extra cash.
What sort of evil plan involves forcibly impregnating as many women as possible
The villain would do this because it would force all of the woman of the working world to have to go on maternity leave at once, causing a huge supply chain problem and worker shortages. The villain would then benefit and profit from this somehow.
>Maternity leave
villain plans to replace the women on maternity with robots or something
Thinking about it, that could actually make for a really interesting supervillain. Most villains are evil because they cause harm or kill or destroy shit, having a villain dedicated to CREATING life is a fresh change of pace that creates a whole host of new problems.
This is obviously morally wrong, because its a huge violation of consent and bodily autonomy, so the villain must still be stopped. But the victims are not killed, their life doesn't end. They are just forced to deal with the consequences of being a mother, especially if like in OPs pick it is rapidly near end-term pregnancy so abortion (at least in any way that isn't functionally magical) is just flatly not an option.
It also creates a situation where the hero can win the fight and still lose: yes, they beat up the villain with the pregnancy gun, but they still got zapped and have an unexpected bun in the oven when the dust settles. And then you have a run dealing with the fallout from that. And you can make it topical and political because it inherently confronts the themes of the pro-life/pro-choice debate.
Seems like a villain that generates a lot of material for variant covers as well to drive sales. Even if it never happens in the story, I think we all know that '[insert female hero here] drawn pregnant' is a variant cover concept that WILL sell.
This vaguely reminds me of the Clone Wars arc where Mandalore is filled with Scandinavians and the plot focuses on terrorist attacks and rising nationalism.
Why is this picture for ants?
One of two possibilities come to mind:
Option 1: Villain is an alien of a dead/dying race, using humans to incubate a new generation of his kind so they do not go extinct. He might even be a nice guy, not happy that it has come to this, but from his POV he can't afford to ask for permission, too much is on the line. His people WILL live on, no matter what.
Option 2: Villain is just baby crazy. Think Poison Ivy if she had been dosed with fertility chemicals instead plant stuff, and now she is just obsessed with 'maternal bliss'. From her POV this isn't an attack, this is her spreading the JOY of motherhood to as many people as possible. Its a gift. There is no ultimate plan, the pregnancies are the point. Which obviously means that she can't be reasoned with because she doesn't think she is doing anything wrong.
What kind of retardation is thus? We have maternity leave in America.
Only technically. If you are lucky, you get 12 weeks of Maternity leave for the mother, and the dad gets nothing. And most places you can work in the US don't give you shit. After that its back to work and good luck raising the kid.
For comparison, Canada gives 15 weeks maternity leave to the mother no matter where you work, PLUS up to 35 weeks of parental leave that can be split as needed between EITHER parent. Because raising a kid is a full time job, the first year has major developmental milestones you want to reach cleanly, and studies show that the Canadian government actually saves money in the long term because kids raised with active parents in their first year end up healthier, smarter, and more mentally stable which diminishes costs that the state has to deal with for the rest of that kids life.
>The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) signed into law in 1993 requires employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for several medical conditions, as well as the birth of a baby.
Good luck going 12 weeks with no/half income. No working woman I know has ever taken more than 2 weeks off.
Do they really need money? Doesn't Jerry pay them well? It seems like they never have money issues.
is that pic so fucking small.
No, you are just too damn big
What did the new season begin ?
>villain is a scientist lady who always wanted the birth to many children, but was rendered infertile due to a scientific incident
>she and her millionaire husband tried all possible fertility techniques, but to no avail
>so, they ended up adopting a bunch of sons, but she couldn't truly care about them, and never got past her obsession
>hence, she grew spiteful, and using her husband's money, she developed an impregnator gun, which install-impregnates women with the child of her husband
>naturally, the gun doesn't work on her
>but she concludes that all women deserve to experience the joy of childbirth, thus she believes she doing a service to humanity by force-impregnating all women in Beverly Hills
>her (muscular) adopted sons act as her henchmen, they yearn for their adopted mother's affection
>her millionaire husband is a nice man, but a complete pushover, who unsuccessfully tries to talk his wife out of the plan
>thus he ends up turning on his wife, releases the spies, and begs them to stop his crazy wife
Is that bad? Considering how corny some of the villains are, I think it is something that the show could have done.
What happens if a man is shot with the impregnator beam?
> boring answer: invalid target, no effect
> uncomfortable comedy answer: mpreg
> this fetish train has NO brakes answer: genderswap + pregnancy
Sad, someone should do something
Why not a super aging ray so their pregnancy only last a couple minutes?
That has the potential of becoming quite brutal quickly.
Depends what do French find too vulgar for children TV? or not vulgar per say but not arousing for the horny show runners.
I think they never got old because it wouldn't be attractive to have the girls less young women.
I'm so narcissistic about my own idea that I might try turning this into a porn-parody webcomic. I wonder if people on /i/ and /aco/ would be interested in a collaborative project like that.
>based answer: they explode
Villain is a disgruntled female scientist who didn't get enough maternity leave time when she was pregnant and invented a pregnancy ray so her superiors would know what it feels to be pregnant.
Additional detail: make the husband a genius or something. Its not just that the wife couldn't have kids of her own, she feels its important that her genius husbands 'brilliant genes' get passed on. Making sure he has children that carry on his brilliance is a service to humanity, just think of all the good they will do etc etc
> Villain is a disgruntled female scientist who didn't get enough maternity leave time when she was pregnant and invented a pregnancy ray so her superiors would know what it feels to be pregnant.
Doesn't that necessitate the TG Preg version from ? I doubt that upper management or political policy setters here are overwhelmingly female. If the gun doesn't work on men you are not going to get very far with the people actually responsible for the scientist's gripes.
Penis are too risque even for adult cartoons. But if Clover had a dick she would totally fuck Mandy.
>in tonight’s episode a mad scientist will combine an artificial womb with aspects of every transformation the girls have ever experienced
>all the advantages, none of the disadvantages
>it’s time for the girls to welcome the arrival of the ultimate life form
There still has to be time for them to undo the change. Its the nature of the show.
Say no more, I`m on it.
Made it happen, I ended up writing a 700-word synopsis
Ep 1 they get pregnant
Ep2 they change the name of the show
Sounds perfectly in brand for the show.
Nah, Mandy would have the dick.
This is a good one.
>dad gets nothing
Of course not, he didn't have the fucking baby.
Not too long ago the man wasn't even allowed to be present when the baby was born
Wasn't there an episode where their moms showed up and became spies? Or maybe they just showed up, idk
It is actually a movie or multi-parter. It so, it is like 6-episode or so.
They force their daughters to stop, meanwhile Mandy's possee gets infected by mutagen and becomes evil spies. Mandy's crew kidnaps Clover, Sam and Alex, and then Jerry recruits their mother to rescue them. Mandy's crew is infects the spies with the mutagen, but their mothers able to undo the effect, and together with their mother they defeat Mandy's crew.
Pregnancy isn't one of my fetishes but it does do it for me, from time to time. Especially when I imagine the baby is mine.
Why don't you move to Canada, lazy complainfag.
>studies show that the Canadian government actually saves money in the long term because kids raised with active parents in their first year end up healthier, smarter, and more mentally stable which diminishes costs that the state has to deal with for the rest of that kids life.
That seems incredibly hard to quantify.
>That seems incredibly hard to quantify.
Specifics are, but with a large enough sample size you can pick out trends, it's a bitch and a half to be 100% sure there's no unintentional influencing factors, but it can be done
Then they get pregnant again
Especially that Clover
I wonder if dtiberius is still doing stuff
go for it
Love that guy