>what is this? Some kind of Civil War?
Favorite Marvel movie quotes
Other urls found in this thread:
>I am Iron Man™
The line that launched a trillion dollar American Iliad....
Vision: “No one hates you Wanda.”
>civil war but the guns and roses starts to play
>city and home destroyed
>dad dead
>"Well THAT just happened"
"Drax dont die on me buddy we still havent taught you what updog meant"
I cried when the voice actor of Mario said this in GOTG 3
This is clearly a bait thread but I unironically liked the exchange between Cap and Spidey where they went "where you from?"
I'm from Brooklyn so it was cool. I saw it in theaters here and everyone had kind of a "nice" reaction to it.
Almost cried when he said it in infinity war
>>what is this? Some kind of Civil War?
Does he actually say that in the movie?
I’ll always love “Let’s find ourselves two more!”
Good. I am so glad i have never seen these shit films.
I liked when Tony called an alien a pop culture reference.
Then I liked when Starlord called an alien a pop culture reference.
I also liked when Tony and Dr. Strange called each other douchebags then talked about le ice cream when Banner tried to warn them about the end of the universe.
Also le Fat Thor was so funny I clapped
Totally relatable, they're just like me and my friends!
>He lives where I live so I clapped
I liked when Spider-Man asked Tony if he ever saw that really old movie Star Wars because he was tripping someone like in that movie.
I like Star Wars, so I clapped because he’s le nerdy like me.
I didn't clap but I smiled
>I'm gonna put some dirt in your eyes
>bait thread
oh wow.
although can you fags tell me why you hate the MCU so much?
Unironically better than MCU quips. Doesn’t rely on pop culture references and swearing to be funny.
I can't believe it's ending like this...this is truly, Avengers, Age of Ultron and robo supremacy
>Red Skull: So, you came back to die with your country?
>Cap: No. I came back to stop you
>If the thread doesn’t praise my fast food movies then it’s bait
It honestly doesn’t matter what argument anyone makes, because you’ll simply deny it up and down, and either call it baiting or baselessly say we’re DCucks.
But here
"Don't look at me, I'm not kissin' ya!"
Yeah right before the airport fight sequence
I kind of rolled my eyes but it got a huge laugh in the theater
I liked when they whitewashed Tony’s arch enemy into the third evil white businessman, but then used him for reals after Tony died. Feige is a master.
>World outside your window
Agreed, it's sad we didn't get more of Steve and Pete being bros
Are you lying? All he says is "we fight"
How the fuck did these movies make billions of dollars?
>Are you lying?
I don't even gotta ask if you're retarded
I hate the MCU too but I don't get why some are so autistic about the hate
I also hate the DCEU.
Because they’re masterpieces, user.
I liked how they spent a movie setting up Crossbones, and he dies within minutes so we can watch superheroes heroically not do anything bc except beat the shit out of each other and do nothing heroic. 10/10 movie, wanted an orange slice afterwards.
>Having a thread mocking something is autistic
I call it funny, but ok.
>"Get the fuck out of my warehouse you weirdo. You great big weirdo. Now you've shrunk but you're still a weirdo."
>Peter.. you’re a spider, man!
I can’t believe that they had Eugene say it after he unmasked his hero
>to be funny.
Zoomer detected, it's not a fucking comedy
"I guess the only way to solve problem is to become Avengers Assemble™"
>You know, I'm something of a daredevil myself
Took me right out of the movie
They're shitty movies that turned an entire generation into redditors, similar to how Scott Pilgrim movie turned a generation of girls in to Ramona Flowers.
Gonna cry?
Did he actually say this in the movie? I don't believe scriptwriters can be that stupid.
I don't watch these retarded movies, did Captain America say OP's line or not?
No, but it sounds like you're crying because anons are clowning on your shitty MCU films.
No dumbass, it's a meme
>movies that turned an entire generation into redditors
That was Lord of The Rings
“I am a Hawk, guy”
“No, I said Hawk, guy!”
“That’s what I said. Hawkeye”
I liked the part where Thor and Loki were having a moment, then le quirky rock man screamed and kicked.
Don’t you dare compare Scott Pilgrim to these fast food trash movies. It actually stuck with the tone of the material.
>Wanda, where do I find the Illuminati?
>You know where to find them, Doctor Strange: in the Multiverse of Madness
Got up, did a 720, then did /gamemode spectator and clipped out of the theater
>Aunt May isn't waiting for me anymore, there really is No Way Home™ now.
Man that really hit me.
I like when Peter previously said a long winded crappy version of Uncle Ben’s quote, then later Aunt May says it and Uncle Ben never existed so we have no clue why Peter chose to be a superhero.
He chose to be a hero because he felt guilty that something bad happened to somebody. They mention this in Civil War.
>When you can do the things that I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you
Liam Neeson: Why do you fight for a city that fails you?
John Batman: Because when evil wakes, Batman Begins
lol Wow, so definitive and well thought out. Totally not a ridiculous repaste of Ben’s quote in the dumbest, vaguest way possible in a world where there’s no Ben.
>"So, that's it? We some kinda Joker (2019)?"
>That moment in No Way Home when Ned tells tobey that he’s “Spider-Man 2.”
Kek, people hate her after Wandavision, especially the civilians and some during the Civil War.
>American Iliad....
What a sad time we live in.
Emo Peter was supposed to be dorky, you retard.
>What are you, some kind of The Batman?
>"We're in the Disney's Marvel's Avengers: Endgame (2019) now"
I'd forgotten they managed to get fucking Harry Dean Stanton to make a cameo in Avengers
I wonder what he thought of capeshit
Truly we are now in the Avengers:Endgame.