Any sites to pirate book?
Any sites to pirate book?
Do instead. Most libgen links redirected to that site anyways.
Oh no, apparently it is back up
Not for me. (libgen is tho)
None at all surprisingly.
>reading books on a screen
Cant do it, looking at this board all day already kills my eyes enough
>what is an ereader
a digital screen that will never beat paper.
And legal and, try searching for "book name torrent" too, it's surprising how many lie in the non-Euclidean torrent anus, for example:
Popular ones just google shoddy russian sites and libgen. For more obscure stuff, MAM/IB
See /g/ thread for tracker circlejerk.
in terms of straining the eye it's pretty much the same as paper
it's only a matter of preference
E-ink reflects only about half as much real paper does. It can suck royally when not reading under daylight. This can be somewhat fixed with backlit e-ink, but now you get nasty blue LED illumination instead.
CLEARInk technology is promised to fare better, but it's vaporware technology at this point.
libgen has a number of mirrors, and some of them are blocked in some countries, you ignorant idiots.
>and legal
being this spooked whether something is legal or not
america, the land of the free
where you can do more time for interfering with someones profits compared to murder or rape.