Celebrate finishing the first episode of the show you're working on

>celebrate finishing the first episode of the show you're working on
>an hour later get the news you're cancelled
>the reason given is "trouble deciding if it belonged in an "action" slate or a "comedy" slate"

Damn animation industry is brutal right now

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heh. Netflix is shit

>people that hate you are suffering
Oh no.

Try to be objective for 10 seconds straight and realize nothing would be different if they loved you instead, we're discussing animation and not your rent free culture war

Sorry Chud all art is political. You can't enjoy things now.

I'm glad a shitty show got preemptively cancelled.

Kid Cosmic and Glitch Techs killed my hype for any netflix cartoon. the Hilda movie was ass, too.

>twatter op
>not a thinly veiled culture war thread

Where else to you want industry individuals to voice their grievances, go to the press every time?

Its good that these particular people get removed from animation, means they will not ruin the craft.

>tfw can't have action comedies anymore

What's the show about, what are its themes and why should I care about its loss?

>an hour later
Read, nigger, read! She says "a celebration that we were *going to have*", the news dropped one hour or less *before* the party started.

>loudly and angrily declare that everything is political
>get mad when your political enemies accept this and celebrate your destruction

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Explains the silence on Glitch Tech and Mao Mao

He's got a point. They started this fight, they don't get ay solidarity from their perceived enemies, because let's be real, do you think they'll do the same for the other side?

>animation industry is brutal right now

The animation industry, or at least the companies that own them, is now coming to terms that kids are the demographic they should cater to and not a small but loud minority of adults that don't even watch those shows and pirate it.

The point is that we're on Yea Forums and not on /pol/

So? We're supposed to just ignore them when they gleefully shit on what we like? Because they won't tolerate anything we do, why should we tolerate them?

Yeah, you don't have a real answer. You just want us to do nothing and keep us down.

You're not, you're supposed to discuss the Yea Forums issue and not the /pol/ issue because the two are completely divorced from each other

Everything is Yea Forumslitical, user. There's no such thing as "not on /pol/" until the left accepts that not everything is political and stop trying to push prog values through art.

I'd wish that were true but when the majority of the Co opted institutions that provide and create entertainment say otherwise you can't have that, we're not in the good world.

Bit hard when the /pol/ issue gets used as a shield or a cudgel by bad faith actors trying to smear someone or to protect their integrity as creators.

Truth. This is our reality until the powers that be decide that not everything has to be political. They have decided that everthing has to be political? SO BE IT.

Could someone redpill md about who this is and why should I care (or not care)?

It's not important

A story revisionist looking to springboard pity points into a new job somewhere else.

Literally who.
>should I care
No. It's yet another shittty twatter bait thread.

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>Random sperging about /pol/ for no reason
Imagine being canned as soon as you finish the first episode. When will we get our hands on this now lost media?

Why do you think Yea Forums is somehow devoid from schadenfreude?

Anyone with a brain and experience has been avoiding Netflix like the plague for a few years now.

We won’t. Unless you want to watch an entry level board artists chicken scratch animatics on Twitter then yeah you might get some content eventually.


Shame. I hope that the Netflix vault gets cracked open like a nut sometime during this decade. I need to see the glitch techs stuff.

I honestly think netflix is purging anything slightly political and will focuson childten shit only

They're purging their own animation department entirely. Going back to funding animation projects done by other companies instead. Which makes sense, their most popular and critically acclaimed animated films and shows were done by non-Netflix teams.

>Jay has treated me and everyone else on the crew better than any other director or creator I have ever worked with
>I have done the best for this show that I have yet to do in my career
Oh my God millennial-zoomers are so so so fucking pathetic. Did this bitch even watch 92-2006 cartoons to get a standards?
>incredibly talented and sweet crew
Oh for fucks sake. If I ever was part of a crew I'd give my objective opinion that actually says something not "Uhhhh let me lie, lying is so good, let me suck your dick some more, maybe some other loser can hire me" get some fucking standards, Jesus Christ. Generation of failures.
>literally within the hour
"within the hour" isn't an expression to have to use "literally" on you fucking imbecile.

Pajeets are more pathetic than Chinese.

Pffft good. You deserve to be treated like shit for being such a standardless beta.

they hated jesus cause he spoke the truth

What the fuck are you on about.

>>Jay has treated me and everyone else on the crew better than any other director or creator I have ever worked with
Tbh I reacted to this too, felt like a no-brainer that it would get shitcanned under those circumstances. A boss' job isn't to be your buddy and super likeable and make you feel comfortable. If you don't hate your boss to some extent he's a shit boss, or you're a sniveling yes man.

Is there a reason why Yea Forums has decided it hates this show that barely exists?

>the reason given is "trouble deciding if it belonged in an "action" slate or a "comedy" slate"
Gigabased. Fuck MCU style action comedy


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As you say the show barely exists, so you should be able to infer that that's now what Yea Forums hates. This is a show that's been hyped on shit like "everybody hired to work on it was part of the same minority" (actually illegal, but you can get away with racist hiring pracitces if your a Bluecheck Good Guy™), and gross virtue signalling about "finally little SouthAsian kids can see themselves in a Important and Thoughtful cartoon that's Important for ideological/political reasons". All this is disgusting, and rightfully hated by Yea Forums. When these people fail, it's cause for celebration.

Why don't you just start fighting Netflix's marketing team if it's the marketing you hate so much.

I am. By pirating everything that looks interesting. Not that there's a lot of that nowadays but still.

It's the creators themselves who've been doing this, not Netflix marketing. I've never seen a peep of marketing for this show out of Netflix. This is about the creators' disgusting behavior on social media (and, of course, in actually making the show).

Look how wrong you are


It's pretty obvious fag. He's saying that douchey left-wing shitheels in the entertainment industry brag about their positions and how they shoehorn all their politics into their projects, then cry when conservatives laugh at their failures.

So let me get this straight. Netflix stock has plummeted, and to get money back netflix has pumped up the price of subscription severely, and is debating throwing in ads as well. Which has caused even more people to unsubscribe, causing the stock to plunge further. Rightoids have convinced the mainstream public that this didn’t start with the Russian exodus, but because of “get woke, go broke”. And now executives are firing the black and female diversity hires who are screeching on Twitter about two weeks severance pay. And not only that, but “woke” shows like Megan Markle’s show and this show, which was described as making “indian-Americans” feel good about themselves, are now being cancelled.
It sounds to me like everything is working out. Minorities? Btfo. Corporations? Btfo. Hopefully this all ends with homeless brown people and corporate stooges canceled and accused of racism.
Fucking LOVE to see it

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over bravery?

Hopefully the same is going on at Disney.

>be middle management at Netflix
>add nothing of value to the company
>fire dozens of content creators to make your job easier
Dangerously based.

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>firing a bunch of woke losers
>not adding value to the business

This shit wasn't written by Netflix marketing, user.
>We had queer characters in loving relationships, dark skinned characters that weren’t tokenized, women with hairy, muscular arms, disabled characters whose only enemy was stairs, and full figured princesses that could battle foes while slurping down pani puri. We created scenes that just didn’t exist anywhere else— women talking about their period while forging weapons, venturing into magical tunnels to explore reincarnation, villains who could be warmed with the perfect cup of chai.

>villains who could be warmed with the perfect cup of chai.
Oh... one of those shows...

I like women with hairy arms, it’s kinda my fetish, but otherwise this sounds gay as fuck and that’s not a compliment.

>“Heart breaking” doesn’t even really begin to describe it. I felt so excited and honored to be included in this show because I’d never seen anything like it. It was groundbreaking on so many levels and would have been life changing to see for so many young viewers.
why are people in the creative industry so fucking autistic? it's just a cartoon

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