Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad

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Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad

Giuseppe Conrado

Le Josef de Kondra

Herman Melville

Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski;

polish author better than english authors in terms of prose

Nostromo > Lord Jim > Heart of Darkness > The Secret Agent >>> Victory

One of my favorites, after I read all of Melville I went straight to him to try to fill the void, he’s not quite as good but I still really like him

Victory is one of his best novels, wtf.

how did you fill the void then? i have the same issue

Absolute snoozefest


good post, thank

If you want to fill the Conrad void move on to Henry James who Conrad really admired. By then you’ll practically have tackled 3 of the most “classically” difficult writers of the English language, that is before Joyce

Lord Jim is my favorite book.

i agree he be joseph conrad

Ford Maddox Ford is another similar writer, has that very dense proto-modernist prose Conrad has. He collaborated with Conrad of course

Joe Sephcon Rad

جوزيف كونراد

Heart of Darkness

Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski

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José Conrado

I think it's his best - probably one of the best 20th century novels.

It's excruciatingly long for the amount that actually happens in the plot. I was about to gouge my eyes out if he used the words physiognomy or gentleman one more time.

Joe Conrad

Joseph Connerade.

I'm reading Nostromo right now. Starts slow but gets really good by the middle

It's his magnum opus imo. The end is absolutely thrilling.


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Iosif Conradu

Revolver Ocelot

Conrad, Joseph

Is Heart of Darkness actually good?

Joey C

Joseph comrade

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Yes, it's extremely good. Conrad is a master of conveying a sense of foreboding, and Heart of Darkness is one of his best examples of it. The trip into Africa is filled with surreal imagery and the impression that something truly primordial and dangerous is blanketing the atmosphere above the water.

If there was any atmosphere below the water, I’m sure Conrad would have blanketed that too.

One set of Joseph Conrad's complete works, please.

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is conrad the silent pleb filter?

The NIGGER of the narcissus is my favourite Joseph Conrad book

Џoзeф Кoнpaд

It's wonderful.

Χιοσέφ Κόνραδ

why did he hate black people? was he an incel?

Revolver Ocelot


Revolver Ocelot

Good but not his best. Pretty much all of Conrad's short stories are awesome.

Spec Ops: The Line is the most Yea Forums vidya

He probably watched Faux News, lol

جوسف كونراد؟