Could it assimilate the entire Gotham population without being stopped by Batman?
Could it assimilate the entire Gotham population without being stopped by Batman?
Couldn't Freeze stop it, at least temporarily
He'd have to get every single separate entity, every cell is alive and wants to survive. They could be spread all over Gotham.
Isn't the whole point of the movie that once it reaches a populated area, there IS no stopping it?
In our universe, definitely. This is in the DC universe though.
Yes, if the thing EVER got somewhere with bugs and plants it's an apocalyptic event, let alone a populated area. Worse than pic related and worse than DC Zombies.
This isn't even worth discussing, you are a retard for even asking.
Doesn't matter. Whole world is fucked, everyone's dead, all that's left are robots.
The end.
>you are a retard for even asking.
Why? You got anything better to do besides deepthroat your dragon dildo all day?
I'd like to see an army of robots purge the world of The Things.
Yep, that's why the doc went fucking crazy and was smashing everything with that revelation. That fucker could not be allowed any means of reaching the outside, by any means necessary, because one vector could multiply exponentially once it got into something next to impossible to contain like a bird, insect, or sea creature, and once it's reached that point, it's already all over the fucking place before anyone even realizes it.
oooooh! Terminator vs. The Thing!
Argument is that Brimley got turned before then and that was just The Thing destroying the radios and computers to prevent any kind of warning getting out. Why else would Brimley destroy the radio and computer when it stored all the evidence to show the rest and could use the radio to warn the outside world?
That would be fun to see. Would The Thing know how to combat machines though? Is it just an animal with perfect mimicry skills trying to survive or is it actually an intelligent being?
You guys are forgetting, this is a superhero world. Batman would take a sample, analyse it in the batcave for 5 minutes, and spray the "antitoxin" or whatever from a plane. There we go, day saved.
>command there is an alien among us and it's taking over our bodies, posing as us
>you must bring someone over with a flamethrower and kill all of us because I don't know who is or isn't an alien
They'd throw him in the loon, assuming the alien didn't take over everyone as soon as they reached the compound.
It was safer to cut the alien off completely and let him freeze over again.
Because anyone coming to rescue could expose themselves to the Thing and give it a means to escape, like a helicopter, plane, or ship, and then enter into a populated area completely. Even in his lunacy he rightfully reasoned it would be better to isolate and destroy the fucker, or possibly pull off a murder-suicide scenario where you kill everybody else, then yourself, just on the off-chance that you might be infected, which is exactly what he was doing by destroying the vehicles and killing all of the sled dogs.
>completely incognito*
There's no "antitoxin" because once a living thing is infected, they're dead, because the Thing cells completely replace the host cells, mimicking them perfectly.
The Thing assimilates Batman but gains Bruce's morality and becomes the new Batman.
>There's no "antitoxin" because once a living thing is infected, they're dead, because the Thing cells completely replace the host cells, mimicking them perfectly
We're talking about The Batman, who studies his opponents completely and replaces their hope of victory with a Bat-a-Rang to the face.
Sorry not sorry.
Yeah, watch paint dry.
So you can eat it.
Fair point, but it's still a superhero world. The antitoxin would simply
>invert the viral polarity of the entity, restoring the victims' original genetic programming
and then there's a three-panel sequence of the monsters' flesh melting off, revealing unharmed people inside.
What toxin? The thing is like a flesh eating micro organism. Batman could detect it because he has access to top tech and he has faced stronger enemies but when that happens a lot of people would have lost their lives already.
Yes. At that point he'd need to ring up one of his magic pals to deal with it
>Why? You got anything better to do besides deepthroat your dragon dildo all day?
user BTFO
>tfw no comedic comic where the Thing arrives at Gotham but its hosts keep getting killed by various Gotham villains so it has to constantly keep finding new disguises
>Clayface and Thing get into a shapeshifting competition
If the Thing assimilated me, would I know it?
Would I like, "die" instantly when it assimilates me, or am "I" still "me", but I know I'm part of the Thing?
That would be outside Batmans abilities, you would need a super scientist like Lex
>The thing is like a flesh eating micro organism.
Yeah I know, I was just shitting out some technobabble.
You die. The Thing consumes and replaces every cell until all the human cells are its own.
The Thing was a horror movie so if assimilated by a Thing creature it's horrorific, if infected, I think you die without being aware. But there's not exactly a manual for it, you could still be you, just Thing you.
The Thing was trying to build spaceship, remember? No doubt it will try to use brute force to destroy a machine opponent or find some other way if that failed.
>The Thing was trying to build spaceship, remember?
Shit, I forgot about that. Good point.
>There could be entire planets that have been assimilated by the thing.
>A entire hivemind stretching worlds.
I wonder if it would do a Deadspace and combine all the flesh into one super creature.
Very similar to what happened in Slither. The movie showed that The Long One would become a colossal mass of flesh as soon as it assimilated all organic matter.
Do you remember Batman: Endgame? There's an incurable rapidly-spreading infection that turns people violent, and Batman beat that. The Thing is not a huge stretch.
Thing isn't a hivemind from what I recall. They are all individual and selfish for the most part no?
The Thing is very much intelligent and has at least some capacity to remember things previous organisms it assimilated know. We see that by the fact one of the human things in the movie was building a miniature spaceship.
So the question would actually be has it ever assimilated anything that knows how to combat machines like a Terminator?
I'm taking a bit from the short story, but didn't the movie show every "part" of the thing working together for a common goal?
If not all it would have to do is assimilate a resistance soldier to know more about terminators.
That is not close to the same, the Things not some disease and this is Batman on his own, writers tend to exaggerate his abilities when the Leagues around, this story is particularly stupid.
Right, replace "turns people violent" into "kills them by taking over them right down to the cellular level," because there is no cure for that, the infectees are not only technically dead, they're still active vectors, so it's less of looking for a cure and more about trying to incinerate every last living thing that has ever been in contact with the Thing, and good fucking luck trying to exterminate every single living thing, right down to the rats in the sewers and the fleas that were riding them, along with any insect and bird on the damn continent that are spreading that shit everywhere.
>If the Thing assimilated me, would I know it?
No. For all intents and purposes, the Thing's ability to assimilate biological matter is flawless and it replaces cells as it goes along your body.
>am "I" still "me", but I know I'm part of the Thing
No one knows, most details about the Thing are intentionally left vague. I've seen some say its ability to assimilate is so perfect that the human-things are completely unaware they are the Thing until it feels threatened and lashes out.
The only way batman could realistically destroy it would be by nuking the entire city and a 100 mile radius continuously for 24 hours, making sure everything inside that circle was turned into dust
Yes but the thing can't assimilate Arnold Wesker's puppet so checkmate.
It would stop at the Joker when realising hes too insane for The Thing and it would kill itself.
No, you're dumb. The Thing WANTED to get out. It isn't like regular movie monsters that just randomly attacks people. The Prequel movie got this wrong. Instead the Thing is perfectly happy to wait for rescue. The only mistake it really made was early on when it attacked the Dog kennel, which arguably it only did because the other dogs were freaking out about it and it decided to assimilate them before the humans figured out there was something off about the infected dog.
Ok consider this; The Terminator has to eliminate the thing, only problem? His arrival messed up the past and now the first victim from his timeline survived.
>and good fucking luck trying to exterminate every single living thing, right down to the rats in the sewers and the fleas that were riding them, along with any insect and bird on the damn continent that are spreading that shit everywhere.
You forgot all the plants.
Blair knew something was happening and was even going to hang himself before the process was complete.
What if The Thing infesting Zombie?
What happened?
I don't think it can infect necrotic tissue, so at most it would work with what little living tissue might be left.
Thankfully, plants (mostly) don't move, the biggest threat that fucker presents would be somehow speeding up the pollination process and just blasting its PlantThing jizz all over the place, infecting a fuckton of things in a single go, but I'd wager it'd classify plants as not fast and active enough to do its work.
I mean, we have Dr Atom, who control atomic, which is even smaller than just cell
Also lots of character that made entirely from magic
ALSO Superman's Cell is solar radiation and the cells of Kryptonians, which is just mini sun
The fuck can The Thing can do against that
>Thankfully, plants (mostly) don't move,
And humans don't sprout spider legs from their heads.
If a Thing infested plant wants to infect you, it'll find a way.
Superman can get fucked by Joker toxin. Thing shouldn't have a problem
>The fuck can The Thing can do against that
Infect and kill everything else? What kind of dumb fucking question is that? Even if there are some individuals that could be resistant, the rest of the planet is going to be in a super fucked state once it either starts spreading in relative isolation amongst wildlife, where it can then spread out by air, land, or sea, or in a populated area, where every rat, every stray animal, every pigeon, are also carrying vectors like fleas and other parasites that can infect a bunch of humans very quietly.
It is easier for it to take over the world by just Becoming a plant anyway. any animal or person that eats it would be infected. So becoming corn in the midwest would be the easiest way of infection.
A neat sneaky thing that the thing could do is infect all the cattle, poultry and fish to get people to ingest it.
That's a guaranteed end, once it reaches the ocean, there's fuck all that can be done about it.
Wouldn't it freak the fuck out in the slaughterhouse? As It's being threatened?
I will admit, it's been a long time since I've encountered any of The Thing, but I recall it reacting generally negatively to any kind of danger to itself. I doubt it would allow itself to be slaughtered, butchered, and coocked. You know, with it dying to fire and all.
No. Batman would win. It's a Batman story.
It depends entirely on whether Batman could build a radar that can detect it. The Thing just fucking loses the moment anyone has a way to consistently find it.