Dubs picks my next read

Finally back in the groove of reading daily. Got lazy and depressed there for a bit, but fuck that. Looking for something to take me out of my comfort zone

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rape: a love story by joyce carol oates

Two Towers by JRR Tolkein

You picked your own post.

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

carlyle - the french revolution

Loving by Henry Green

the satyr updike

Bridge of birds by barry hughart

The Unnamable by Samuel Beckett

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in the Tundra by Anonymous

well fuck, sorry you rolled and got shit op

you had a chance...

double dubs says op reads shit

>The Legacy of Totalitarianism in the Tundra by Anonymous

I suppose this is just the world telling me to go back to being a lazy depressed faggot

nice, was gonna post this

>the story of OP when Kek demands him to stay on Yea Forums forever

For my Legionaries

22 and youre reading finnegans wake

trips and you're reading Plato's complete works

Trips and you’re reading 2666