Story time Ms. Marvel by Saladin Ahmed Vol. 2: Stormranger


Between her space adventure, her complicated feelings for Bruno and a looming family tragedy, Ms. Marvel really needs a break. Zoe and Nakia decide to get Kamala out of town for a while - but their chill road trip is about to be literal corporate zombies

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Remember to leave comments and makes me feel like I'm not wasting time.
And you in about an hour and a half on you to go see it the dog needs a walk.

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So I have volume three but I haven't read volume three I know it's tied into Outlaws and I also Spider-Man Miles Morales tied into it should I just do the even read in order of those two or is there any other chapter 1 comic book guess you I need to read it to understand?

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Remember I'm going to do the teamup vol and a stretch thing vol but I'm not going to do the Bollywood volume until after I get it in paperback.

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This teacher doesn't look so ugly.

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>You really need to impress me
>Said the teacher to the girl
I feel like the latest MCU threads have warped me somewhat.

Teenage girls road trip. You know I seen a lot of road trips in my comic books. Also why did so many franchises have clear derivatives of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in them?

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Kamala most police chases can be handled by the police themselves.

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Does he have any clue what would happen to him if he actually killed a hero?

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It's too bad Stormranger hasn't come back yet.

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Give it time if she gets a new ongoing series and it lasts long enough it will probably come back.

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Hey look it's a psychopath white girl version of Kamala.Apparently the guy who made them come back also wanted to do the Inhuman boy you got beat up by kamala's Big Brother and Electric Inhuman girl Kaboom to.

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>File: 18.jpg (668 KB, 1041x1600)
> (You)
>Does he have any clue what would happen to him if he actually killed a hero?

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Is this guy supposed to be an insult to someone famous?

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Looks Tim Cookish.

>Looks Tim Cookish.

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i don't like this costume

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It goes away in a amount into this volume and for and appears in half of Kamala team up book.

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That's funny because I see Steve Jobs. Maybe they used both.
CEO of Apple

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So her "embiggening" is straight up stretchy powers.

I feel like making some sort of joke about billionaires being outraged abominations.

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She doesn't have the "best" villains but I like they give her her own villains.

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You figured in a world with so much extremely against the whale brainwashing as 616 America would have made specific laws that you cannot sign away your rights when clearly brainwashed.

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I'm guessing the dog of someone who worked on this book.

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I think they got brainwashed after they signed their contracts.

that's the artists dog

>I think they got brainwashed after they signed their contracts.
Remind me to always get someone to lead any contract I signed gets not some standard thing from the government.

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I would have uploaded to cover image for this volume involving Kamala and Bruno kitchen but some reason the website won't let me do it.

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Bruno is still a Cyborg to an extent.

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Going to need to see the dog wants a walk in a few minutes.

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