This is not a question and answer.
This is not a question and answer.
post some actual effort into your op post and you shit might not get deleted. be like luke feistamel, dont be like sean goonan
You suck at marketing
You a sick fuck arent you? I stopped reading your shit after the first two lines
>Not publishing on kindle
The title... Can't tell if sci fi or metaphor
I may be your first reader, i got past page twenty five and had to stop on the fucking Ernest part. I can't believe that you actually think this is normal, what the fuck is wrong with you, you should be ashamed of what you just wrote.
fucking cringe
>taking it super literally and expecting A class literature
>not contemplating back and forth whether or not what you're reading is genius satire
WTF now I wanna read that shit
Who the fuck starts a story with dialogue?
You and i both know very well you took it too far in pic related. Repulsive user, REPULSIVE
Niggers, apparently
I‘m sorry user, you‘re being too obvious here. You try to pack your philosophies about women into it but it is poorly done. It‘s lame and you trying to dab into (((taboo))) topics like pedophilia and trying to trigger people with it is a bit of a sad move. I expect more of you.
The (((erotic))) scenes are flat and lack any reality. Are you by any change a virgin?
The name dropping is also cringe and just you trying to sound hard for no reason at all.
Next time, don‘t try so hard, fiction isn‘t about being the most shocking writer (from which you’re far away) but about authenticity and every word you wrote is the opposite if authentic. It‘s try hard and you should be ashamed.
Try again but try to be real this time.
Self-indulgent asshole
Forgot to add that the fact you finished something and have the balls to get it read by actual people is notable.
Tfw OP is this guy
And hes trying to pull off the streisand effect
The streisand effect is if someone tries to keep people from noticing something and in the process gets everyone to notice instead. I don‘t think you know what you‘re talking about.
We may have just found the literary equivalent of The Room, anons.
ls this how Aliens try to imitate our customs?
Don‘t blame mega on your herpes
If Tommy Wiseau was a hypersexual pedophile, this would be his autobiography.
Has anybody finished reading it an dcould he sum it up for me?
Of course not, nobody in this thread is degenerate eniugh to read past the first fucking paragrah
Ok, i‘ve read further and this is actually intriguing af. I love the toy store.
I‘m on page 38 now. I hope this turns out to be a futuristic 120 days of sodom.
bumping only because I appreciate the fact that people on Yea Forums are actually writing books, even if they turn out to be shit
ok, this is retarded but i can't fucking stop reading. fuck you op
Lol Im on page 109 and like wtf there are so many narrators
Could OP be the guy who wrote Among the Niggers?
He fucking calls mixed races "cafe lattes"
Is this the golden age of Yea Forums creativity, anons?
>user publishing house becoming a reality
>Feistanon's 100k word epic
>A Walking Aphrodisiac
>The Too Big Orgy
>This is not a question and answer.
what do you mean?
Does Behead all satans count?
Just finished part three and cant tell if this is supposed to shock me or make me laugh, it used to do the second one but now its the first one, but then it goes back to comedy again, wtf
Would this sentence be made better if "I'm on a stainless steel umbrella" were changed to "I'm under a stainless steel umbrella"?
stop larping as readers you degenerate cunt, it's painfully obvious you're the only one willing to read your garbage book
>The Too Big Orgy
What's that one?
>Is this the golden age of Yea Forums creativity, anons?
Yes, and we're barely scratching the surface. It has only begun.
Some user had it for free for a week for us to read
It's bretty fun
why hasnt this thread been deleted, its spam