Which Harley?
Harley Quinn
This Harley
This one.
Whilst I appreciate the sentiment, harlequin Harley is supposed to lose fights.
>shitty waifu
>bad animation
Any more reasons for me to hate you?
>Any more reasons for me to hate you?
I stay passive and complacent in life for the fear that leaving my comfort zone and meeting new people will end with me making mistakes that hurt myself and others. But often I think I just use my doubts as an excuse to never strive for more or grow as a person.
OG all the way
Classic 100%. I want a Harley in a sexy nylon bodystocking version of that suit however
Ew. You're a normie too.
Underrated pick
What do you think a Joker comedy album sounds like.
I'm imagining horrible jokes and the Joker has to cue the audience laughter when he's done. And then it's really subdued nervous forced giggles and chuckles. And you hear a gun shot in the distance. And Joker makes a pun about how he's supposed to be the one "slaying" them.
I don't think it'd sound like anything. It'd just be dead silence for like 10 seconds after you put the needle on the record and then the record just suddenly bursts and lets out a cloud of Joker Venom
Yea, you right.
That one in the clownsuit, I don't like the methhead roller derby juggalo that's been running around for the past two decades.
Why does classic Harley work so well in this style? I'd legitimately frame this and put it on my wall.
>bad animation
You're retarded, and I didn't even think Arcane was all that great. That's easily the best animated show for many many years now.
BTAS had a very 40's-50's era thing going in general.
>What do you think a Joker comedy album sounds like.
Horrible but you can't stop listening to it.
Also subliminal messaging to steal something and then Go Out with a Smile.
>That's easily the best animated show for many many years now.
Oh wow. Queen of the dump. Have our standards fallen that far in modernity?
Ladies, you're both beautiful
No, our standards haven't fallen. The animation quality has fallen. And Arcane has the old level of animation, so it still looks good.
Sorry that your brain doesn't work right.
>OG Harley
>OG Harely
Would honk her clussy aggressively
>And Arcane has the old level of animation
Which old levels are we talking, buddy?
Arcane tries to hide a lot of animation under digital effects, has some 2.5D and that webm shows off its love of moving the camera and having more than one focus in each shot... which isn't how any 20th century animation works.
>Which old levels are we talking, buddy?
Not technique, since we both know most of that died in the switch to digital. But I meant that there was actual parts with animation. Since most shows, East or West, are constantly edging towards how much of a slide show they can be.
That Jinx scene has the same level of effort put into the animation that actions shows waste their animation budget on.
But go ahead, be a contrarian, say that Arcane isn't the best looking and best animated show in recent history.
>that webm shows off its love of moving the camera
Forgot to mention that the camera only has one actual big movement, about halfway. The rest of the time it's basically static, with only 2 noticeable "bobs" in movement, which is the handheld camera movement effect, than having an actual moving camera.
I had to watch it a few times, to even catch the second movement, because that kind of camera movement is quite commonplace now.
>which is the handheld camera movement effect
they also love putting random grime on the "lens"
the original,of course. Robbie's version can go to hell,stupid actress
what if harley kept her old costume but ditched the joker?
Or is it like they say, a good compromise leaves everybody unhappy?
i like harleys new 'lolsrandum' personality, but i also like her old 'corny' personality. But honestly the new costume is just atrocious. It makes her look like a porn star.
>right harley
i liked white knight because of the fact they called nu harly a fucking impostor
Harley is like that joke about the blonde who played a nuclear physicist in the old Bond films. She uses her ditzy facade to hide her intellect, its core to her character, it's the tragedy that drives and motivates her to become a villain.
The new Harley doesn't really strike me as being all that bright, to be fair. If there was a little method to her madness besides 'blondes have more fun', it might be a bit more compelling, but as is she is just a fun, quirky girl with quirky violent cartoon interludes that doesn't exactly scream 'repressed intellectual with narcissistic personality disorder'.
You know what would sell me on Harleys intellect? if she built some of Jokers 'toys' or 'props', or if she arranged all the mundane details of his little schemes, like leasing an abandoned warehouse or hiring goons. Like if there were a little hint of who she was before all the madness.
New Harley just goes full ham, her old self is dead and buried, the flashbacks in the animated series were great but they don't really show through her current portrayal of her character.
this desu
I mean whens the last time you saw 'new' Harley do something intelligent? Not 'clever', but actually intelligent, and not in a "lol, i used to be a pychiatrist" sort of way?
Name one thing that new Harley has done that doesn't convince me that shes not a brain dead idiot?
The only Harley that never got smacked up by her Joker.
Obviously the best one.
But of course comics are always going to be a boys club, so even when they let female actors or writers have a crack at it, it won't be to write a compelling, tragic character, it will be to push a 'woke' agenda they know is destined to fail so they can have their lovable ditz back again.
I don't think anything is more terrifying to a juvenile male than an intelligent woman.
and i don't think there is anything more typical of the male ego than to reduce a woman to a co-dependent, narcissistic wreck who thinks and behaves like a child and to turn around and claim that women are all idiots and need to be treated like a particularly dimwitted child.
>if she built some of Jokers 'toys' or 'props',
but they even farmed that out to 'the carpenter' because they didn't want to let go of control over her character. teenage boys can never make up their mind whether they want the lady or the tiger.
>bad animation
user I think you might be retarded
both, preferably
This one.
>OG Harley
It's neat idea, but doesn't really work. Harley's smart, sure, but she doesn't really have the sort of background to be building Joker's props. Though her working as his "mole" for more mundane things was already a thing back when they were together.
Original. the new harley doesn't even feel like the harley, she's tank girl.
JOKER doesn't have the background to build 90% of the shit he does.
Point taken. I suppose the only Joker that even comes close is Killing Joke Joker since that one's confirmed to have been a chemical engineer before he tried to be a stand-up comedian so he'd have an easier time coming up with shit like Joker Venom.
You do know that Harley was first created for B:TAS. She was supposed to be a one-off character but was kept after a flood of fan letters asking for her return. That was never the "OG"
And then there's this.
I like the Harley that has to put on her make-up, but I also like the Harley that's been revved up with that silly poison ivy juice that gave her a super soldier serum. Like...huh?
lmao the seethe over the sexier, better design
I always thought it was a given that villains like Joker pay some underground weapons dealers/mechanics to build those things.
After all, that's one of the few uses money has to people super villains.
I'm the user that posted the OG and OOG Harley pictures. The first was the first concept art drawn for her character. The second is the character that Harley Quinn was literally designed from. That clown is Arleen Sorkin, from an episode of Days of Our Lives. If you think that name sounds familiar, it's because they got the original inspiration for the character to voice the character.
While they would've no doubt seen the 60s Batman show, Queenie isn't brought up in any of the behind the scene origin of Harley stories, as far as I'm aware. It's always Paul Dini talking about Arleen Sorkin on Days of Our Lives and how Bruce Timm's first idea sketched was bad.
I don't know how canon these backup stories are, but in the Harley Loves Joker stories Harley flat out says Joker has a shitton of books on science and engineering lying around his hideout and we see Joker working on a pop gun IIRC
Moving the camera and more than one focus in each shot cannot hide bad animation. The animators have to do more rigging and light source direction that wouldn't be required anywhere else to create their own style of the show. The reason other 20th century animations don't do this is because it's easier to go back and forth on the characters bust area to see them talk or a full body shot with limited movement.
If you believe Arcane has static animation what other series have done a better job to you?
>sexier, better design
it really isn't. Classic one all the way for me
She should change her identity considering she is not Joker's sidekick anymore.
I only ever saw that Harley design in that "beanhead" artstyle her latest run has, but it actually works pretty well in the hands of another artist.