I've seen either side of the argument made, but not anything truly compelling: Is this a good ending for Hal Jordan, or does it simply fuck over his character?
Good or Bad Idea?
No it was bullshit on fast forward. If they wanted to sideline Hal they could have killed off the Guardians and installed him as the new leader of the Corps on Oa while they introduced Kyle as his earth replacement.
The later Parallax entity retcon was cringe but what other choice did they have to bring Hal back properly other than blaming his heel turn on something else?
It was retarded especially since all the named Gl characters survived Coast City getting nuked.
It was literally planned that Sinestro's ring had a slow, corroding subconscious influence on him when he wore it on those Silver Age issues. But it was never used. Then you have parallax, who apparently was also possessing Hal after he died and went to heaven and became the Spectre for some reason.
Emerald Twilight went by way too fucking fast for Parallax to work, and even if it had more time I doubt it'd be good
Neither. It was just another step. It did lead to some good stories.
This story is what made me fall in love with Green Lantern, specifically Hal. Green Gobo said it best:
"The one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying."
Its also a reason why Transformers the Movie (1986) stuck with so many people. They murder the fuck out of everyone, specifically Optimus Prime.
I'm not saying they executed Hal's turn perfectly or anything, and it would have been better if drawn out over a bunch more issues (maybe a year's worth for the fall of such an icon?). But it is a defining moment, as is his return. I loved them both.
>If they wanted to sideline Hal they could have killed off the Guardians and installed him as the new leader of the Corps on Oa while they introduced Kyle as his earth replacement.
Huh. Not a bad idea, considering the Guardians' track record.
I don't remember a single fucking thing from Kyle Rayner's decade long run as the # 1 Green Lantern aside from that bitch in the fridge.
Hal comes back and it's absolute Green Kino for 5 years straight and the entire franchise is completely revitalized. How do Kyle fags sleep at night?
>How do Kyle fags sleep at night?
Knowing that one guy happened to find their character non-memorable over the more popular character?
I think they have bigger fish to fry.
I don't think anyone likes heroes being turned into villains.
Ahem... at least somebody clearly does...
Well, SOME people clearly do, but usually when a plot about a hero turning evil comes up, most people seem to vehemently dislike it, specially if it's a beloved character, which leads to it being reversed and retconned.
how many times did that ever happen, canonwise?
Too many
I'd be fine with it if he stayed a villain or just stayed as the Spectre forever without coming back to his GL role, but his post-spectre stories are the ones that got me to like him so much in the first place
Hal as a character is boring, turning him evil really spiced things up.
I think Hal in his Parallax armor, cape, and white hair on sides looks cool at least.
At the top of my head I know Hal Jordan, Hank Hall, and Cassandra Cain turned evil.
Maxwell Lord wasn't exactly a superhero, but he definitely wasn't a villain, so I'm counting him too.
And Damian Wayne was about to join the club in 5G, with the TT book already getting him read for the role, but that got scrapped due to backlash.
The GL title was beyond fixing, DC needed a new status quo quickly. It was the right decission, nobody really cared about Hal at that point and Kyle brought in some new freshness to the title.
They turned Hal into an antagonist with some gravitas and his further development (Final Night, Day of Judgment) was probably the best the character ever got. GL Rebirth took a much bigger turd on the GL legacy than Emerald Twilight.
The Johns GL era was alright but it didn't need it to center around Hal specifically. Parallax was a cool twist to a boring character like Hal.
hot take, they should retcon the defeat of Paralex. Paralex won, recreated the universe in what ever perverse vision he had only to realize it suck and so create the bug Paralex, restarted timeline and give himself a mind wipe so Hal could be hero again
I kind of hate Johns Lantern.
It's one of the best GL stories and a good example on how to make a heel turn.
>Is this a good ending for Hal Jordan, or does it simply fuck over his character?
It was so much heat, that DC had the placate the fans by having Hal a noble death sacrificing himself to save the universe.
lmao no, it was fucking retarded
Emerald Twilight was terrible. On a dime, Hal just starts plowing through the Green Lantern Corps for no clear reason other than "need power". It's not handled with any real nuance, and genuinely makes more sense if you assume he was being controlled by a fear parasite.
But while Zero Hour and Final Night weren't very good either, Parallax Hal was a compelling character. Hal Spectre was also good until Johns trashed everything.
Anti Geoff fags are so delusional they probably prefer Ultimate Warrior Guy
The decade of darkness that was Kyle Rayner's reign didn't produce a single memorable story aside from some nice moments in JLA.
This. The fall and redemption of Hal Jordan (on Final Night and later as The Spectre) is one of the best storylines of capeshit. Also, I like the concept of "the last ring of the Green Lantern Corps". It makes the title "Most Powerful Weapon in the Universe" more meaningful. Besides, Guy Gardner Warrior is kino. DC ends for me right before Green Lantern Rebirth.
>hatin on based Warrior
It didn't help that editor Kevin Dooley and writer Ron Marz never ever stopped attacking the Hal fans for not immediately embracing Kyle.
Still waiting for some examples of good GL stories during the decade of darkness.
>The GL title was beyond fixing
How so?
Didn't he want the power to recreate Coast City or something? And one of the Guardians told him to cut that shit out and fall in line then Hal went berserk after giving a 'I never asked fo' nuthin!' speech? That's what I remember then he got the power and I don't think he even tried to make a Coast City construct again.
It was your standard DCU book but never saw the huge sales bumps experienced by other titles so they needed a big gimmick to bump up sales.
But other than that and giving Hal grey hair post Crisis there was nothing inherently broke about the character or concept. Just needed a hot artist to draw attention.
That's because he decided use that power to remake reality instead, hence Zero Hour.
So, that guy/you was/were just being a drama queen?
Sounds like turning Hal into a maniac wasn't as necessary as he/you made it sound.
That's right, and I just read that too.
Of course it wasn't necessary but after Image came along some editors started blaming stale sales on the characters being too old so they got the boot...temporarily of course.
Hal Jordan,Tony Stark,Nick Fury,Punisher,The Fucking Atom etc etc
Plus there's always been disagreements within DC about where the Green Lantern Corps helps or hinders them. Some feel it's part of the mythos and some feel with so many it makes our Green Lanterns look ordinary.
>The Fucking Atom
Didn't he turn into a teen and join the Teen Titans or did that happen at some other point in time?
>some feel with so many it makes our Green Lanterns look ordinary.
the only way that happens is when there's a million fucking human green lanterns actively serving at the same time.
asian femboy green lantern, bendis' new black pet green lantern, the obnoxious one with the josuke hair--all should be done away with.
Jess and Simon can work if the prior ones are either retired or in different corps/colors.
Got zapped by Extant and reverted to a teen titan!
>There's too many Green Lanterns
>We should get rid of a bunch of them
You just made the case for Emerald Twilight.
That's not a case for emerald twilight; that's a case for any sort of event where Green Lanterns have to deal with a powerful opponent.
Sinestro could have filled the role of executioner much better don't you think? Especially since he was so pissed at being held in limbo inside the main power battery.
can you blame editorial to try and retcon everything to bring Hal?
>fridge shit
>killing girls
>what the FUCK they did to Jade
Kyle was sabotaged HARD
There was nothing actually wrong with the fucking fridge. Rayner was a Peter Parker ripoff, he needed an Uncle Ben death.
And he had ten fucking years to himself across three different writers before Hal came back. That's more than enough time for one decent goddamn story to materialize and none ever did save his origin. In fact, Kyle HAS good stories, but they all take place during the Corps era!
I hate feminists too, but putting her body in the fridge was too edgy
>asian femboy green lantern
To be fair, this one isn't actually in the main canon, he's just in a YA book.
That said, I would very much prefer him over Jo and Teen Lantern
Also, I said there's too many human lanterns--something Emerald Twilight doesn't solve, given how the human problem only happened afterward.
The Silver Surfer crossover was great
I mean, exploring the idea of the fall of a hero and having an established superhero turn into a villain is ballsy.
But even though he had literally everything taken from him, making it believable that he could fall, it's less believable to have a superhero go straight to omnicidal maniac who starts killing his best friends and wants to fuck up the universe.
Like, people sometimes complain about Harvey Dent turning evil in TDK just because of what he went through. It never seemed unbelievable to me. He becomes disfigured, he loses the love of his life, and she starts targeting the people he think either betrayed him, were directly involved in the scheme, or allowed this to happen to him through their lack of diligence. He doesn't decide to, like, try to blow up Gotham City or something.
Hal going bad because his entire city and everyone he loved and grew up with perished in his absence makes sense. But it doesn't make sense that he goes bad in quite the way that he did. It should have been a bit more tempered.
Kyle's run lasted a decade???I thought it was like a few years
>Some feel it's part of the mythos and some feel with so many it makes our Green Lanterns look ordinary.
That's always been part of the charm of the concept of Green Lantern. He's mysterious to us because, to us, he's a superhero. That's because Earth isn't yet aware of all the crazy space shit beyond our solar system, and is pretty much the equivalent of one of those hunter-gatherer tribes that still exits in present day and that doesn't engage in international relations.
But in the wider universe, sure, Green Lanterns are still impressive, but they're really just a peacekeeping/police force, There are a bunch of them, and they all wear a uniform and have a boss.
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc., they are all lone agents who do what they feel is right. Green Lantern comics have always been about that tension between the individual and the rules. That tension between being a subordinate and being a maverick. Some stories play with this by showing why sometimes, the individual has to say "screw the rules" and do what he knows in his heart has to be done. Other stories play with this by exploring how rules are there for a reason, and deciding that they don't apply to you, you risk becoming a corrupt tyrant yourself. There's this constant negotiation about what it means to be a person in a community, and how complex that can get.
Emerald Twilight 1994
Green Lantern Rebirth Issue # 1 2004
It's complete character assination and just destroying everything established in a franchise to make way for the new guy. Literally the issue RIGHT BEFORE IT was about Ollie helping Hal through his Grief and then he just totally 180s because editorial said so.
Seriously even if you really like Kyle who the fuck thought getting rid of the Corp was a good idea? All the crazy aliens with rings is half of what makes GL cool.
Only memorable Green Lantern volume 2 issue post Emerald Twilight stars Hal
Kyle fags on suicide watch! H.E.A.T. won!
It's sad you feel the need to do this. It's been 20 years, user; the majority of people don't even know he exists.
>something Emerald Twilight doesn't solve, given how the human problem only happened afterward.
Earth literally had three Green Lanterns before Twilight.
So it's Star Trek with magic rings.
>Earth literally had three Green Lanterns
yeah, and the problem didn't get REALLY bad until we had, like, more than seven Earth Green Lanterns like we do now.
three was pushing it, but it could still be excused.
It's worth noting that most of the Earth GLs aren't ACTUALLY stationed in 2814, Hal, Guy, John, and Kyle were all promoted to "Honor Guard", a role for GLs who live on Oa and answer aid requests from other Lanterns in any sector. They're like captains rather than beat cops. Simon and Jessica are the only appointed Lanterns of Earth's sector, or at least were before Thorne.
I liked the event Emerald Twilight, but I think the fallout was probably not worth it. Although Kyle isn't a bad character.