Since SJWs have been calling for more representation of mental health conditions why hasn't there been any cartoons or comics that accurately deal with PTSD or depression? I say accurately because Heroes in Crisis was absolute dogshit.
Why no PTSD?
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Hearing people scream and yell in horror, screaming FUCK FUCK FUCK and OH GOD ITS HAPPENING is not the PG-13 take on mental issues people want
>why hasn't there been any cartoons or comics that accurately deal with PTSD or depression?
Like half of the recent season of Young Justice is about how Beast Boy really needs to get into therapy for his PTSD and depression.
Who said it had to appeal to kids?
Don't forget the domestic abuse and molestation
Because a lot of attempts fail to properly convey the hell of PTSD and depression, either over simplifying it or glamorize it, and anytime it's done properly it likely doesn't get a positive response because neither of those things are enjoyable to watch, leaving it in that zone where people would rather not attempt it at all
>Like half of the recent season of Young Justice is about how Beast Boy really needs to get into therapy for his PTSD and depression.
Great, got any other examples?
user the hot thing right now is for heroes to have therapists and to talk about their "feelings"
You know what OP, your right. Go to Ukraine, get PTSD, then make a story about it for us.
>domestic abuse
Ngl that one actually doesn't get represented because if the feminist groups yelling "IT GLORIFIES MYSOGANY!" when they also fail to realize that misandry can also be a part of domestic abuse/violence
Don't need to, seen that shit when dad came back from Desert Storm.
Just call it fucking shell shock, it sounds way cooler and way more serious
Becaise PTSDers deserve their condition.
Autists deserve no sympathy.
Great. Now get him writing. Got any Arabic friends that can scream very loud to get the gears going?
You can get PTSD without fighting in a war though lol
No but do you have any bromide pills?
It's not that interesting it's basically autism.
SJWs want their fake exaggerated female mental illness "trauma" represented. They haul ass the moment it's a man dealing with real problems.
I got PTSD from watching Final Destination
Least Seth had the balls to do an episode where Peter gets sexually harassed by Carrie Fisher
god i wish that were me
Man you just don’t stop
I mean maybe back in her prime but would you old and wrinkly Carrie Fisher?
Maybe I would. I'm into old ladies.
Whats wrong with this thread?
girls who go psycho just take it out in very passive ways, rarely proactive. when guys snap we turn into either charles manson or the guy from Taxi Driver.
Started off complaining about Sjw culture
Yea Forums is shit and it started when culture warriors took the fun out of posting by being outraged all the time
Albert Dreyden, Killdozer, that one guy who used a mini backhoe, John Allen Muhammad (part of the DC Snipers), that one guy who 9/11'd his plane into an IRS building. All of them snapped because they were pushed too far.
And more people would take it seriously if it was a simple, straightforward word that sounds scary instead of a souless, lifeless acronym for an inhuman medical text.
Hollywood is absolutely obsessed with 'trauma', but usually the kind where your family wasn't nice to you or someone called you a dumb fat bitch.
Shellshock, battle fatigue, Gulf War syndrome, post traumatic stress syndrome/disorder: all of them are the same.
Because the call for "representation" is just a fig leaf for doing whatever retarded politcal or racial shit they want. We've been in the global war on terror for over two decades, and check how few actual warfighters turned comics makers there are, and how the industry treats people who are even remotely politically near them like Edmonson.
It's so tilted that Tom King is about as close as is palatable to the big 2.
Of course there's also the problem that capeshit needs problems you can punch.
>We send our soldiers to kill your people and bomb your towns for oil then we make movies, comics and cartoons about our soldiers feeling sad because they killed your people and bombed your towns.
Why do i recall something animated that had a kid witness domestic abuse followed by the murder suicide of her parents?
Hey I got an Idea: why not just drop all the fun, adventurous aspects of fiction and just make everything about sad people? Cuz that's what real life is, right? Always sad and miserable and never allowed to ever be enjoyable! Who needs exciting high flying adventure and impossible feats of wonderment when we can just stick with crippling depression.
Probably because shell shock is more a term for PTSD from combat as I don't recall hearing of people outside of combat getting the thousand yard stare
>The only war where soldiers suffered shell shock was the most recent one
You can make it about overcoming crippling depression you obtuse shitboot.
Escapism is a massive cope
>Great, got any other examples?
Robin in the original Teen Titans had PTSD.
Well there's Gargoyles that deals with Goliath having to think he's the last of his entire Clan for the first episode in which he basically commits suicide by Wizard.
A lot of Frank stories involve PTSD too.
I mean I can't think of many more because why the fuck would I want to read comics about somebody being depressed?
>Hey I got an Idea: why not just drop all the fun, adventurous aspects of fiction and just make everything about sad people?
Worked for ol Bill
Spongebob had PTSD, Legend of Korra depicted PTSD
I know lol netflix, but here's the guy giving his "thousand yard stare"
So was this any good?
bojack horseman, rick and morty are pretty famous
Steven Universe Future "deals" with PTSD in the typical Steven Universe way (he's healed by a group hug lol)
And if tgere was only one possible flavor of depression that would mean something.
because paid killers, murderers and warmongers should get what they deserve
Define "accurate" depiction first.
Muhammad also had gulf war syndrome which didn't help his issues
original new mutants had some of what you're talking about
they don't fail to realize it, they actively ignore it. 4th wave is tainted by the bullshit that 3rd wave was. a lot of feminists can't help themselves but screech about patriarchy. they claim to be intersectional but a fuck ton of them will never be anything but man haters and useless twitter shits lurking in the vampire castle
Steven Universe Future
PTSD is a male problem, therefore they deserve it.
We literally had an entire blockbuster superhero movie about that.
>Sad boy is sad about trauma he didn't even expirence, while the actual veterans who fought and watched their comrads die comfort him and the ones who killing their comrads and making them isane ALSO comfort the sad boy
I have PTSD from cutting my penis off and taking drugs that poison my mind and body
There's always one of you tranny obsessed schizos who scours the boards looking for a reason to post about them.