Why aren't Yea Forums schizos fun or interesting anymore? It's all repetitive low effort spam now. What happened?
Why aren't Yea Forums schizos fun or interesting anymore? It's all repetitive low effort spam now. What happened?
Dude thats not a schizo just a passionate fan fuck off.
we're not here for your personal entertainment
now go back to your cartoons with underaged girls
>Why aren't Yea Forums schizos fun or interesting anymore?
>posts the most boring one
Wow, you're so nostalgic that you even go on about how schizos were better back in your day.
Autism =/= Schizo
THIS is schizo
Politics rotted everyone's brain. Like I literally think it gave a huge chunk of this site actual, unironic brain damage
Not on Yea Forums but here’s a good tumblr schizo
Had to split it up into three parts cause the image was too big, but this is the end of it
You can still come across them, it just has to be by happy accident now rather than them practically seeking you out. I remember a while ago finding out that some autist had a persecution complex about "moe" anime, thinking that there was a hyper popular culture that was expressly designed to persecute "moe" or something. We baited him for hours, now that was a good thread. An good memory I look fondly back to.
Is your image from 2020 supposed to be an example of the 'good old days'?
This is an 18+ site
You're replying to an unironic cultist. These people actually worship a dead e-celeb, holding him up as an 'example'
A couple schizos became recognized posters so now you have a bunch of people going on hyper-focused autistic rants whenever their chosen topic comes up hoping to achieve the same notoriety
>worship a dead e-celeb
Legitimately asking here, what's the difference? Feels like there's so much overlap in how they behave they might as well be synonymous.
The last Yea Forums schizo I remember clearly was the guy that spammed the board for an hour because of a Mysterio fan redesign.
The other was a guy that spammed cp in a thread because he was upset but I forgot what the thread was about
It was a groomer/Disney hate thread, fittingly enough.
>The other was a guy that spammed cp in a thread because he was upset but I forgot what the thread was about
Wasn't it some fetish or /aco/-lite general?
Just seems like kinda of an obsessive fan (Which is what we should be), at least he actually seems to care. I'd take a million of him over Guy, zoomerfag, that guy whining about that robot monkey show being too dark, Ferrisanon and that Eleutheromania whackjob.
Because Yea Forums is the worst board on Yea Forums, It's nothing but try-hard unfunny isabella coomer threads, and pedo threads. I only come now for the AniDom threads, so I can watch Family Guy live. And that's the only cartoon that brings Me excitement and joy to watch anymore.
The Yea Forums tournaments have some fun schizos. Pic related.
Go away Tourney, you're not fun, just a frustrating retarded narcissist
There was also that Yea Forums schizo last year who showed his phone statics that he spends 24 hours a day on Yea Forums
Oh. You were the schizo all along
>Yea Forums is the worst board on Yea Forums
That's a new fag answer for those who haven't explored the other blue boards let alone the red boards
We're bad but calling us the worse would give us too much credit
When people think Yea Forums, they never think Yea Forums
How could you make such a bold statement when Yea Forums exist. Try going in there and have a conversation without getting tranny/soijaked or threads being flooded with "jew jew sneed sneed jew black people jew jew". There are some genuine mentally ill people in there like /x/, it's funny when you're a newfag but when you realize it's the same for how many years it's exhausting.
I wanna say it was an Yea Forums girls ass thread
>which is what we should be
Support your claim
What do you mean? All the Yea Forums schizos we have, while infuriating, are interesting in how they managed to ban evade and bait guaranteed replies in every thread.
>get trolled out of every thread you enter
>it's everyone else that is the problem
Invest in a mirror!
You legitimately might have autism if you cannot tell the difference.
We would have a board full of people actually talking about comics and cartoons instead of the same copypaste threads.
The only thing half-way funny about him is how he obviously projects his own failure onto everyone else
Bold of you to assume I even post anymore, or that I didn't join in on the jakking and /pol/ tier shitposting. It gets boring, I don't know how some people can do it daily for months. I'll get you that mirror, maybe a projector too!
I thought guy posted his manifesto and left
Did he? I haven't seen him around lately but I assumed I was just not in whatever threads he was freaking out in.
Maybe he offed himself at last.
For me, it was funniest when he'd try and act like a normal person or defend some show/character he clearly didn't like. You could never tell if he was trying to derail the threads or just lonely. The thread where he tried to defend the jockey elves Simpsons episode as an example of cancel culture or something was so surreal I had to double check that it wasn't a dream the next morning.
He posted it on his deviant art and now is on twitter
Seems mods finally perma banned him
>doing their job
I can't believe it.
whatever happened to his niece I don't want to bother answering it.
God it feels like yesterday
If this kid actually died there is no justice in the world
Wait how is he dead?
Don't forget Industrycuck
This. Yea Forums is the best board.
How does this have nothing to do with comics and cartoons?
You fit this thread
Because none of you are discussing Comics or Cartoons, this is a low quality meta thread which is against Global Rule 8 and is off topic.
Not everything has to be about comics and cartoons retard.
user, we're literally on the comics and cartoons board
Here's alot of stuff about this guy:
Have you ever applied to be a janitor.
This! Why do people do sit on being backseat mods. Let people talk about what they want.
He tried.
And failed.
Because he is too much of an autistic and selfish retard to go and focus on the legitimately /pol/-tier/board-damaging threads, and instead goes and polices the threads he clearly is insulted at.
This! /pol/ is a serious problem, this thread isn’t. I wish we could have more threads like this.
Doesn’t mean I fucking like comics or cartoons. I come for general threads like this; I like the community.
you will never be a janny, duckulafag
Ignore this retard he's the same faggot who pops into the autism threads and cries about how everyone needs to be reported for being off topic. Yet funny enough you never see him complain about any of the other garbage that gets posted here like the daily twitter threads he seems to only police things about autism and schizophrenia... Interesting. Maybe it hits too close to home.
This is barely above twitter posting.