I miss when the most woke comics could get was just putting lesbians in it. Oh well can't wait to see its sales tank and they blame white supremacy for poor sales overseas. Kek.
Bat "Girl"
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This is just a desperate attempt by DC to get people talking about their comics because the industry is dying a slow painful death. Pay it no mind.
lol this is some serious "mansplaining is just telling the truth" shit
Would you Yea Forums?
>Comics MATTER w /Ya Boi Zack
Nah, pass. I'm not into pus, feces filled, inside out dicks turned into axe wounds.
You're so devious, OP!
>terf-hunting bat
Wow, thanks so much for posting this here man, so cool. We could learn so much from this guy it seems.
But trans women are as strong as men why doesn't he just use his fists?
Post more moobie vids Zack
Pay me
Eartha Kitt was so fucking cool as Catwoman in the 60's what happened Westsisters?
No i'm gay I don't fuck neovag or feminine benis havers
What does this mean, exactly?
The last halfway decent Batman story was in 2011. Anyone still reading the series at this point deserves to suffer. Besides there is literally decades of OLD Batman stuff, why even bother reading the 15 NEW monthly issues when you know they’re gonna be trash?
Neovaginas have to be sounded with a dildo thing because your body will heal as it is a wound and you cant have sex
When an MtF person gets surgery to invert genitals, they need to use dildoes (dialators) of different sizes to insert into the newly-created opening on a schedule to keep it from closing. Someone shared this link years ago so I dunno if it's still current: chet-plasticsurgery.com
Outside of the writing what's wrong with them?
Knew that adaptation would be trash the moment they aired that shit trailer. It was so OOC of Kate Kane in the comics.
Shit working conditions, actresses got their ribs broken. Another woman became paralyzed. That's why the main actress quit. That and it's a shit show.
Fuckers actually thought they could get away with it by casting a black woman.
Why can't you guys jus let people be happy
Hell no. If it was a lesbian, sure.
Actually its less about the healing factor and more to do with pelvic muscle memory, the healing is like how an earring piercing "tries to heal" initially.
Are trannies letting normal people be happy? Think about that for a sec
So TransBat got implants?
>I'm a trans woman of course I have a weapon
Wow. Ok. An armed & violent male. How suprising.
>thinking lesbians would
People seem happy enough when they see me and my boobs
Because your happiness is a grotesquerie and a genetic dead-end, destructive to the individual and the society they are part of, all excused in the names of emotional buzzwords like "freedom" and "love" and "happiness."
If that's all humanity was meant for, we'd just shoot heroin and join in orgies until we all died. It's inherently immature.
maybe you dont think youre worthy of freedom, love and happiness but dont project your spineless submission to authoritarian despair onto everyone else.
Mentally ill people applauding other mentally ill people for dumb shit isn't exactly something to be proud of but ok. You do you loony. Just don't expect others to believe your delusions.
Jesus christ. The gays weren't this annoying or demanding.
I don't want to hear this from fuckers who are threatened by women who refuse to play along with their larping.
Your moobs aren't making anyone happy bro
I don’t whether to cringe that they made her a tranny or laugh that dykes loosing there shit over this.
A colossal L for Capeshit
>thinking she has a choice
It's all so tiresome.
And there it is. Yet again, the motte-and-bailey conflation of "discipline" with authoritarianism to make your short-sighted, self-indulgent hedonism look like virtuous fighting of bullies and dictators instead of licentiousness.
I hope to God your parents had other children. I can't imagine anything more miserable than raising a kid who gleefully wants to literally fuck themselves to death.
What's the problem? She's a girl and she's got a bat.
no. he isn't.
The fact that you're trying to impose your idea of "disciple" on others IS authoritarianism.
>tfw you escaped the hell of modern comics by going full Weisman and writing your own intensive timeline of the DC universe, with detailed story arcs and events for all the stuff you like and leaving out all the cancer
Wait so your actually trans? No larping?
Nobody cares if a bunch of loony spinsters, britoids, "religious" cranks and fruit loop feminists get together and pretend that we dont have the technology to alter sexual characteristics. The issue is when these people try to supercede all morality, liberty and reason to inflict tremendous pain on people by depriving them if not of their medication than surely their right to choose.
No i mean like guys ogling my boobs is a regular occurance.
Youre such a drama queen lol do you always whine so much?
A well done transition requires more discipline than you think but in any case you dont just get to discard all ethical and scientific reasoning to impose your federal restrictions on other peoples' bodies. Not without kicking up a fuss at least.
Generally because so many other people reveal themselves to be utter fucking man-child brats.
We're living in an age where an entire generation of kids has grown up believing that their actions and beliefs ipso facto justify themselves because so long as the consequences are either:
1. not immediately negative in the short-term,
2. negative only to the individual themselves, or
3. negative, but done in the name of "fighting for justice"
Then only fascists would dare criticize the actions and beliefs in question.
Your ideology is one of sodomites, fat acceptance, black nationalist looters, hypocrites, animals, and misandrists. It allows for shit like the AIDS epidemic to run unchecked through the very LGBT communities it claims to support, because the rush of free and casual sex matters more than the possible disastrous consequences to the individual or any of those they purport to love.
Funny how that logic went on a full 180-inversion when COVID hit and people needed to be held responsible for the risk they could pose to others just for not wearing a mask or going outside. Don't remember seeing a whole lot of leftists bitching about "authoritarians" when they were sucking government cock.
You are imposing tremendous pain on people with your disgusting Frankenstein surgeries.
You spew out green shit in your womb call that shit Nickelodeon Slime
Is this thread still going on?
>Generally because so many other people reveal themselves to be utter fucking man-child brats
I agree but thats why i oppose your bizarre desire for the government to replace your parents as some sort of regulating force in your life; and honestly you shouldnt need your parents for that anymore either.
>Don't remember seeing a whole lot of leftists bitching about "authoritarians" when they were sucking government cock.
I have no issue with people skipping out on the jab, we all took our risks with it. Either you decided COVID was a bigger risk than side effects or vice versa. Thats fine. But it is very telling so many people like you in your ideological pursuit of controlling the lives of others would deny trans people our bodily autonomy.
How so? My parents were supportive of my BA, my mom took care of me post op. My friends think my boobs rock, i attract more attention from men and i feel super confidant. Everyone says ive gotten bolder, theyre happy to see it. Even when i mentioned getting my balls yeeted my guy friends echoed the sentiment of "makes sense for you". No one cares lol to the extent they care theyre encouraging
Do you ooze Green slime?
Well im not a nickelodeon game show so no
it's not an edit?
Who's "he"?
>That's why the main actress quit
wasn't because she was a druggie cunt forcing herself on female staff?
I'm glad your loved ones aided you in hurting yourself.
>It starts blogging about it's life and how it totally get guys and everyone loves it
It hurt real bad for a week yeah, like someone dropped 2 bowling balls on my chest
Well i get male attention but i dont actually pursue anyone that much, usually couples when i get the itch.
Yikes… sorry tranny, you had me until this point
Sorry. I just dont see myself as marriage material yet. And if its just hookups until then, id rather it be that than anything else. Not something i seek out much tho desu. Its all so exhausting lol
I'm tired of pretending I don't genuinely despise trannies. They groom teenagers on discord, they convince them to take hormone blockers, then they grow up to groom more teenagers. If you create a reddit account without selecting a gender, the sub r/egg_irl will be recommended, the sub's secribtion "for trans people who are in denial of being trans", they convince male teenagers that they already are females, they're just "in denial of it". I am tired of being told that I'm being called dramatic for acknowledging how horrendous it is. Transgenderism is evil. Simple as it is. It is morally wrong. The only thing worse than a transvesite is a normal straight person that pretends to believe in it. You are an evil person if you support "trans rights", you are not mentally ill like them, and you choose to feed their delusion. You're a coward.
Do I really enjoy it when trannies hate/kill themselves? Of course I do, that's the only good side of transgenderism. Yes if I could push a button that made your delusions go away I would, I wish you could be saved. But you can't. The only good side of this is reveling in your suffering. I know that's mean, but everyone does it, even "allies" laughed at the game stop tranny demanding to be called ma'am.
The world would unironically be a better place if all trannies were drug out to the streets and brutally murdered. Less suffering would be in the world. But at the very least, I can just laugh at your entire existence.
I saw a bald homeless troon on r/mademesmile, talking about how happy he is to be getting a new home after his parents disowned him. For a second I was confused and a little sad for him, why would this "make me smile" it was so sad to look at, then I realized, it was actually kind of funny, in a sick twisted kind of way, so it really DID "make me smile", so I actually use reddit for things like this lmao.
Weak boring larp, I rather watch real beautiful woman camp
>literally admits being a redditor
Unironically over