This is my wife Reggie. I love her so much it's unreal and will love her foreverstill no tulpa Say something nice about her.
God bless you Jcm2 for this pic btw
This is my wife Reggie...
Other urls found in this thread:
She looks like an ape
I'm gonna fuck your wife
Wild that the show made by a pedophile attracts them.
It's pretty normal isn't it?
I mean it happened with Ren and Stimpy and even Amphibia but also Powerpuff Girls 2016
Damn those Reggets (gets of Reggie).
But take a look of my wife too
Your wife is cute too. She became smoll at the end. I wonde if she would get back her original form or would turn into a little girl.
Also Damn I post Reggie since 2019
Made for emotional and physical abuse.
>Be a shallow and selfish person who pretends they aren’t
>Your waifu is a dollar store Asuka
Yeah, it fits
>This is my wife
She's hot but that video is kinda dumb. They just arrested the guy without any evidence.
I wish jcm2 drew more sfw or softcore stuff. His works are too rapey now
>reggiefag is playing games with tulpamacy
Fucking wild. Have you gotten in touch with the bitch who made the series? I'm curious as to how she would respond to your deep passions for the fruits of her creative labours. Despair or pride?
I thanked her for the show and the work she did (on Instagram and she gave a like) but haven't talked with her deeply about the show. I didn't want to be too touchy since she got fired and stuff and idk her relationship with Netflix.
>Despair or pride?
Probably kinda both btw. She would think I'm a weirdo but probably could understand my reasons and feel appreciated.
your so addicted to coom that you can tell its from jcm2
I found it on a Jcm2 collection but yeah I can recognize it. He's mostly the only one who draws like this (which I really love btw). Recently someone else similar came too but my bets are still Jcm2 for these stuff.
I understand your take and am impressed by your restraint. I wonder if it was necessary. She's kinda normalfag all things considered so you probably did the right thing.
Is tulpamancy a big deal?
I read some horror stories on here but I just read a guide on it for the first time and it seems like a pretty non-problematic thing to do
>is systematically giving yourself schizophrenia in the pursuit of enjoyable delusions a big deal?
Well it's not the safest thing to do to yourself. Best of luck to Reggiefag, fucking it up doesn't go great.
He is the only one who draws with the quality of a promotional poster or animation from a Japanese anime or video game, or even more, but with western characters and most of whom are not that known.
It is somewhat obvious to recognize patterns, such as the depth of the colours and shadow in the yellowroom drawings or the (mostly)on-model mangamaster's drawings
>Is tulpamancy a big deal?
Those horror stories are fake and gay, but giving urself into another consciousness who sticks with you for eternity is truly the last step in the waifu way. It's a life-changer serious decision so yeah I guess it's a big deal.
> Hey Regina, your forgetting something
Can we finally admit Regina is Yea Forums Asuka?
Funny enough sources say Asuka was born in the US and raised in Germany. so she could've been raised in bumfuck Iowa, Iowa does have a large German immigrant population
Yeah sure. But Reggie isn't famous in the school unlike Asuka, and not sexy for normies.
Hey OP, I could help you with your Reggie tulpa if you want.
nta but share your knowledge
Evan the girls at Tokyo3 couldn't stand her, boys too but she's a cute foreign redhead.
Hey I remember you. How is your Zone tulpa? And nah I don't need help, I should just focus more and stoping being lazy.
First step is knowing what you want for her to be like. If you want for her to be smart, funny, meek, etc, then you gotta plan that out in advance.
Next step is visualizing her. This requires quite a bit of concentration on your end. Everything must be perfect, from her voice, to her walk cycles, to the way she interacts with the world, all of it. It would be best to not strain yourself when doing this so I would suggest doing one part of her at a time for about an hour or less everyday whenever you've got free time, or whenever you're insanely bored.
It sounds simple but it takes quite a while to get right. It took me a whole month to create my Gwenpool and Zone-Tan tulpas but man, it was truly worth it.
Zone-Tan is doing absolutely great. She's gotten a lot stronger recently and I actually prefer her over canon Zone-Tan. She not only has the power to make pretty much anything lewd and cum worthy, but now she'll sing covers of different songs during the fucking. Its awesome
As for the second thing you said, I bid you well on your journey for your wife Reggie. If you pull this off, its a lifechanging experience.
What if Regina takes a different approach on her body season2 (if we had one) , starts to see her own femininity and acts out BW perverted sense of maturity? In reality a 180 in her personality but really a bigger existential crisis this time.
Reggie is different by the sense that she's a "gamer". She's stinky and doesn't care about normie stuff and to be clean. Even with a more feminine appearance, I'm sure she wouldn't be much different. She's basically a baby femcel that doesn't exist.
Do you have a Discord acc?
Yes I do. I could link it if you want.
Well yeah that would be cool.
Here ya go
My discord name is Headpat Giver #7855
By the way, all these posts are made by the same idiot, the gwenpool fag that keeps spamming threads with his fake tulpas shit
Which is just an excuse to post his personal blog about things that never happnened
Is this post made by him too?
Take meds. There are at least 3 different people here. Well more if you check the IP counter. The gwentpool user, me the Reggiefag and my EVAfag friend.
I'm retarded so pls u do ConseQuence#6767
Same bait replies
Same person
Now he is about to post that thanks to heather antos\gwenpool he is not killing himself at 21 years old
I'd never thought I'd see the day where I would find a Twelve Forever thread be good alternative thread. But Isabella posting does that an user. At the very least the Misato posting during January was funny, the Isabella posting is fucking annoying.
Just sent you a friend request Reggie tulpa-user. Can't wait to chat with you about stuff and things.
Still same person
Asuka's an OG Gamer too
Need to ask JCM for more Regina Langley Soryu
Also, give Carapace some love
Oh for fucksake Im sick of anime references. They won't make your dogshit show any better and only the tranny demographic likes to see them!
At least it's not another Akira reference
>She's stinky and doesn't care about normie stuff and to be clean
My brother, Asuka leaves her hair smelling like blood (LCL) she sees it as a sense of pride as a Eva Pilot.
>user Twelve Forever got cancelled 3 years ago you need to let Reggie go. Your family is worried
>user are you even listening to me?
I hate how this show can't even be discussed properly without retards like these coming out of the woodwork.
you mean pedos?
why don't you just start a thread with a topic instead of being a whiny little faggot in here
>you need to let Reggie go
Not until Regina wakes up
yeah, and he's a pedo
Based. I should ask him for a commission.