this guy walks up to you in the marketplace and asks you to define justice
what do you do?
this guy walks up to you in the marketplace and asks you to define justice
what do you do?
let him borrow my copy of "justice as fairness"
Define justice
Pull out my copy of Plato's Republic and recite it verbatim
>Fuck off stinking faggot
Exists in the mind of the Trinitarian Godhead as the ideal schema by which He has unfolded history heretofore and hence for all eternity, therefore all is Just. Amen. And, just between you and me, you're gonna end up killing yourself btfo kiddy fiddler.
i'd ask him define define.
Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty nigger!
Usually he goes away if you threaten him enough
just behaviour or treatment.
A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.
I am by the apple aisle, holding a Golden Delicious in my right hand. A man giving away a broad aura moves beside me and asks me to define the word justice, he looks exactly like Socrates. I quickly figured out he was probably some larper from Yea Forums making me smirk and lean back "so, which is your favourite book from the meme trilogy, babe?" I asked him to make sure but he only stared at me confused. I began to sweat, this really is the Socrates. "uh, justice. Defining that is a useless play of words, l-linguistics are flawed!" I stuttered and went away before he could answer me.
I didn't even buy my apple and went home to my small apartment and trap boyfriend from /int/, my whole world was moving, reality was crumbling around me. "It is midnight. The rain is beating on the windows" I said to myself, looking outsude only It was not midnight. It was not raining. I was not home, I don't even have a bf from /int/, I never met Socrates. I'm only a slave.
define justice
Treat others as you want to be treated. Give to the poor and help those in need. Treat everyone as an equal; as one of God’s children. We may all be on different stages of the spiritual path and therefore someone may wrong you. Do not wrong them in response, and do not ever seek revenge.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
"God's will"
Tell him that might is right and then stab him
Rap him on top of his head with a staff and say to him "Each man gets what he deserves!"
Justice is the attemption of preventing future misdeeds
There is no such thing as genetic Justice. There are Just acts, which when practiced lead to a healthy society. The virtues are states of character that allow individuals to be be effectively informed by things at and above their level of Being. The virtue in question adheres to what level it directly affects. Justice-Society, Honor-the self, contemplation-God.
*generic Justice*
it means
get the fuck out of my face old man
Get a bunch of niggers and muslims, and start beating the old fart while making the mudslims explode on him.
I walk away embarassed and the next day I mass-stone the place he is teaching
>I mass-stone the place he is teaching
>Be Athenian
>Go to the agora to hear local philosopher Socrates (pronounced So-crates) btfo dumb sophists
>Get stoned
Define define
call him a nigger
Ask him why he thinks people can only specialize in one trade
Give him a copy of my second critique and give him my address so we can correspond.
tell the old queen to stop staring at my ass
tell him to have sex and call him an incel.
You are measured by the measurements you use
she is a featherless biped with a juicy booty