Worth a read or just a meme?
Worth a read or just a meme?
Read it and find out, you braindead muppet.
My time is extremely valuable, any time wasted on reading this if it turned out to be garbage is time that could be better spent shitposting about Kafka on Yea Forums
>tfw heard about that book so I downloaded it to my kindle(not in English so it had another title)
>never started reading it
>a few weeks later by chance I ended up watching the The Name of the Rose movie
>some days later I decided it was time to read the book
>*realizes the movie was an adaptation of the book*
feelsbadman.jpeg because I've heard the book is really good but now i've seen the fucking movie so wtf is the point of reading it when there are so many other good books I could be reading instead
I fucked up didn't I?
Yea it's good. Read it. Now fuck off.
is not that great. There are better books out there. But set's up a fine message about comedy and that's it.
midtier b8
eco is based, do it
The movie is a deliberate parody of the book and the screenplay was written by the author.
It's great, my fren.
If infighting amongst the PCI left, Maoists and Autonomia /Operaismo during the 1970s is your thing then this is your book. Because it is one big metaphor on comedy in Marxism.
Extremely comfy.
when was it a meme?
Where did you get the idea that it's a meme?
That's what makes her more beautiful.
Wait what?
So all the monks are communist intelligentsia.
The augustianians are stalinists
The Franciscans are maoists
The fraticelli are the operaismo / autonomia
And the peasants are the factory workers
Negri is of course burnt and Marx’s science fiction novel is forgotten.
What do I have to read to understand the book in this manner once I reread it?
Engels Peasants war in Germany
A history of the fratticelli
Any autonomia history
A history of the PCI / Stalinism after Stalin
Luther Blissets Q is also good
There isn’t a good history on the rediscovery of Marx after 1946 but that’s an essential part. Most of Marx languished in obscurity and major texts including capital were only seriously read outside of Stalinism after 1946
Obviously Marx novel might be fun.