Why did they choose to make a western cartoon instead of anime?
Why did they choose to make a western cartoon instead of anime?
I assume they thought it would be a good way to build a western fanbase?
They got their foot in the door with the teen titans theme song, and thought they could go a little further.
Better question, why are they japanese pop stars but dressed in british mod/punk styles
Also I heard they really disliked the cartoon cause they thought it had lesbian overtones. is that true?
I heard that in other threads but don't remember seeing a source.
I love the UPA style from the pilot.
Is it just me or this divided the taste in women of the men who watched?
I liked Ami because she was cute and silly but all my friends preferred Yumi because they liked the fact that she was tomboyish and kinda goth or some shit like that.
I like Ami because her voice sounds familiar to Jenny Wakeman, but Yumi is my favorite because of the goth traits.
Those are both obscene gestures
I thought someone at CN just really liked them and pitched a show.
Idk, it was just a strange coincidence I have witnessed
Is that you Zone?
Id fuck ami
I wanna fuck ami and yumi
Is this an extremely obscure cartoon nowadays?
Because it was basically a cartoon version of this.
most people who were alive at the time remember it existed, I feel like
I remember it existed but don't remember it being on air that often
Can you explain what you mean by this?
How do you feel about the parts when they would randomly say things in Japanese?
I didn't care since I got used to it when cartoons mix in Spanish. At least I got to learn some Japanese phrases.
I saw pink and purple in the picture and was about to scream. Thank God it's just Ami and yumi.
Did you think it was Twig and Ponk?
I thought it was fucking Isabella Garcia Shapiro.
Can't fucking escape her right now and it's driving me nuts.
What's even up with the Isabella spam? Is it one autist or a Discord raid or something?
Not OP, I don't know, but it definitely drives me insane
definitely one autist
love this art style
>tfw would rather have Lee shitting up a thread than having autist shit up the entire board
Yea Forums really stepped even lower than the dumpster can allow, huh?
These two are so cute. I'd fuck ami and yumi
I assume it's because they worked with CN on Teen Titans (doing the main theme and all) so there was a relationship established.
So close
So close
And it's you that I believe in
I believe in
So close
But far away, so far I can't touch
I guess that makes sense. A japanese show probably wouldn't have made a difference since they were at their end of the career and making a show with CN would expand their fanbase in the west.
in the artbook you can see some Hi Hi Puffy influence, and even Ami's eye sketched out in the corner
for comparison
That's pretty cool. I never would've noticed.
This cartoon was fucking terrible.