What was his problem?

What was his problem?

Attached: 4797003-hueyfreeman.png (660x753, 216.74K)

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blacks have a victim complex

He was smarter than everybody else.


Naive chuuni

The Vexing Black Community.

You do what you can to help people and they make you wonder... why you even bother...

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not a single negro in his area in interested in radical black politics

He lives in a society.

The worst part is that unlike a lot of hoteps that DO get attention, Huey has solid points.

He doesn't consume mainstream black entertainment and realizes the negative influence it has on black americans. Unfortunately he's the only one that seems to realize this which frustrates the shit out of him.

He has these high-minded ideals and loves attaching his ego to what they represent but has a bad habit of not following through or just failing to deal with the harsh realities of the world he actually lives in.

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He was "woke." That was the issue. He felt he was above it all and thus was an asshole to everyone around him. He became pretentious.

Black and disillusioned

It's more of an inferiority complex

Huey lived in a world of Niggers instead of Africans.

Would he believe the whole Buck Breaking shit?

No Caesar to balance him out.


Dude was a racist because of his inability to relax and enjoy himself from time to time.

He reached for the secret too soon


That wasn't his issue though.

>The worst part is that unlike a lot of hoteps that DO get attention
That's by design.

It makes me somewhat sad we NEVER got a boondocks buckbreaking, as the Uncle Rukkus rant alone would be worth the price of admission, much less BLM.

Pic related.

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He's an idealist in a flawed world. Do you think he would get along with Duckman?

Attached: Duckman.jpg (320x180, 6.28K)

same problem most marxists have: surrounded by morons who refuse to listen to reason


>same problem most marxists have: surrounded by morons who refuse to listen to reason

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He was Lisa Simpson as a black boy.

>He was smarter than everybody else.
The fact they never explained how he knows so much about so much really pissed me off. I'm not saying its impossible but a person like that would be sitting in front of a computer or a book reading all the time, not sitting watching tv or playing games.

He was a hater.

There is a computer in their room If remember correctly.

He attributed too much of society's ills to race rather than class.

He thought he was woke, but he was just a joke.

>The fact they never explained how he knows so much about so much really pissed me off.
It's explicitly stated he be all into readin an shit. That's some real good shit my nigga for real.

>90's malaise meets the unsettling post-9/11 oughts
A dangerous combination.

He’s a radical leftist who, while being remarkably intelligent for a kid his age, has a huge ego which makes him feel disassociated with his own community.

>same problem most marxists have: surrounded by people who are far more logical than them
Fixed it.


I liked the fact that he was an activist and a conspiracy nut but in a badass way. Most activists are wimpy ass faggots.
I like badass nerds.

The funny part is when he gets people to back his cause they usually are useless

Listened to Rage Against The Machine once and suddenly thinks he's the reincarnation of Malcolm X.

I kinda like it when it shows he is just a kid and conspiracy nuts are just that; idealistic liberals who live in a fantasy world.
I liked that scene where he gets the cinema worker fired because he followed his advice and then the worker tells him to fuck off. I feel like that's how Lisa Simpson should be handled when she's in the wrong.

It was autism.

kid was born a genius in world Full of morons, dipshits and misfits. The hell you THINK his problem was?

Go back to your rap music Reily

Not a ghetto soon to-be-dead thug.

He became irrelevant past the 1st season

Lacks a buckbreaker in his life

>same problem most marxists have: surrounded by morons who refuse to listen to reason

How bout another joke, Wuncler?

>but a person like that would be sitting in front of a computer or a book reading all the time
There's plenty of times Huey is shown reading a book in the background while everyone else is going on with their shenanigans.

>huey was an asshole
Was he though? He was always trying to help people out even when they didn't really deserve it. Sure he was always grumpy about it, but that's reasonable considering the people he was surrounded by.

sensible man born to an insensible people

his reboot got cancelled :(

Author avatar.

user that's a good thing.

He was a mouth piece for Aaron McGruder where he could voice his complaints of the black community through him. I think my favorite was when Huey was disowned by his old Black Nationalist best friend for becoming "white", its funny because IRL McGruder is a black nationalist and loves idealized afrocentrism but absolutely hates black american culture, its even funnier because black American culture is becoming more and more prevalent among blacks of other nationalities so I wonder what Aaron McGruder things now that his idealized Afrocentrism is being replaced with the reality of the "niggatry" across all blacks. I wonder if it'll get to a point where he completely disavows his race

I don't think the kind of mirror this show holds up to society would be all that welcome today, at least not by the people who need to see it most. Worse yet, it may have been sterilized for modern sensibilities.

Mostly because so many important voice actors on it died
That's why something like it is needed. Though I understand the fear of sterilization.

He is basically a smart white man in a black body who is trying to help his people who turned out to be as bad as everyone else says
Why wouldn't he be mad?

You do realize you can learn things from books and the internet right?

he lives in america society