>dc's most successful ya graphic novel
>has consistently been in dc's top 10 best sellers on amazon since it released
>still no sequel
What the fuck is DC doing?
She's relegated to DC's Titans Academy now.
They're still tyring to unscrew her from CHAD Jordan.
Why can't she just have her own little continuity away from it all?
That would be the smart decision and DC always does the opposite of what would be the smartest decision.
whats it about i refuse to google
cute girl gets magic paint that gives her superpowers. each color gives her a different power when she puts it on her body.
>dc's most successful ya graphic novel
Uhh no, that would be their Teen Titans stuff.
tattoo propaganda
>and now we apply some cum white, because in our world, we can fuck the little girl, FBI has no power here.
user it sucked get over it, the quality of most of DC’s YA lime is just incredibly awful
i love all the lewd/big boob/skimpy thong costume edits Yea Forums did of her during 2019. it was epic.
No, it's couldn't be. It feels like yesterday.
i know. fucking sucks. those were epic threads.
C'mon user. You can't just say that and not post an example.
The freckles are pretty cute.
It was a litle cameo. Might be non canon as well.
Everything has to be in continuity for some reason.
I bet the introduction of her super suit at the end didn't help. To this day, I don't get it. I figured Primer wore a tank top and shorts so can more easily apply the super paint. Not to mention the suit takes away the young indie artist vibe the entire comic seemed to be going for.
Hopefully the reconsider it.
Latest official picture of her I saw has her in her street artist look and she looks a little older
Remember to always blame your government for what was done to you.
>at the end
Does that imply there was an actual STORY in this capeshit, a story that actually ENDED?
It was like the first chapter of a book so there's more to come.
Well it was more like a beginning.
she's the first original, successful, non-legacy character for DC in a long-ass time
don't you want some interactivity with a character who isn't Bat family, a Kryptonian, or a Green Lantern?
Seeing how well that went for Kamala, no.
Okay. My least favourite thing about cape comics, and why I tend to avoid it, is that stories go on forever until the writer(s) write themselves into a corner or run out of ideas (or the writing becomes terrible). Then the story gets rebooted, and the cycle continues.
not really. the way the big two handle continuity nowadays means she would have to appear in a million things that you need to read to follow her stories and her book is constantly having to cram a bunch of unrelated superheroes because editorial demanded it.
No, that's CNs Teen Titans stuff.
Make up and fashion propoganda.
Kamala was never popular.
It was all staged bullshit and we all fell for it.
Hal Jordan's restraining order kicked in
It's not like the characters is part of the regular fucked up continuity and a series with a different team of writer and artist has been announced yet. So far it's a characters that got one graphic novel and that's it. A sequel was to be expected since the character had a good reception. I just hope her appearance on Titans academy was just that, a cameo.
Well, I am filled with hope. A story the writer actually cared for, and a proper ending WITHOUT CLIFF HANGERS. is all I want.
Me too senpai
I almost forgot about this qt. I hope she gets that sequel.
It's only popular because one user pointed out that the paints that give her superpowers are made from fluids extracted from superhumans so naturally Yea Forums jerked off to the bodyfluids+underage girl aspect and not the actual quality of the book itself
>The paints that give her superpowers are made from fluids extracted from superhumans
I forgot what it was but yeah the paints in the comic are made from SAFE FOR WORK fluids (ie sweat and shit) but because it can be any fluids Yea Forums went with cum
So Yea Forums spams the board about how liberals are groomers and pedophiles and turns around and jerks off to underage girls?
Reminds me of how Yea Forums kept saying James Gunn needed to die for doing pedojokes whole lasting over penny Parker.
Guess it's true about how conservatives are the biggest projectors outthere
Man I really like both her design and the art style... Why can't we have nice things?
Team ups and crossovers ruin fun small scale heroes like this. Ms Marvel has never been as fun as its first run.
Yea Forums isn't conservative at all
user don't reply to that fool. He thinks Yea Forums is one person.
That's why I usually aoid threads about Primer or Supersons.
This is litterally a shill whoring political bullshit to divide people so we all won't sit down compare notes and start looking at what groups are pushing the negative things upon society as a whole and who we should be fighting.
>So Yea Forums spams the board
almost as if you're talking to more than one person, retard.
Seems cute. Do I need to have read anything else to start it or is it entirely it's own thing?
it's it's own thing
Cool. If it's entirely it's own thing then I'll snoop around for it and give it a shot.
>or a Green Lantern?
>underage girls
I hope she get's in a cartoon
That's just a thing in general. It's not like Japan is known for their endings like AoT or One Piece.
"You got it all wrong"
That book got cancelled before any character assassination could get her.
So there's a 6-issue Justice League thing coming up that's something about the JL as dinosaurs. The Jurassic League. 6 issues? I can see it holding for 3 or 4, maybe, but 6 ish seems like stretching the joke too long. That seems like wasted pages that could have been used for any sort of story- except "Not Starfire", that was terrible.
Primer probably got no producer shilling.
Absolutely not
She'd either be in some horrible Teen Titans run and die, or dhe'd become some batcharacter's sidekick and get horrifically character assassinated like RHATO Roy and now Connor because DC doesn't know how to give characters panel time without putting them next to a batcharacter.
Is this different than the graffiti chick that Nightwing smooches I can't remember her fucking name
Her powers require constant support from whichever agency funded her mom.
At best she should be a rival hero.
>people in charge of the government should be as moral as autistic man-childern on a honey pot website